
来源:互联网 发布:puppy linux 安装软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/12 01:31
use seldata
select * from sys.tables
--sum() 函数(求和)
--语法:select sum(column_name) from table_name
select SUM(sal) from teacher where sex='男'
select * from teacher order by sex
select SUM(sal) from teacher where age>40

--    count(column)则是该列行数,NULL值不计入计算。
select COUNT(*) as totalitem from teacher
select * from teacher
select COUNT(tno) as totaltno,COUNT(tname) as totaltname,
COUNT(sal) as totalsal from teacher
select COUNT(tno) as totaltno,COUNT(tname) as totaltname,
COUNT(sal) as totalsal,COUNT(cast(tno as CHAR)+tname) as totaltname,
count(cast(sal as char(5))+tname) as tsalname from teacher where sex='女'
select COUNT(*) as Wteacher from teacher where sex='女'

--MAX(column)/MIN(column)的列值可以为字符,日期 数字等类型
select MAX(age) as MAXAGE from teacher
use seldata
--select tname,dname,sex,MAX(age) from teacher
--select tname,dname,tsex,sal,age from teacher where age=max(age)
select * from teacher where age=(select MAX(age)from teacher)
select a.* from teacher as a where a.age=(select MAX(age) from teacher)
select MAX(tname) as maxname from teacher
select convert(char(11),MAX(ctest),20) as bigtime,convert(char(11),MIN(ctest),20) as littletime from course

--语法:select avg(column) from table_name
select AVG(age)  as avgage from teacher 
select AVG(sal) as avg_age1,SUM(sal)/COUNT(*) as avgage2,SUM(sal)/COUNT(sal) as avgage3 
from teacher
--注意:avg(sal) 和sum(sal)/count(sal)是相等的,因为count(sal)不会处理null行,而sum(sal)/count(*)
select AVG(age) as computer from teacher where dname='计算机'
select * from teacher where age>=(select AVG(age) from teacher )and sex='女' order by age 
--聚合函数的重复值处理 语法:select 函数(all/distinct) column) from table name
select COUNT(all sal) as totalsal,COUNT(distinct sal) as totalsal2  from teacher
select COUNT(distinct sal) as totalsal2 from teacher

select * from teacher a where a.sal in (select sal from teacher group by sal having COUNT(*)>1)
order by sal
select COUNT(sal) as '重复次数' ,sal from  teacher a
group by sal having COUNT(sal)>1 order by sal desc

select  COUNT(*) as '参与统计数量',
        max(sal) as '最高工资',
        min(sal) as '最低工资',
        sum(sal) as '工资合计',
        SUM(sal)/COUNT(sal) as '平均工资',
        avg(sal) as '还是平均工资'
        from teacher
--语法:select coloum1 count/avg/max/sum(column) from table group by column1 
--注意: group by coloumn1必须为前面的column1
select AVG(sal) from teacher where sex='男'    
select AVG(sal) from teacher where sex='女'
select AVG(sal) from teacher
select ((select AVG(sal) from teacher where sex='男') +   
(select AVG(sal) from teacher where sex='女'))/2
--以上为求平均值的一些语句,而我们同时取求男 女分别平均值?
select sex+'教师' as '教师' ,AVG(sal) as '平均工资' from teacher
group by sex --sex 为选择的分组列
--group by 根据多列组合行(当组合为多组,对满足多个条件的每一条值进行分组处理。统计函数同时对这些分类进行统计。
select dname,sex,COUNT(*) as '总人数'  from teacher group by dname,sex order by sex
--group by 扩展查询结果:rollup cube
select dname,sex,COUNT(*) as '总人数'  from teacher group by dname,sex with rollup 
order by dname
select dname,sex,COUNT(*) as '总人数'  from teacher group by sex,dname with rollup 
order by dname
select dname,sex,COUNT(*) as '总人数' from teacher group by dname, sex with cube
order by dname
select dname,sex,COUNT(*) as '总人数' from teacher group by dname, sex 
order by dname
--group by 对null值处理
select sal,COUNT(*) from teacher group by sal order by sal
--语法:select column,sum/max/count/avg(column) from table
--      group by column having sum/max/count/avg(column) condition<条件表达式> value 
select dname,COUNT(*) as '统计人数'
from teacher
group by dname
having count(*)>=2
--having 子 句和where 子句
--1.having在有group by 语句时, 仅作用接受于group by子句创建的分组
--2.having在指定where子句而没有group by 子句时,作用接受于where条件输出看作一个组处理
--3.having在没有where,group by子句时,作用接受于from语句输入。
select dname,COUNT(sex) as '有女教师系统计'
from teacher where sex='女'
group by dname  

select dname,COUNT(sex) as '有女教师系统计'
from  teacher
group by dname
having sex='女'
--消息 8121,级别 16,状态 1,第 4 行
--HAVING 子句中的列 'teacher.sex' 无效,因为该列没有包含在聚合函数或 GROUP BY 子句中。
--按下面这样写就正确。这样可以看出 where 和having区别,having是作用于组列内容,where是作用于组列。
select dname,COUNT(sex) as '有女教师系统计' from teacher
group by dname 
having dname='计算机'

select dname,COUNT(sex) as '女性人数统计' from teacher
where sex='女'
group by dname
having count(sex)>=2
order by COUNT(sex)
--having子句在没有group by时单独使用
select COUNT(sex) as tmteacher from teacher
where sex='女'
having COUNT(sex)>=2
order by COUNT(sex)