Keyboard Row

来源:互联网 发布:apache启动和停止命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/17 02:26


Given a List of words, return the words that can be typed using letters of alphabet on only one row’s of American keyboard like the image below.


Example 1:

Input: ["Hello", "Alaska", "Dad", "Peace"]Output: ["Alaska", "Dad"]


  1. You may use one character in the keyboard more than once.
  2. You may assume the input string will only contain letters of alphabet.


public class KeyboardRow {    private static final HashSet<Character> firstRowInKeyboard = new HashSet<Character>() {        {            this.add('Q');            this.add('q');            this.add('W');            this.add('w');            this.add('E');            this.add('e');            this.add('R');            this.add('r');            this.add('T');            this.add('t');            this.add('Y');            this.add('y');            this.add('U');            this.add('u');            this.add('I');            this.add('i');            this.add('O');            this.add('o');            this.add('P');            this.add('p');        }    };    private static final HashSet<Character> secondRowInKeyboard = new HashSet<Character>() {        {            this.add('A');            this.add('a');            this.add('S');            this.add('s');            this.add('D');            this.add('d');            this.add('F');            this.add('f');            this.add('G');            this.add('g');            this.add('H');            this.add('h');            this.add('J');            this.add('j');            this.add('K');            this.add('k');            this.add('L');            this.add('l');        }    };    private static final HashSet<Character> thirdRowInKeyboard = new HashSet<Character>() {        {            this.add('Z');            this.add('z');            this.add('X');            this.add('x');            this.add('C');            this.add('c');            this.add('V');            this.add('v');            this.add('B');            this.add('b');            this.add('N');            this.add('n');            this.add('M');            this.add('m');        }    };    public static String[] findWords(String[] words) {        if (words == null)            return null;        if (words.length == 0)            return new String[]{};        List<String> resultList = new ArrayList<>();        for (int i = 0; i < words.length; i++) {            if (isInSameRow(words[i]))                resultList.add(words[i]);            else                continue;        }        String[] resultArray = new String[resultList.size()];        for (int i = 0; i < resultList.size(); i++) {            resultArray[i] =resultList.get(i);        }        return resultArray;    }    public static boolean isInSameRow(String word) {        if (word == null || word.length() == 0)            return true;        char firstChar = word.charAt(0);        HashSet<Character> set = null;        if (firstRowInKeyboard.contains(firstChar))            set = firstRowInKeyboard;        else if (secondRowInKeyboard.contains(firstChar))            set = secondRowInKeyboard;        else if (thirdRowInKeyboard.contains(firstChar))            set = thirdRowInKeyboard;        else            return false;        for (int i = 0; i < word.length(); i++) {            if (set.contains(word.charAt(i)))                continue;            else                return false;        }        return true;    }    public static void main(String[] args) {        String[] strArray = new String[] {"Hello", "Alaska", "Dad", "Peace"};        System.out.println(Arrays.toString(findWords(strArray)));    }}