
来源:互联网 发布:零点网络客服电话 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 13:38

参考赵永科的博客,这里我们实现一个新 Layer,名称为 AllPassLayer,顾名思义就是全通 Layer,“全通”借鉴于信号处理中的全通滤波器,将信号无失真地从输入转到输出。

虽然这个 Layer 并没有什么卵用,但是在这个基础上增加你的处理是非常简单的事情。另外也是出于实验考虑,全通层的 Forward/Backward 函数非常简单不需要读者有任何高等数学和求导的背景知识。读者使用该层时可以插入到任何已有网络中,而不会影响训练、预测的准确性。


首先,要把你的实现,要像正常的 Layer 类一样,分解为声明部分和实现部分,分别放在 .hpp 与 .cpp、.cu 中。Layer 名称要起一个能区别于原版实现的新名称。.hpp 文件置于 $CAFFE_ROOT/include/caffe/layers/,而 .cpp 和 .cu 置于 $CAFFE_ROOT/src/caffe/layers/,这样你在 $CAFFE_ROOT 下执行 make 编译时,会自动将这些文件加入构建过程,省去了手动设置编译选项的繁琐流程。

其次,在 $CAFFE_ROOT/src/caffe/proto/caffe.proto 中,增加新 LayerParameter 选项,这样你在编写 train.prototxt 或者 test.prototxt 或者 deploy.prototxt 时就能把新 Layer 的描述写进去,便于修改网络结构和替换其他相同功能的 Layer 了。

最后也是最容易忽视的一点,在 Layer 工厂注册新 Layer 加工函数,不然在你运行过程中可能会报如下错误:


#ifndef CAFFE_ALL_PASS_LAYER_HPP_  #define CAFFE_ALL_PASS_LAYER_HPP_    #include <vector>    #include "caffe/blob.hpp"  #include "caffe/layer.hpp"  #include "caffe/proto/caffe.pb.h"    #include "caffe/layers/neuron_layer.hpp"    namespace caffe {  template <typename Dtype>  class AllPassLayer : public NeuronLayer<Dtype> {   public:    explicit AllPassLayer(const LayerParameter& param)        : NeuronLayer<Dtype>(param) {}      virtual inline const char* type() const { return "AllPass"; }     protected:      virtual void Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,        const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);    virtual void Forward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom,        const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top);    virtual void Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,        const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);    virtual void Backward_gpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top,        const vector<bool>& propagate_down, const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom);  };    }  // namespace caffe  



#include <algorithm>#include <vector>#include "caffe/layers/all_pass_layer.hpp"#include <iostream>using namespace std;#define DEBUG_AP(str) cout << str << endl;namespace caffe{template <typename Dtype>void AllPassLayer<Dtype>::Forward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom , const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top){  const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[0] -> cpu_data(); //cpu_data()只读访问cpu data  Dtype* top_data = top[0] -> mutable_cpu_data(); //mutable_cpu_data读写访问cpu data  const int count = bottom[0] -> count(); //计算Blob中的元素总数  for (int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++)  {    top_data[i] = bottom_data[i];  //只是单纯的通过,全通  }  DEBUG_AP("Here is All Pass Layer , forwarding.");  DEBUG_AP(this -> layer_param_.all_pass_param().key()); //读取prototxt预设值}template <typename Dtype>void AllPassLayer<Dtype>::Backward_cpu(const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& top , const vector<bool>& propagate_down , const vector<Blob<Dtype>*>& bottom){  if (propagate_down[0])  //propagate_down[0] = 1则指定计算权值的剃度 , ...[1] = 1则指定计算偏置项的剃度,这里是计算权值的剃度  {    const Dtype* bottom_data = bottom[0] -> cpu_data();    const Dtype* top_diff = top[0] -> cpu_diff();    Dtype* bottom_diff = bottom[0] -> mutable_cpu_diff();    const int count = bottom[0] -> count();    for ( int i = 0 ; i < count ; i ++ )    {      bottom_diff[i] = top_diff[i];    }  }    DEBUG_AP("Here is All Pass Layer , backwarding.");    DEBUG_AP(this -> layer_param_.all_pass_param().key());}#ifndef CPU_ONLY#define CPU_ONLY#endifINSTANTIATE_CLASS(AllPassLayer);REGISTER_LAYER_CLASS(AllPass);} //namespace caffe


