
来源:互联网 发布:matlab 数组幅值 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 09:55












from queue import PriorityQueueimport math"""Example code for hierarchical clustering"""def getMedian(alist):    """get median value of list alist"""    tmp = list(alist)    tmp.sort()    alen = len(tmp)    if (alen % 2) == 1:        return tmp[alen // 2]    else:        return (tmp[alen // 2] + tmp[(alen // 2) - 1]) / 2    def normalizeColumn(column):    """Normalize column using Modified Standard Score"""    median = getMedian(column)    asd = sum([abs(x - median) for x in column]) / len(column)    result = [(x - median) / asd for x in column]    return resultclass hClusterer:    """ this clusterer assumes that the first column of the data is a label    not used in the clustering. The other columns contain numeric data"""        def __init__(self, filename):        file = open(filename) = {}        self.counter = 0        self.queue = PriorityQueue()        lines = file.readlines()        file.close()        header = lines[0].split(',')        self.cols = len(header) = [[] for i in range(len(header))]        for line in lines[1:]:            cells = line.split(',')            toggle = 0            for cell in range(self.cols):                if toggle == 0:         [cell].append(cells[cell])                   toggle = 1                else:          [cell].append(float(cells[cell]))        # now normalize number columns (that is, skip the first column)        for i in range(1, self.cols):      [i] = normalizeColumn([i])        ###        ###  I have read in the data and normalized the         ###  columns. Now for each element i in the data, I am going to        ###     1. compute the Euclidean Distance from element i to all the         ###        other elements.  This data will be placed in neighbors,        ###        which is a Python dictionary. Let's say i = 1, and I am         ###        computing the distance to the neighbor j and let's say j         ###        is 2. The neighbors dictionary for i will look like        ###        {2: ((1,2), 1.23),  3: ((1, 3), 2.3)... }        ###        ###     2. find the closest neighbor        ###        ###     3. place the element on a priority queue, called simply queue,        ###        based on the distance to the nearest neighbor (and a counter        ###        used to break ties.        # now push distances on queue                rows = len([0])                      for i in range(rows):            minDistance = 99999            nearestNeighbor = 0            neighbors = {}            for j in range(rows):                if i != j:                    dist = self.distance(i, j)                    if i < j:                        pair = (i,j)                    else:                        pair = (j,i)                    neighbors[j] = (pair, dist)                    if dist < minDistance:                        minDistance = dist                        nearestNeighbor = j                        nearestNum = j            # create nearest Pair            if i < nearestNeighbor:                nearestPair = (i, nearestNeighbor)            else:                nearestPair = (nearestNeighbor, i)                            # put instance on priority queue                self.queue.put((minDistance, self.counter,                            [[[0][i]], nearestPair, neighbors]))            self.counter += 1        def distance(self, i, j):        sumSquares = 0        for k in range(1, self.cols):            sumSquares += ([k][i] -[k][j])**2        return math.sqrt(sumSquares)                def cluster(self):         done = False         while not done:             topOne = self.queue.get()             nearestPair = topOne[2][1]             if not self.queue.empty():                 nextOne = self.queue.get()                 nearPair = nextOne[2][1]                 tmp = []                 ##                 ##  I have just popped two elements off the queue,                 ##  topOne and nextOne. I need to check whether nextOne                 ##  is topOne's nearest neighbor and vice versa.                 ##  If not, I will pop another element off the queue                 ##  until I find topOne's nearest neighbor. That is what                 ##  this while loop does.                 ##                 while nearPair != nearestPair:                     tmp.append((nextOne[0], self.counter, nextOne[2]))                     self.counter += 1                     nextOne = self.queue.get()                     nearPair = nextOne[2][1]                 ##                 ## this for loop pushes the elements I popped off in the                 ## above while loop.                 ##                                  for item in tmp:                     self.queue.put(item)                                      if len(topOne[2][0]) == 1:                    item1 = topOne[2][0][0]                 else:                     item1 = topOne[2][0]                 if len(nextOne[2][0]) == 1:                    item2 = nextOne[2][0][0]                 else:                     item2 = nextOne[2][0]                 ##  curCluster is, perhaps obviously, the new cluster                 ##  which combines cluster item1 with cluster item2.                 curCluster = (item1, item2)                 ## Now I am doing two things. First, finding the nearest                 ## neighbor to this new cluster. Second, building a new                 ## neighbors list by merging the neighbors lists of item1                 ## and item2. If the distance between item1 and element 23                 ## is 2 and the distance betweeen item2 and element 23 is 4                 ## the distance between element 23 and the new cluster will                 ## be 2 (i.e., the shortest distance).                 ##                 minDistance = 99999                 nearestPair = ()                 nearestNeighbor = ''                 merged = {}                 nNeighbors = nextOne[2][2]                 for (key, value) in topOne[2][2].items():                    if key in nNeighbors:                        if nNeighbors[key][1] < value[1]:                             dist =  nNeighbors[key]                        else:                            dist = value                        if dist[1] < minDistance:                             minDistance =  dist[1]                             nearestPair = dist[0]                             nearestNeighbor = key                        merged[key] = dist                                     if merged == {}:                    return curCluster                 else:                    self.queue.put( (minDistance, self.counter,                                     [curCluster, nearestPair, merged]))                    self.counter += 1                                                                                def printDendrogram(T, sep=3):    """Print dendrogram of a binary tree.  Each tree node is represented by a    length-2 tuple. printDendrogram is written and provided by David Eppstein    2002. Accessed on 14 April 2014: """    def isPair(T):        return type(T) == tuple and len(T) == 2        def maxHeight(T):        if isPair(T):            h = max(maxHeight(T[0]), maxHeight(T[1]))        else:            h = len(str(T))        return h + sep            activeLevels = {}    def traverse(T, h, isFirst):        if isPair(T):            traverse(T[0], h-sep, 1)            s = [' ']*(h-sep)            s.append('|')        else:            s = list(str(T))            s.append(' ')        while len(s) < h:            s.append('-')                if (isFirst >= 0):            s.append('+')            if isFirst:                activeLevels[h] = 1            else:                del activeLevels[h]                A = list(activeLevels)        A.sort()        for L in A:            if len(s) < L:                while len(s) < L:                    s.append(' ')                s.append('|')        print (''.join(s))                    if isPair(T):            traverse(T[1], h-sep, 0)    traverse(T, maxHeight(T), -1)filename = '//Users/raz/Dropbox/guide/data/dogs.csv'hg = hClusterer(filename)cluster = hg.cluster()printDendrogram(cluster)













