golang template

来源:互联网 发布:西安网络推广外包公司 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 01:55


{{.}} 表示当前对象 --直接输出对象便利店数组 map 数据切片{{range …}}{{end}} {{with …}}{{end}} package mainimport (    "html/template"    "os")type Friend struct {    Fname string}type Person struct {    UserName string    Emails   []string    Friends  []*Friend}func main() {    f1 := Friend{Fname: "xiaomig"}    f2 := Friend{Fname: "xiaowei"}    t := template.New("fieldname example")    t, _ = t.Parse(`hello {{.UserName}}!            {{range .Emails}}                an email {{.}}            {{end}}            {{with .Friends}}            {{range .}}                my friend name is {{.Fname}}            {{end}}            {{end}}            `)    p := Person{UserName: "Astaxie",        Emails:  []string{"qinzhao@qinzhao.com", "qinzhao@qinzhaocom1"},        Friends: []*Friend{&f1, &f2}}    t.Execute(os.Stdout, p)}

如果if else

package mainimport (    "os"    "text/template")func main() {    tEmpty := template.New("template test")    tEmpty = template.Must(tEmpty.Parse("空 pipeline if demo: {{if ``}} 不会输出. {{end}}\n"))    tEmpty.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)    tWithValue := template.New("template test")    tWithValue = template.Must(tWithValue.Parse("不为空的 pipeline if demo: {{if `anything`}} 我有内容,我会输出. {{end}}\n"))    tWithValue.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)    tIfElse := template.New("template test")    tIfElse = template.Must(tIfElse.Parse("if-else demo: {{if `anything`}} if部分 {{else}} else部分.{{end}}\n"))    tIfElse.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)}*if里面只能是bool值


{{. | html}}


$var := piplepackage mainimport (    "text/template"    "fmt"    "os")func main() {    data:=`{{with $x := "qinzhao" | printf "%q"}}{{$x}}{{end}}{{with $x := "output"}}{{printf "%q" $x}}{{end}}{{with $x := "output"}}{{$x | printf "%q"}}{{end}}`    t:=template.New("demo04")    tpl,err:=t.Parse(data)    if err!=nil{        fmt.Printf("template parse failed %#v \n",err)        return    }    tpl.Execute(os.Stdout,nil)    println()}


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "html/template"    "os"    "strings")type Friend struct {    Fname string}type Person struct {    UserName string    Emails   []string    Friends  []*Friend}func EmailDealWith(args ...interface{}) string {    ok := false    var s string    if len(args) == 1 {        s, ok = args[0].(string)    }    if !ok {        s = fmt.Sprint(args...)    }    // find the @ symbol    substrs := strings.Split(s, "@")    if len(substrs) != 2 {        return s    }    // replace the @ by " at "    return (substrs[0] + " at " + substrs[1])}func main() {    f1 := Friend{Fname: "xiaoming"}    f2 := Friend{Fname: "hello"}    t := template.New("fieldname example")    t = t.Funcs(template.FuncMap{"emailDeal": EmailDealWith})    t, _ = t.Parse(`hello {{.UserName}}!                    {{$var:=.Emails | len}}                    {{$var}}                {{range .Emails}}                    an emails {{.|emailDeal}}                {{end}}                {{with .Friends}}                {{range .}}                    my friend name is {{.Fname}}                {{end}}                {{end}}                `)    p := Person{UserName: "qinzhao",        Emails:  []string{"qinzhao@ww.com", "qinzhao@ww.com01"},        Friends: []*Friend{&f1, &f2}}    t.Execute(os.Stdout, p)    println()}


var builtins = FuncMap{    "and":      and,    "call":     call,    "html":     HTMLEscaper,    "index":    index,    "js":       JSEscaper,    "len":      length,    "not":      not,    "or":       or,    "print":    fmt.Sprint,    "printf":   fmt.Sprintf,    "println":  fmt.Sprintln,    "urlquery": URLQueryEscaper,}


package mainimport (    "fmt"    "text/template")func main() {    tOk := template.New("first")    template.Must(tOk.Parse(" some static text /* and a comment */"))    fmt.Println("The first one parsed OK.")    template.Must(template.New("second").Parse("some static text {{ .Name }}"))    fmt.Println("The second one parsed OK.")    fmt.Println("The next one ought to fail.")    tErr := template.New("check parse error with Must")    template.Must(tErr.Parse(" some static text {{ .Name }}"))}


{{define "子模板名称"}}内容{{end}}通过如下方式来调用{{template "子模板名称"}}//header.tmpl{{define "header"}}<html><head>    <title>演示信息</title></head><body>{{end}}//content.tmpl{{define "content"}}{{template "header"}}<h1>演示嵌套</h1><ul>    <li>嵌套使用define定义子模板</li>    <li>调用使用template</li></ul>{{template "footer"}}{{end}}//footer.tmpl{{define "footer"}}</body></html>{{end}}
package mainimport (    "fmt"    "os"    "text/template")func main() {    s1, _ := template.ParseFiles("header.html", "content.html", "footer.html")    s1.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "header", nil)    fmt.Println()    s1.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "content", nil)    fmt.Println()    s1.ExecuteTemplate(os.Stdout, "footer", nil)    fmt.Println()    s1.Execute(os.Stdout, nil)    println()}


eq    Returns the boolean truth of arg1 == arg2ne    Returns the boolean truth of arg1 != arg2lt    Returns the boolean truth of arg1 < arg2le    Returns the boolean truth of arg1 <= arg2gt    Returns the boolean truth of arg1 > arg2ge    Returns the boolean truth of arg1 >= arg2