时间考虑,我没有实现 GPU 模式的 forward、backward,故本文例程仅支持 CPU_ONLY 模式。

编辑 caffe.proto,找到 LayerParameter 描述,增加一项:

message LayerParameter {    optional string name = 1; // the layer name    optional string type = 2; // the layer type    repeated string bottom = 3; // the name of each bottom blob    repeated string top = 4; // the name of each top blob      // The train / test phase for computation.    optional Phase phase = 10;      // The amount of weight to assign each top blob in the objective.    // Each layer assigns a default value, usually of either 0 or 1,    // to each top blob.    repeated float loss_weight = 5;      // Specifies training parameters (multipliers on global learning constants,    // and the name and other settings used for weight sharing).    repeated ParamSpec param = 6;      // The blobs containing the numeric parameters of the layer.    repeated BlobProto blobs = 7;      // Specifies on which bottoms the backpropagation should be skipped.    // The size must be either 0 or equal to the number of bottoms.    repeated bool propagate_down = 11;      // Rules controlling whether and when a layer is included in the network,    // based on the current NetState.  You may specify a non-zero number of rules    // to include OR exclude, but not both.  If no include or exclude rules are    // specified, the layer is always included.  If the current NetState meets    // ANY (i.e., one or more) of the specified rules, the layer is    // included/excluded.    repeated NetStateRule include = 8;    repeated NetStateRule exclude = 9;      // Parameters for data pre-processing.    optional TransformationParameter transform_param = 100;      // Parameters shared by loss layers.    optional LossParameter loss_param = 101;      // Layer type-specific parameters.    //    // Note: certain layers may have more than one computational engine    // for their implementation. These layers include an Engine type and    // engine parameter for selecting the implementation.    // The default for the engine is set by the ENGINE switch at compile-time.    optional AccuracyParameter accuracy_param = 102;    optional ArgMaxParameter argmax_param = 103;    optional BatchNormParameter batch_norm_param = 139;    optional BiasParameter bias_param = 141;    optional ConcatParameter concat_param = 104;    optional ContrastiveLossParameter contrastive_loss_param = 105;    optional ConvolutionParameter convolution_param = 106;    optional CropParameter crop_param = 144;    optional DataParameter data_param = 107;    optional DropoutParameter dropout_param = 108;    optional DummyDataParameter dummy_data_param = 109;    optional EltwiseParameter eltwise_param = 110;    optional ELUParameter elu_param = 140;    optional EmbedParameter embed_param = 137;    optional ExpParameter exp_param = 111;    optional FlattenParameter flatten_param = 135;    optional HDF5DataParameter hdf5_data_param = 112;    optional HDF5OutputParameter hdf5_output_param = 113;    optional HingeLossParameter hinge_loss_param = 114;    optional ImageDataParameter image_data_param = 115;    optional InfogainLossParameter infogain_loss_param = 116;    optional InnerProductParameter inner_product_param = 117;    optional InputParameter input_param = 143;    optional LogParameter log_param = 134;    optional LRNParameter lrn_param = 118;    optional MemoryDataParameter memory_data_param = 119;    optional MVNParameter mvn_param = 120;    optional PoolingParameter pooling_param = 121;    optional PowerParameter power_param = 122;    optional PReLUParameter prelu_param = 131;    optional PythonParameter python_param = 130;    optional ReductionParameter reduction_param = 136;    optional ReLUParameter relu_param = 123;    optional ReshapeParameter reshape_param = 133;    optional ScaleParameter scale_param = 142;    optional SigmoidParameter sigmoid_param = 124;    optional SoftmaxParameter softmax_param = 125;    optional SPPParameter spp_param = 132;    optional SliceParameter slice_param = 126;    optional TanHParameter tanh_param = 127;    optional ThresholdParameter threshold_param = 128;    optional TileParameter tile_param = 138;    optional WindowDataParameter window_data_param = 129;    optional AllPassParameter all_pass_param = 155;  }  

