关于Visual Studio 2010与64位系统的问题

来源:互联网 发布:政府部门域名申请 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 00:55



1. VS2010没有专门的64位版。但32位版可以在64位系统上面正常使用。
2.  如果安装VS2010的时候,在安装选项里面,选择了 X64 Compilers and Tools那么你就可以编译x64版本的程序;
同理如果你在安装选项里面选择了Itanium Compilers and Tools那么你就可以编译IA64版本的程序;

Itanium Compilers and Tools
Includes the Itanium compiler, tools, and libraries for the C Run-Time (CRT), Standard C++ Library, Active Template Library (ATL), and OpenMP.
X64 Compilers and Tools
Includes the x64 compiler, tools, and libraries for the C Run-Time (CRT), Standard C++ Library, Microsoft Foundation Class (MFC), Active Template Library (ATL), OpenMP, and parallel computing.

3. 你创建一个Visual C++工程之后,可以在编译选项里面指定x86、x64或IA64的Target machine。


Figure 1: Add or remove features

Figure 2: Target Machine setting for Linker

Figure 3: Batch Build

Figure 4: Batch build output window


  • VS2010没64位版本?? http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/zh-CN/vstudiozhchs/thread/8c6ac5d6-ce8e-44e4-b4e8-0db3359c37fd/
  • Visual Studio: Why is there no 64 bit version? (yet) http://blogs.msdn.com/b/ricom/archive/2009/06/10/visual-studio-why-is-there-no-64-bit-version.aspx
  • 5 Tips for Developing with 64-Bit Windows http://visualstudiomagazine.com/Articles/2009/07/01/5-Tips-for-Developing-with-64-Bit-Windows.aspx