sublime 的Bracket Highlighter插件配置文件

来源:互联网 发布:js设置div背景图片 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 23:46
{    //Debug logging    "debug_enable": false,    // When only either the left or right bracket can be found    // this defines if the unmatched bracket should be shown.    "show_unmatched" : true,    // Do the opposite of "show_unmatched" for the languages listed below    "show_unmatched_exceptions": [],    // Enable high visibility by default when sublime starts up    // If sublime is already running and this gets changed,    // you will not see any changes (restart requrired to see change)    "high_visibility_enabled_by_default": false,    // High visibility style and color for high visibility mode    // (solid|outline|underline)    // ST3 has additional options of (thin_underline|squiggly|stippled)    "high_visibility_style": "outline",    // (scope|__default__|__bracket__)    "high_visibility_color": "__bracket__",    // Match brackets only when the cursor is touching the inside of the bracket    "match_only_adjacent": false,    // Character threshold to search    "search_threshold": 5000,    // Ignore threshold    "ignore_threshold": false,    // Set mode for string escapes to ignore (regex|string)    "bracket_string_escape_mode": "string",    // Set max number of multi-select brackets that will be searched automatically    "auto_selection_threshold" : 10,    // Enable this to completely kill highlighting if "auto_selection_threshold"    // is exceeded.  Default is to highlight up to the "auto_selection_threshold".    "kill_highlight_on_threshold": true,    // Disable gutter icons when doing multi-select    "no_multi_select_icons": false,    // Rules that define the finding and matching of brackets    // that are contained in a common scope.    // Useful for bracket pairs that are the same but    // share a common scope.  Brackets are found by    // Finding the extent of the scope and using regex    // to look at the beginning and end to identify bracket.    // Use only if they cannot be targeted with traditional bracket    // rules.    "scope_brackets": [        // Quotes        {            "name": "py_single_quote",            "open": "u?r?((?:'')?')",            "close": "((?:'')?')",            "style": "single_quote",            "scopes": ["string"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["Python"],            "sub_bracket_search": "true",            "enabled": true        },        {            "name": "py_double_quote",            "open": "u?r?((?:\"\")?\")",            "close": "((?:\"\")?\")",            "style": "double_quote",            "scopes": ["string"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["Python"],            "sub_bracket_search": "true",            "enabled": true        },        {            "name": "single_quote",            "open": "(')",            "close": "(')",            "style": "single_quote",            "scopes": ["string"],            "language_filter": "blacklist",            "language_list": ["Plain text", "Hex"],            "sub_bracket_search": "true",            "enabled": true        },        {            "name": "double_quote",            "open": "(\")",            "close": "(\")",            "style": "double_quote",            "scopes": ["string"],            "language_filter": "blacklist",            "language_list": ["Plain text", "Hex"],            "sub_bracket_search": "true",            "enabled": true        },        // Regex for different Languages        {            "name": "jsregex",            "open": " *(/)",            "close": "(/)[igm]*",            "style": "regex",            "scopes": ["string"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["JavaScript"],            "sub_bracket_search": "true",            "enabled": true        },        {            "name": "perlregex",            "open": "(?:m|s|tr)(.|\n)",            "close": "(.|\n)(?:[igmos]*)",            "style": "regex",            "scopes": ["string.regexp"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["Perl"],            "sub_bracket_search": "true",            "enabled": true        },        {            "name": "rubyregex",            "open": " *(/)",            "close": "(/)[imxo]*",            "style": "regex",            "scopes": ["string"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["Ruby", "RSpec"],            "sub_bracket_search": "true",            "enabled": true        },        // Markdown        {            "name": "mditalic",            "open": "(\\*|_)",            "close": "(\\*|_)",            "style": "default",            "scopes": ["markup.italic"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["Markdown"],            "sub_bracket_search": "true",            "enabled": true        },        {            "name": "mdbold",            "open": "(\\*\\*|__)",            "close": "(\\*\\*|__)",            "style": "default",            "scopes": ["markup.bold"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["Markdown"],            "sub_bracket_search": "true",            "enabled": true        }    ],    // Rule definitions for finding and matching brackets.    // Brackets are found by using regex and can use scope    // qualifiers exclude certain matches.    // Once all matches are found, the closest pair surrounding    // the cursor are selected.    "brackets": [        // Basic brackets        {            "name": "curly",            "open": "(\\{)",            "close": "(\\})",            "style": "curly",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "scope_exclude_exceptions": ["text.tex string.other.math"],            "language_filter": "blacklist",            "language_list": ["Plain text", "Hex"],            "find_in_sub_search": "true",            "ignore_string_escape": true,            "enabled": true        },        {            "name": "round",            "open": "(\\()",            "close": "(\\))",            "style": "round",            "scope_exclude_exceptions": ["text.tex string.other.math"],            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment", ""],            "language_filter": "blacklist",            "language_list": ["Plain text", "Hex"],            "find_in_sub_search": "true",            "ignore_string_escape": true,            "enabled": true        },        {            "name": "square",            "open": "(\\[)",            "close": "(\\])",            "style": "square",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "scope_exclude_exceptions": ["text.tex string.other.math"],            "language_filter": "blacklist",            "language_list": ["Plain text", "Hex"],            "find_in_sub_search": "true",            "ignore_string_escape": true,            "enabled": true        },        // HTML        {            "name": "html",            "open": "(<)(?=[\\w\\:\\-]+(?:(?:\\s+[\\w\\-:]+(?:\\s*=\\s*(?:\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'|[^>\\s]+))?)*)\\s*\\/?>|\\/[\\w\\:\\-]+[^>]*>)",            "close": "(?<=<)(?:[\\w\\:\\-]+(?:(?:\\s+[\\w\\-:]+(?:\\s*=\\s*(?:\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'|[^>\\s]+))?)*)\\s*\\/?|\\/[\\w\\:\\-]+[^>]*)(>)",            "style": "tag",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["HTML", "HTML 5", "XML", "PHP", "Handlebars"],            "plugin_library": "bh_modules.tags",            "find_in_sub_search": "only",            "enabled": false        },        // CFML        {            "name": "cfml",            "open": "(<)(?=[\\w\\:\\-]+(?:(?:\\s+[\\w\\-\\.:]+(?:\\s*=\\s*(?:\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'|[^>\\s]+))?)*|(?:(?<=cfif)|(?<=cfelseif))[^>]+)\\s*\\/?>|\\/[\\w\\:\\-]+[^>]*>)",            "close": "(?<=<)(?:[\\w\\:\\-]+(?:(?:\\s+[\\w\\-\\.:]+(?:\\s*=\\s*(?:\"[^\"]*\"|'[^']*'|[^>\\s]+))?)*|(?:(?<=cfif)|(?<=cfelseif))[^>]+)\\s*\\/?|\\/[\\w\\:\\-]+[^>]*)(>)",            "style": "tag",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["HTML+CFML", "ColdFusion", "ColdFusionCFC"],            "plugin_library": "bh_modules.tags",            "find_in_sub_search": "only",            "enabled": false        },        // PHP Angle        {            "name": "php_angle",            "open": "(<\\?)(?:php)?",            "close": "(\\?>)",            "style": "angle",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment", "keyword.operator"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["HTML", "HTML 5", "PHP"],            "enabled": true        },        // Angle        {            "name": "angle",            "open": "(<)(?!\\?)",            "close": "(?<!\\?)(>)",            "style": "angle",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment", "keyword.operator", "source.ruby.rails.embedded.html", "source.ruby.embedded.html"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["HTML", "HTML 5", "XML", "PHP", "HTML (Rails)", "HTML (Jinja Templates)", "HTML (Twig)", "HTML+CFML", "ColdFusion", "ColdFusionCFC", "laravel-blade", "Handlebars", "AngularJS"],            "plugin_library": "bh_modules.tags",            "enabled": true        },        // CSSedit groups        {            "name": "cssedit_groups",            "open": "(/\\* *@group .*\\*/)",            "close": "(/\\* *@end *\\*/)",            "style": "default",            "scope_exclude": [],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["CSS"],            "enabled": true        },        // Ruby embedded HTML        {            "name": "ruby_embedded_html",            "open": "((?:(?<=<%)|(?<=^)|(?<==))\\s*\\b(?:if|begin)\\b|(?:(?<=<%)|(?<=^))\\s*\\b(?:case|for|until|unless|while|class|module|def\\b[\\p{Ll}\\p{Lu}]*)|\\bdo)\\b",            "close": "\\b(end)\\b",            "style": "default",            "scope_exclude": ["text.html", "source", "comment", "string"],            "scope_exclude_exceptions": ["source.ruby.rails.embedded.html", "source.ruby.embedded.html"],            "plugin_library": "bh_modules.rubykeywords",            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["HTML", "HTML 5", "PHP", "HTML (Rails)"],            "enabled": true        },        // Ruby conditional statements        {            "name": "ruby",            "open": "((?:(?<=^)|(?<==))\\s*\\b(?:if|begin)\\b|^\\s*\\b(?:case|for|until|unless|while|class|module|def\\b[\\p{Ll}\\p{Lu}]*)|\\bdo)\\b",            "close": "\\b(end)\\b",            "style": "default",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "plugin_library": "bh_modules.rubykeywords",            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["Ruby", "RSpec", "Ruby on Rails"],            "enabled": true        },        // C/C++ compile switches        {            "name": "c_compile_switch",            "open": "(\\#(?:if|ifdef|ifndef))\\b",            "close": "(\\#endif)\\b",            "style": "c_define",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["C++", "C", "Objective-C", "CCpp"],            "enabled": true        },        // PHP conditional keywords        {            "name": "php_keywords",            "open": "(?:^\\s*|<\\?