
来源:互联网 发布:nginx生成ssl证书 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/04 19:15



    player->record_duration = duration*60;    player->record_piece_id = 0;    player->record_time = 0.0f;    memset(player->record_path, 0, sizeof(MAX_PATH_LENGTH));    strcpy(player->record_path, file);    player->bRecording = true;    //开启录像线程    player->record_thread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, av_record_thread_proc, player, 0, NULL);


void* av_record_thread_proc(void *thread_param){    PLAYER* play = (PLAYER*)thread_param;    if (!play)    {        return NULL;    }    AVFormatContext *i_fmt_ctx = NULL;    AVStream *i_video_stream = NULL;    AVFormatContext *o_fmt_ctx = NULL;    AVStream *o_video_stream = NULL;    av_register_all();    avcodec_register_all();    avformat_network_init();    /* should set to NULL so that avformat_open_input() allocate a new one */    i_fmt_ctx = NULL;    if (avformat_open_input(&i_fmt_ctx, play->file_url, NULL, NULL) != 0)    {        //fprintf(stderr, "could not open input file\n");        return NULL;    }    int nRet = avformat_find_stream_info(i_fmt_ctx, NULL);    if (nRet<0)    {        ///fprintf(stderr, "could not find stream info\n");        return NULL;    }    //bool bSupportVideo = true;    //bool bSupportAudio = true;    int nVideoIndex = -1;    int nAudioIndex = -1;    int nPathLen = strlen(play->record_path);    char *csFileName = new char[nPathLen];    memset(csFileName, 0, nPathLen);    strncpy(csFileName, play->record_path, nPathLen-4);    char sSliceupName[MAX_PATH_LENGTH] = {0,};    if (play->record_duration > 0)    {        sprintf(sSliceupName, "%s_%d.mp4", csFileName, play->record_piece_id);    }    else    {        sprintf(sSliceupName, "%s.mp4", csFileName);    }    //创建MP4文件    if (CreateMediaFile(&o_fmt_ctx, i_fmt_ctx, sSliceupName) == 0)    {        return 0;    }    /*    * since all input files are supposed to be identical (framerate, dimension, color format, ...)    * we can safely set output codec values from first input file    */    int nOutStreamId = 0;    for (int i = 0; i < i_fmt_ctx->nb_streams; i++)    {        AVStream *in_stream = i_fmt_ctx->streams[i];        if (in_stream->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)        {            AVCodecID codecId = in_stream->codec->codec_id;            //音频格式过滤(just support aac,mp3)            if ((codecId != AV_CODEC_ID_MP3 && codecId != AV_CODEC_ID_AAC )/*|| in_stream->codec->extradata_size==0*/) ///< preferred ID for decoding MPEG audio layer 1, 2 or 3            {                //bSupportAudio = false;                continue;            }            nAudioIndex = nOutStreamId;        }        if (i_fmt_ctx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)         {            AVCodecID codecId = in_stream->codec->codec_id;            //视频频格式过滤(just support h264,265)            if ((codecId != AV_CODEC_ID_H264 && codecId != AV_CODEC_ID_H265) /*|| in_stream->codec->extradata_size == 0*/) ///< preferred ID for decoding MPEG audio layer 1, 2 or 3            {                //bSupportVideo = false;                continue;            }            nVideoIndex = nOutStreamId;        }        nOutStreamId++;    }    int start_pts = -1;    int start_dts = -1;    int64_t audio_start_pts = -1;    int64_t audio_start_dts = -1;    int64_t video_start_pts = -1;    int64_t video_start_dts = -1;    bool audio_re_record = false;    bool video_re_record = false;    int64_t pts, dts;    //int total_frame = 3000;//写3000帧文件      //while (total_frame--)    while (play->bRecording)    {        AVPacket i_pkt;        av_init_packet(&i_pkt);        i_pkt.size = 0;        i_pkt.data = NULL;        if (av_read_frame(i_fmt_ctx, &i_pkt) <0)            break;        //ret = av_interleaved_write_frame(pOFormat, tmppkt);        AVStream *in_stream = i_fmt_ctx->streams[i_pkt.stream_index];        AVStream *out_stream = NULL;        if (in_stream->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO && nVideoIndex > -1 )        {            int nTimeBase = in_stream->time_base.den;            if (nTimeBase>0)                play->record_time = (float)(i_pkt.dts - start_dts) / nTimeBase;            //TRACE("Video Timestamp:   %f time_base = %d %lld %lld duration = %d  \n", m_fRecordTime, in_stream->time_base.den, i_pkt.pts, i_pkt.dts, i_pkt.duration);            if (start_pts < 0)                start_pts = i_pkt.pts;            if (start_dts < 0)                start_dts = i_pkt.dts;            //录像时间,单位: S            float fRecTime = 0.0f;            if (nTimeBase>0)                fRecTime = (float)(i_pkt.dts - start_dts) / nTimeBase;            //判断是否达到切片的要求            if (play->record_duration > 0 && fRecTime > play->record_duration && i_pkt.flags == AV_PKT_FLAG_KEY)            {                play->record_piece_id++;                //关闭已经完成切片的文件                CloseMediaFile(o_fmt_ctx);                memset(sSliceupName, 0x00, MAX_PATH_LENGTH);                sprintf(sSliceupName, "%s_%d.mp4", csFileName, play->record_piece_id);                //创建MP4文件                if (CreateMediaFile(&o_fmt_ctx, i_fmt_ctx, sSliceupName) == 0)                {                    return 0;                }                start_pts = i_pkt.pts;                start_dts = i_pkt.dts;                audio_re_record = true;                video_re_record = true;            }        }        else if (in_stream->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO && nAudioIndex > -1 && nVideoIndex == -1)        {            int nTimeBase = in_stream->time_base.den;            if (nTimeBase>0)                play->record_time = (float)(i_pkt.dts) / nTimeBase;            //TRACE("Audio Timestamp:   %f time_base = %d %lld %lld duration = %d  \n", play->record_time, in_stream->time_base.den, i_pkt.pts, i_pkt.dts, i_pkt.duration);            if (start_pts < 0)                start_pts = i_pkt.pts;            if (start_dts < 0)                start_dts = i_pkt.dts;            //录像时间,单位: S            float fRecTime = 0.0f;            if (nTimeBase>0)                fRecTime = (float)(i_pkt.dts - start_dts) / nTimeBase;            //判断是否达到切片的要求            if (play->record_duration > 0 && fRecTime > play->record_duration)            {                play->record_piece_id++;                //关闭已经完成切片的文件                CloseMediaFile(o_fmt_ctx);                memset(sSliceupName, 0x00, 512);                sprintf(sSliceupName, "%s_%d.mp4", csFileName, play->record_piece_id);                //创建MP4文件                if (CreateMediaFile(&o_fmt_ctx, i_fmt_ctx, sSliceupName) == 0)                {                    return 0;                }                start_pts = i_pkt.pts;                start_dts = i_pkt.dts;                audio_re_record = true;                video_re_record = true;            }        }        if (in_stream->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)//不支持的视频 过滤        {            if( nVideoIndex == -1)                continue;            out_stream  = o_fmt_ctx->streams[nVideoIndex];            if (video_start_pts < 0)                video_start_pts = i_pkt.pts;            if (video_start_dts < 0)                video_start_dts = i_pkt.dts;            if (video_re_record)            {                video_start_pts = i_pkt.pts;                video_start_dts = i_pkt.dts;                video_re_record = false;            }            i_pkt.pts = i_pkt.pts - video_start_pts;            i_pkt.dts = i_pkt.dts - video_start_dts;        }        if (in_stream->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO )//不支持的音频 过滤        {            if (nAudioIndex == -1)                continue;            out_stream = o_fmt_ctx->streams[nAudioIndex];            if (audio_start_pts < 0)                audio_start_pts = i_pkt.pts;            if (audio_start_dts < 0)                audio_start_dts = i_pkt.dts;            if (audio_re_record)            {                audio_start_pts = i_pkt.pts;                audio_start_dts = i_pkt.dts;                audio_re_record = false;            }            i_pkt.pts = i_pkt.pts - audio_start_pts;            i_pkt.dts = i_pkt.dts - audio_start_dts;        }        if (!out_stream)            continue;        i_pkt.pts = (i_pkt.pts > 0) ? i_pkt.pts : 0;        i_pkt.dts = (i_pkt.dts > 0) ? i_pkt.dts : 0;        i_pkt.duration = (i_pkt.duration > 0) ? i_pkt.duration : 0;        i_pkt.pts = av_rescale_q_rnd(i_pkt.pts, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base, AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF);        i_pkt.dts = av_rescale_q_rnd(i_pkt.dts, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base, AV_ROUND_NEAR_INF);        i_pkt.duration = av_rescale_q(i_pkt.duration, in_stream->time_base, out_stream->time_base);        i_pkt.pos = -1;        int ret = av_interleaved_write_frame(o_fmt_ctx, &i_pkt);        if (ret < 0)            continue;            //break;    }    avformat_close_input(&i_fmt_ctx);    av_write_trailer(o_fmt_ctx);    avcodec_close(o_fmt_ctx->streams[0]->codec);    av_freep(&o_fmt_ctx->streams[0]->codec);    av_freep(&o_fmt_ctx->streams[0]);    avio_close(o_fmt_ctx->pb);    av_free(o_fmt_ctx);    av_bitstream_filter_close(aacBsf);    if (csFileName)        delete[] csFileName;    return NULL;}