   为度量某个簇集合的质量,我们使用误差平方和(sum of the squared error)或者称为散度的指标





import mathimport random """Implementation of the K-means algorithmfor the book A Programmer's Guide to Data Mining""""def getMedian(alist):    """get median of list"""    tmp = list(alist)    tmp.sort()    alen = len(tmp)    if (alen % 2) == 1:        return tmp[alen // 2]    else:        return (tmp[alen // 2] + tmp[(alen // 2) - 1]) / 2    def normalizeColumn(column):    """normalize the values of a column using Modified Standard Score    that is (each value - median) / (absolute standard deviation)"""    median = getMedian(column)    asd = sum([abs(x - median) for x in column]) / len(column)    result = [(x - median) / asd for x in column]    return resultclass kClusterer:    """ Implementation of kMeans Clustering    This clusterer assumes that the first column of the data is a label    not used in the clustering. The other columns contain numeric data    """        def __init__(self, filename, k):        """ k is the number of clusters to make        This init method:           1. reads the data from the file named filename           2. stores that data by column in           3. normalizes the data using Modified Standard Score           4. randomly selects the initial centroids           5. assigns points to clusters associated with those centroids        """        file = open(filename) = {}        self.k = k        self.counter = 0        self.iterationNumber = 0        # used to keep track of % of points that change cluster membership        # in an iteration        self.pointsChanged = 0        # Sum of Squared Error        self.sse = 0        #        # read data from file        #        lines = file.readlines()        file.close()        header = lines[0].split(',')        self.cols = len(header) = [[] for i in range(len(header))]        # we are storing the data by column.        # For example,[0] is the data from column 0.        #[0][10] is the column 0 value of item 10.        for line in lines[1:]:            cells = line.split(',')            toggle = 0            for cell in range(self.cols):                if toggle == 0:         [cell].append(cells[cell])                   toggle = 1                else:          [cell].append(float(cells[cell]))                            self.datasize = len([1])        self.memberOf = [-1 for x in range(len([1]))]        #        # now normalize number columns        #        for i in range(1, self.cols):      [i] = normalizeColumn([i])        # select random centroids from existing points        random.seed()        self.centroids = [[[i][r]  for i in range(1, len(]                           for r in random.sample(range(len([0])),                                                 self.k)]        self.assignPointsToCluster()                def updateCentroids(self):        """Using the points in the clusters, determine the centroid        (mean point) of each cluster"""        members = [self.memberOf.count(i) for i in range(len(self.centroids))]        self.centroids = [[sum([[k][i]                                for i in range(len([0]))                                if self.memberOf[i] == centroid])/members[centroid]                           for k in range(1, len(]                          for centroid in range(len(self.centroids))]                             def assignPointToCluster(self, i):        """ assign point to cluster based on distance from centroids"""        min = 999999        clusterNum = -1        for centroid in range(self.k):            dist = self.euclideanDistance(i, centroid)            if dist < min:                min = dist                clusterNum = centroid        # here is where I will keep track of changing points        if clusterNum != self.memberOf[i]:            self.pointsChanged += 1        # add square of distance to running sum of squared error        self.sse += min**2        return clusterNum    def assignPointsToCluster(self):        """ assign each data point to a cluster"""        self.pointsChanged = 0        self.sse = 0        self.memberOf = [self.assignPointToCluster(i)                         for i in range(len([1]))]                    def euclideanDistance(self, i, j):        """ compute distance of point i from centroid j"""        sumSquares = 0        for k in range(1, self.cols):            sumSquares += ([k][i] - self.centroids[j][k-1])**2        return math.sqrt(sumSquares)    def kCluster(self):        """the method that actually performs the clustering        As you can see this method repeatedly            updates the centroids by computing the mean point of each cluster            re-assign the points to clusters based on these new centroids        until the number of points that change cluster membership is less than 1%.        """        done = False         while not done:            self.iterationNumber += 1            self.updateCentroids()            self.assignPointsToCluster()            #            # we are done if fewer than 1% of the points change clusters            #            if float(self.pointsChanged) / len(self.memberOf) <  0.01:                done = True        print("Final SSE: %f" % self.sse)    def showMembers(self):        """Display the results"""        for centroid in range(len(self.centroids)):             print ("\n\nClass %i\n========" % centroid)             for name in [[0][i]  for i in range(len([0]))                          if self.memberOf[i] == centroid]:                 print (name)        #### RUN THE K-MEANS CLUSTERER ON THE DOG DATA USING K = 3#### change the path in the following to match where dogs.csv is on your machinekm = kClusterer('../../data/dogs.csv', 3)km.kCluster()km.showMembers()