注意新增数字不要和以前的 Layer 数字重复。


仍然在 caffe.proto 中,增加 AllPassParameter 声明,位置任意。我设定了一个参数,可以用于从 prototxt 中读取预设值。

message AllPassParameter {    optional float key = 1 [default = 0];  }  

这句来读取 prototxt 预设值。


在 $CAFFE_ROOT 下执行 make clean,然后重新 make all。要想一次编译成功,务必规范代码,对常见错误保持敏锐的嗅觉并加以避免。


万事具备,只欠 prototxt 了。


不难,我们写个最简单的 deploy.prototxt,不需要 data layer 和 softmax layer,just for fun。

name: "AllPassTest"  layer {    name: "data"    type: "Input"    top: "data"    input_param { shape: { dim: 10 dim: 3 dim: 227 dim: 227 } }  }  layer {    name: "ap"    type: "AllPass"    bottom: "data"    top: "conv1"    all_pass_param {      key: 12.88    }  }  


注意,这里的 type :后面写的内容,应该是你在 .hpp 中声明的新类 class name 去掉 Layer 后的名称。

上面设定了 key 这个参数的预设值为 12.88,嗯,你想到了刘翔对不对。


为了检验该 Layer 是否能正常创建和执行  forward, backward,我们运行 caffe time 命令并指定刚刚实现的 prototxt :

$ ./build/tools/caffe.bin time -model deploy.prototxt  I1002 02:03:41.667682 1954701312 caffe.cpp:312] Use CPU.  I1002 02:03:41.671360 1954701312 net.cpp:49] Initializing net from parameters:  name: "AllPassTest"  state {    phase: TRAIN  }  layer {    name: "data"    type: "Input"    top: "data"    input_param {      shape {        dim: 10        dim: 3        dim: 227        dim: 227      }    }  }  layer {    name: "ap"    type: "AllPass"    bottom: "data"    top: "conv1"    all_pass_param {      key: 12.88    }  }  I1002 02:03:41.671463 1954701312 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer data  I1002 02:03:41.671484 1954701312 net.cpp:91] Creating Layer data  I1002 02:03:41.671499 1954701312 net.cpp:399] data -> data  I1002 02:03:41.671555 1954701312 net.cpp:141] Setting up data  I1002 02:03:41.671566 1954701312 net.cpp:148] Top shape: 10 3 227 227 (1545870)  I1002 02:03:41.671592 1954701312 net.cpp:156] Memory required for data: 6183480  I1002 02:03:41.671605 1954701312 layer_factory.hpp:77] Creating layer ap  I1002 02:03:41.671620 1954701312 net.cpp:91] Creating Layer ap  I1002 02:03:41.671630 1954701312 net.cpp:425] ap <- data  I1002 02:03:41.671644 1954701312 net.cpp:399] ap -> conv1  I1002 02:03:41.671663 1954701312 net.cpp:141] Setting up ap  I1002 02:03:41.671674 1954701312 net.cpp:148] Top shape: 10 3 227 227 (1545870)  I1002 02:03:41.671685 1954701312 net.cpp:156] Memory required for data: 12366960  I1002 02:03:41.671695 1954701312 net.cpp:219] ap does not need backward computation.  I1002 02:03:41.671705 1954701312 net.cpp:219] data does not need backward computation.  I1002 02:03:41.671710 1954701312 net.cpp:261] This network produces output conv1  I1002 02:03:41.671720 1954701312 net.cpp:274] Network initialization done.  I1002 02:03:41.671746 1954701312 caffe.cpp:320] Performing Forward  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.679689 1954701312 caffe.cpp:325] Initial loss: 0  I1002 02:03:41.679714 1954701312 caffe.cpp:326] Performing Backward  I1002 02:03:41.679738 1954701312 caffe.cpp:334] *** Benchmark begins ***  I1002 02:03:41.679746 1954701312 caffe.cpp:335] Testing for 50 iterations.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.681139 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 1 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.682394 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 2 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.683653 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 3 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.685096 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 4 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.686326 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 5 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.687713 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 6 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.689038 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 7 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.690251 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 8 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.691548 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 9 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.692805 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 10 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.694056 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 11 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.695264 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 12 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.696761 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 13 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.698225 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 14 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.699653 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 15 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.700945 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 16 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.702761 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 17 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.704056 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 18 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.706471 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 19 forward-backward time: 2 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.708784 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 20 forward-backward time: 2 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.710043 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 21 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.711272 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 22 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.712528 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 23 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.713964 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 24 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.715248 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 25 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.716487 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 26 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.717725 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 27 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.718962 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 28 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.720289 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 29 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.721837 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 30 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.723042 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 31 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.724261 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 32 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.725587 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 33 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.726771 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 34 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.728013 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 35 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.729249 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 36 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.730716 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 37 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.732275 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 38 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.733809 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 39 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.735049 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 40 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.737144 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 41 forward-backward time: 2 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.739090 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 42 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.741575 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 43 forward-backward time: 2 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.743450 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 44 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.744732 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 45 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.745970 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 46 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.747185 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 47 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.748430 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 48 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.749826 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 49 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  Here is All Pass Layer, forwarding.  12.88  Here is All Pass Layer, backwarding.  12.88  I1002 02:03:41.751124 1954701312 caffe.cpp:363] Iteration: 50 forward-backward time: 1 ms.  I1002 02:03:41.751147 1954701312 caffe.cpp:366] Average time per layer:  I1002 02:03:41.751157 1954701312 caffe.cpp:369]       data  forward: 0.00108 ms.  I1002 02:03:41.751183 1954701312 caffe.cpp:372]       data  backward: 0.001 ms.  I1002 02:03:41.751194 1954701312 caffe.cpp:369]         ap  forward: 1.37884 ms.  I1002 02:03:41.751205 1954701312 caffe.cpp:372]         ap  backward: 0.01156 ms.  I1002 02:03:41.751220 1954701312 caffe.cpp:377] Average Forward pass: 1.38646 ms.  I1002 02:03:41.751231 1954701312 caffe.cpp:379] Average Backward pass: 0.0144 ms.  I1002 02:03:41.751240 1954701312 caffe.cpp:381] Average Forward-Backward: 1.42 ms.  I1002 02:03:41.751250 1954701312 caffe.cpp:383] Total Time: 71 ms.  I1002 02:03:41.751260 1954701312 caffe.cpp:384] *** Benchmark ends ***  

