
来源:互联网 发布:无线摄像头破解软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/18 03:05


首先给出 porosity 的 GitHub 地址: here


1. 创建和约

可以使用自己写的合约,也可以在etherscan 上面找一些合约, 给出例子如下:

//vulnerable.sol pragma solidity ^0.4.4;contract SendBalance {    mapping ( address => uint ) userBalances;    function SendBalance(){    }    function getBalance (address u) constant returns ( uint ){        return userBalances [u];    }    function addToBalance () payable{        userBalances[msg.sender] += msg.value ;    }    function withdrawBalance (){        if (!(msg.sender.call.gas(0x1111).value (            userBalances [msg . sender])())) { throw ; }        userBalances [msg.sender ] = 0;    }}

2. 下载porosity 并编译

下载之后,在终端进入porosity/porosity/porosity目录然后输入:make    //编译你会看到生成了porosity(exec)

3. 使用porosity

a. 在porosity下创建文件夹 solidity-example (自己取得名字随意创),并将合约放在该目录下面。

b. 创建decompile.sh

#!/bin/bashsolc --abi -o output vulnerable.solsolc --bin -o output vulnerable.solsolc --bin-runtime -o output vulnerable.solabi=$(< output/SendBalance.abi)echo "This is abi variable: "echo $abibin=$(< output/SendBalance.bin)echo ""echo "This is bin variable: "echo $binbinRuntime=$(< output/SendBalance.bin-runtime)echo ""echo "This is binruntime variable: "echo $binRuntimeecho ""echo "Firstly listing functions: "#注意路径,指向的是前面编译之后生成的porosity文件../porosity/porosity/porosity --code $bin --abi $abi --list --verbose 0  echo "Now performing decompilation: " ../porosity/porosity/porosity --code $bin --abi $abi --decompile --verbose 0

c. 授权decompile.sh (只有第一次需要)

输入:chmod 777 decompile.sh



e. 结果,类似于

Porosity v0.1 (https://www.comae.io)Matt Suiche, Comae Technologies <support@comae.io>The Ethereum bytecode commandline decompiler.Decompiles the given Ethereum input bytecode and outputs the Solidity code.Attempting to parse ABI definition...Success.[+] Hash: 0x0A19B14A (trade) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x0B927666 (order) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x19774D43 (orderFills) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x278B8C0E (cancelOrder) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x2E1A7D4D (withdraw) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x338B5DEA (depositToken) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x46BE96C3 (amountFilled) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x508493BC (tokens) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x54D03B5C (changeFeeMake) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x57786394 (feeMake) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x5E1D7AE4 (changeFeeRebate) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x65E17C9D (feeAccount) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x6C86888B (testTrade) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x71FFCB16 (changeFeeAccount) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x731C2F81 (feeRebate) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x8823A9C0 (changeFeeTake) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x8F283970 (changeAdmin) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0x9E281A98 (withdrawToken) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0xBB5F4629 (orders) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0xC281309E (feeTake) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0xD0E30DB0 (deposit) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0xE8F6BC2E (changeAccountLevelsAddr) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0xF3412942 (accountLevelsAddr) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0xF7888AEC (balanceOf) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0xF851A440 (admin) (1 references)[+] Hash: 0xFB6E155F (availableVolume) (1 references)