
来源:互联网 发布:supreme淘宝正品店 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 00:42
create database idx
log on
--创建实例中的三张表(studentinfo  recruitinfo  department)
use idx
create table studentinfo
sno char(3) not null,
sname char(200) not null,
sex char (2) not null default '男',
address char(300) not null,
dno int  not null
select * from studentinfo order by sno
insert into studentinfo values ('001','张平','女','湖南QQ','2')
insert into studentinfo (sno,sname,sex,address,dno) values ('002','李山','男','北京','4')
insert into studentinfo (sno,sname,address,dno) values ('003','张伟','浙江','1')
insert into studentinfo (sno,sname,address,dno) values ('004','高守传','山东','3')
insert into studentinfo (sno,sname,sex,address,dno) values ('003','王彤','女','湖北','2')
insert into studentinfo (sno,sname,sex,address,dno) values ('006','刘小静','女','山东','6')
insert into studentinfo (sno,sname,sex,address,dno) values ('008','刘红','女','河南','5')
insert into studentinfo (sno,sname,address,dno) values ('007','张勇','河北','6')
insert into studentinfo (sno,sname,address,dno) values ('009','吴军','山西','4')
insert into studentinfo (sno,sname,address,dno) values ('010','张大山','陕西','7')
update studentinfo set dno=4 where sno=006
update studentinfo set sno='004' where sname='张伟'
update studentinfo set sno='003' where sname='王彤'
update studentinfo set sno='005' where sname='高守传'
update studentinfo set address='湖南' where sno='001'
create table recruitinfo
address char(200) not null,
score float not null,
snum int not null
insert into recruitinfo values ('浙江',638,76)
insert into recruitinfo values ('北京',560,220)
insert into recruitinfo values ('湖南',648.5,65)
insert into recruitinfo values ('湖北',654,85)
insert into recruitinfo values ('山东',650,80)
insert into recruitinfo values ('河南',629.5,72)
insert into recruitinfo values ('河北',625,58)
insert into recruitinfo values ('山西',631,55)
insert into recruitinfo values ('陕西',635,62)
select * from recruitinfo
create table department
dno int not null,
dname char(100) not null,
dnum int not null
insert into department values (1,'计算机工程系',220)
insert into department values (2,'汽车系',80)
insert into department values (3,'机械工程系',120)
insert into department values (4,'电子工程系',180)
insert into department values (5,'工程物理系',40)
insert into department values (6,'应用数学系',50)
insert into department values (7,'材料工程系',60)
select * from department order by dno
use idx
select * from studentinfo
create index name_index  on studentinfo (sname)
--单字段非簇索引的创建:create index 索引名 on 表名(列名)
select sname from studentinfo
select * from studentinfo with (index(name_index))
create index sexname_index on studentinfo(sex,sname)
select * from studentinfo with (index(sexname_index))
create unique index sno_index on studentinfo (sno desc)
--创建唯一索引 unique index 字段:sno 降序
select * from studentinfo with (index(sno_index))
insert into studentinfo values (010,'熊猫','男','四川',7)
select * from studentinfo
update studentinfo set sno='010' where sname='熊猫'
update studentinfo set sno='011' where sname='熊猫'
create unique index add_index on studentinfo(address)
insert into studentinfo values('012','林小水','女','西南','3')
select * from studentinfo
update studentinfo set sname='林大水' where sno='012'
delete studentinfo where sno='012'
create clustered index  sname_cindex on studentinfo(sname)
select * from studentinfo
drop index studentinfo.sname_cindex   
--drop index 表名.索引名
create clustered index  sexadd_cindex on studentinfo(address,sex)
select *  from studentinfo
drop index studentinfo.sexadd_cindex
--sql  删除索引需要指定表名
create view studentinfo_view as select * from studentinfo
select * from studentinfo_view
create view oth_view as select * from studentinfo where sex='男'
select * from oth_view
create view sd_view as select sname,address from studentinfo
select * from sd_view
create view bt_view(bname,baddress,bsex) as select sname,address,sex from studentinfo where sex='男'
select * from bt_view
create view join_view
select studentinfo.sname,studentinfo.address,studentinfo.sno,dname,score from studentinfo,department,recruitinfo
where studentinfo.address=recruitinfo.address
and studentinfo.dno=department.dno
drop view join_view
select * from join_view order by sno
select * from studentinfo
create view boy_view
select * from studentinfo where sex='男'
select * from boy_view
create view score_view(sno,sname,sex,address,dno)
select studentinfo.* from studentinfo,recruitinfo 
where studentinfo.address=recruitinfo.address
and recruitinfo.score>630 and studentinfo.sex='男'
drop view score_view
select * from score_view
create view bc_view
select * from score_view 
where sno in (select sno from boy_view)
select * from bc_view
create view rbc_view(sname,dname)
select bc_view.sname,department.dname from bc_view,department where bc_view.dno=department.dno
select * from rbc_view
drop  view rbc_view