可见该 Layer 可以正常创建、加载预设参数、执行 forward、backward 函数。


实际上对于算法 Layer,还要写 Test Case 保证功能正确。由于我们选择了极为简单的全通 Layer,故这一步可以省去。我这里偷点懒,您省点阅读时间。

补充:make all后还要重新配置python接口,make pycaffe ,然后再按之前的操作就行了。。。



热门问题 老师的惩罚 人脸识别 我在镇武司摸鱼那些年 重生之率土为王 我在大康的咸鱼生活 盘龙之生命进化 天生仙种 凡人之先天五行 春回大明朝 姑娘不必设防,我是瞎子 入职体检血压高怎么办 看病没带医保卡怎么办 孕妇8个月血压高怎么办 怀孕3个月血压高怎么办 怀孕3个月血压低怎么办 38周孕妇血压高怎么办 孕前检查后怀孕怎么办 精子a加b成活率底怎么办 怀孕五周孕酮低怎么办 怀孕38天孕酮低怎么办 刚怀孕了孕酮低怎么办 怀孕2个月孕酮低怎么办 怀孕七周孕酮低怎么办 孕前检查孕酮低怎么办 甘油三酯偏高7.2怎么办 入职体检来例假怎么办 6激素检查喝水了怎么办 抽血前吃了东西怎么办 怀孕一个月孕酮低怎么办 怀孕了老是有痰怎么办 孕妇有很多白痰怎么办 血糖高怎么办吃什么好 5年糖尿病血糖高怎么办 血糖高引起的视力模糊怎么办 谷丙转氨酶和谷草转氨酶高怎么办 产检血糖有点高怎么办 孕期餐后血糖高怎么办 怀孕12周血糖高怎么办 怀孕2个月血糖高怎么办 怀孕7个月血糖高怎么办 孕妇7个月血糖高怎么办 空腹血糖6%2e7怎么办 血糖和尿酸都高怎么办 血糖高的孕妇便秘怎么办 血糖低怎么办吃什么好 孕检空腹血糖高怎么办 怀孕4个月血糖高怎么办 怀孕3个月血糖高怎么办 怀孕6个月血糖高怎么办 孕29周血糖高怎么办 餐后血糖偶尔高怎么办