(?:php)?\\s*)?\\b(if|foreach|for|while|switch)\\b(?=.*:\\s*(?:\\?>\\s*)?$)",            "close": "(?:^\\s*|<\\?(?:php)?\\s*)?\\b(endif|endfor|endforeach|endwhile|endswitch)\\b(?=\\s*;\\s*(?:\\?>\\s*)?$)",            "style": "default",            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "plugin_library": "bh_modules.phpkeywords",            "language_list": ["HTML", "HTML 5", "XML", "PHP", "HTML+CFML", "ColdFusion", "ColdFusionCFC"],            "enabled": true        },        // Erlang conditional statements        {            "name": "erlang",            "open": "\\s*(\\b(?:if|case|begin|try|fun(?=\\s*\\()|receive)\\b)",            "close": "\\b(end)\\b",            "style": "default",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "plugin_library": "bh_modules.erlangcase",            "language_list": ["Erlang", "HTML (Erlang)"],            "enabled": true        },        //Bash        {            "name": "bash",            "open": "(?:(?<!\\\\\\n)(?:;|^|&|\\|)\\s*)\\b(if|case|while|select|until|for)\\s",            "close": "(?:(?<!\\\\\\n)(?:;|^)\\s*)\\b(fi|esac|done)(?=;|\\s|$)",            "style": "default",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "plugin_library": "bh_modules.bashsupport",            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["Shell-Unix-Generic"],            "enabled": true        },        //Fish shell        {            "name": "fish",            "open": "(?:(?<!\\\\\\n)(?:;|^|&|\\||and|or|not)\\s*)\\b(begin|if|while|for|switch|function)(?:;|\\s)",            "close": "(?:(?<!\\\\\\n)(?:;|^)\\s*)\\b(end)(?=;|\\s|$)",            "style": "default",            "scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],            "language_filter": "whitelist",            "language_list": ["fish"],            "enabled": true        }    ],    // user_scope_brackets and user_brackets will be appended    // to the tail of scope_brackets and brackets respectively    // If you have custom rules that you don't want to commit to    // the offial list, and do not need to be inserted before    // one of the offical defintions, this is a good place to    // put yours rules and keep in sync with the defaults.    "user_scope_brackets": [],    "user_brackets": [],    // Define region highlight styles    "bracket_styles": {        // "default" and "unmatched" styles are special        // styles. If they are not defined here,        // they will be generated internally with        // internal defaults.        // "default" style defines attributes that        // will be used for any style that does not        // explicitly define that attribute.  So if        // a style does not define a color, it will        // use the color from the "default" style.        "default": {            "icon": "dot",            // BH1's original default color for reference            // "color": "",            "color": "brackethighlighter.default",            "style": "hightlight"        },        // This particular style is used to highlight        // unmatched bracekt pairs.  It is a special        // style.        "unmatched": {            "icon": "question",            "color": "brackethighlighter.unmatched",            "style": "hightlight"        },        // User defined region styles        "curly": {            "icon": "curly_bracket",            "color": "brackethighlighter.curly",            "style": "hightlight"        },        "round": {            "icon": "round_bracket",            "color": "brackethighlighter.round",            "style": "hightlight"        },        "square": {            "icon": "square_bracket",            "color": "brackethighlighter.square",            "style": "hightlight"        },        "angle": {            "icon": "angle_bracket",            "color": "brackethighlighter.angle",            "style": "hightlight"        },        "tag": {            "icon": "tag",            "endpoints": true,            "color": "brackethighlighter.tag",            "style": "hightlight"        },        "c_define": {            "icon": "hash",            "color": "brackethighlighter.c_define",            "style": "hightlight"        },        "single_quote": {            "icon": "single_quote",            "color": "brackethighlighter.quote",            "style": "hightlight"        },        "double_quote": {            "icon": "double_quote",            "color": "brackethighlighter.quote",            "style": "hightlight"        },        "regex": {            "icon": "regex",            "color": "brackethighlighter.quote",            "style": "hightlight"        }    },    /* Plugin settings */    // Style to use for matched tags    "tag_style": "tag",    // Scopes to exclude from tag searches    "tag_scope_exclude": ["string", "comment"],    // Determine which style of tag-matching to use in which syntax    "tag_mode": {        "xhtml": ["XML"],        "html": ["HTML", "HTML 5", "PHP", "HTML (Jinja Templates)", "HTML (Rails)", "HTML (Twig)", "laravel-blade", "Handlebars", "AngularJS"],        "cfml": ["HTML+CFML", "ColdFusion", "ColdFusionCFC"]    }}