shoppping list

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝商品品牌 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 13:47


#!coding:utf-8# Author:pymingmingproduct_list = [    ('Iphone', 5800),    ('Mac Pro', 9800),    ('Bike', 820),    ('watch', 10600),    ('Coffee', 31),    ('Alex python', 120)]shopping_list = [] #商品列表,打印已买商品salary = input('Input your salary:') #输入钱if salary.isdigit(): #判断输入的包不包含数字类型    salary = int(salary) #转化成数字    while True: #进入循环        for index, item in enumerate(product_list): #加下标index            #print(product_list.index(item))            print(index,item) #打印下标 和商品名        user_choice = input('选择商品代号:') #        if user_choice.isdigit(): #如果选择里有数字            user_choice = int(user_choice)  #转化为整型            if user_choice < len(product_list) and user_choice >= 0: #判断在不在范围里                p_item = product_list[user_choice]  #如果在,提取商品名称,价格                if p_item[1] <= salary: #进一步判断商品价格大小,如果小于输入工资,则不执行子程序                    shopping_list.append(p_item) #把能购买的商品加入列表                    salary -= p_item[1] #从工资里减去已买的钱数                    print('Added %s into shopping cart,your current balance is \033[31;1m%s\033[0m'%(p_item,salary)) #打印出要买的东西                else:                    print('your salary can not afford this good,please choose others')            else:                print('your choose not exist,please choose again ')        elif user_choice == 'q':#如果输入q,则打印退出            items = []            for item in shopping_list:               items.append(item)            print('you have already choose\033[32;1m [%s]\033[0m in your shopping list!'%items)            print('you have \033[31;1m%s\033[0m salary left'%salary)            exit()        else:            print('invalid option')else:    print('invalid option')


PS J:\pymingming\day3> python shopping.pyInput your salary:50000 ('Iphone', 5800)1 ('Mac Pro', 9800)2 ('Bike', 820)3 ('watch', 10600)4 ('Coffee', 31)5 ('Alex python', 120)选择商品代号:4Added ('Coffee', 31) into shopping cart,your current balance is 49690 ('Iphone', 5800)1 ('Mac Pro', 9800)2 ('Bike', 820)3 ('watch', 10600)4 ('Coffee', 31)5 ('Alex python', 120)选择商品代号:5Added ('Alex python', 120) into shopping cart,your current balance is 48490 ('Iphone', 5800)1 ('Mac Pro', 9800)2 ('Bike', 820)3 ('watch', 10600)4 ('Coffee', 31)5 ('Alex python', 120)选择商品代号:0your salary can not afford this good,please choose others0 ('Iphone', 5800)1 ('Mac Pro', 9800)2 ('Bike', 820)3 ('watch', 10600)4 ('Coffee', 31)5 ('Alex python', 120)选择商品代号:qyou have already choose [[('Coffee', 31), ('Alex python', 120)]] in your shopping list!you have 4849 salary left