if (play->record_duration > 0 && fRecTime > play->record_duration)


int CreateMediaFile(AVFormatContext ** o_fmt_ctx, AVFormatContext *i_fmt_ctx, char *csFileName){    int RET = avformat_alloc_output_context2(o_fmt_ctx, NULL, NULL, csFileName);    /*    * since all input files are supposed to be identical (framerate, dimension, color format, ...)    * we can safely set output codec values from first input file    */    for (int i = 0; i < i_fmt_ctx->nb_streams; i++)    {        AVStream *in_stream = i_fmt_ctx->streams[i];        if (in_stream->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_AUDIO)        {            AVCodecID codecId = in_stream->codec->codec_id;            //音频格式过滤(just support aac,mp3)            if ((codecId != AV_CODEC_ID_MP3 && codecId != AV_CODEC_ID_AAC) /*|| in_stream->codec->extradata_size == 0*/) ///< preferred ID for decoding MPEG audio layer 1, 2 or 3            {                //bSupportAudio = false;                continue;            }        }        if (i_fmt_ctx->streams[i]->codec->codec_type == AVMEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO)        {            AVCodecID codecId = in_stream->codec->codec_id;            //视频频格式过滤(just support h264,265if ((codecId != AV_CODEC_ID_H264 && codecId != AV_CODEC_ID_H265) /*|| in_stream->codec->extradata_size == 0*/) ///< preferred ID for decoding MPEG audio layer 1, 2 or 3            {                //bSupportVideo = false;                continue;            }        }        //// 获取AVC结构,包涵SPSPPS [Dingshuai 2017/07/12]        //for (int j = 0;j<i_fmt_ctx->streams[i]->codec->extradata_size;j++)        //{        //  TRACE("%x ", i_fmt_ctx->streams[i]->codec->extradata[j]);        //}        AVStream *out_stream = avformat_new_stream(*o_fmt_ctx, in_stream->codec->codec);        if (!out_stream)        {            continue;            //return 0;        }        int ret = 0;        ret = avcodec_copy_context(out_stream->codec, in_stream->codec);        if (ret < 0) {            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to copy context from input to output stream codec context\n");            return 0;        }        out_stream->codec->codec_tag = 0;        if ((*o_fmt_ctx)->oformat->flags & AVFMT_GLOBALHEADER)            out_stream->codec->flags |= CODEC_FLAG_GLOBAL_HEADER;    }    avio_open(&((*o_fmt_ctx)->pb), csFileName, AVIO_FLAG_WRITE);    av_dump_format((*o_fmt_ctx), 0, csFileName, 1);    if (avformat_write_header((*o_fmt_ctx), NULL) < 0)    {        return 0;    }    return 1;}
void CloseMediaFile(AVFormatContext* o_fmt_ctx){    av_write_trailer(o_fmt_ctx);    avcodec_close(o_fmt_ctx->streams[0]->codec);    av_freep(&o_fmt_ctx->streams[0]->codec);    av_freep(&o_fmt_ctx->streams[0]);    avio_close(o_fmt_ctx->pb);    av_free(o_fmt_ctx);}


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