POJ 2429 GCD & LCM Inverse(Pollard-rho 大整数分解+DFS)

来源:互联网 发布:微课录制软件下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:20
GCD & LCM Inverse
Time Limit: 2000MS Memory Limit: 65536KTotal Submissions: 16795 Accepted: 3107


Given two positive integers a and b, we can easily calculate the greatest common divisor (GCD) and the least common multiple (LCM) of a and b. But what about the inverse? That is: given GCD and LCM, finding a and b.


The input contains multiple test cases, each of which contains two positive integers, the GCD and the LCM. You can assume that these two numbers are both less than 2^63.


For each test case, output a and b in ascending order. If there are multiple solutions, output the pair with smallest a + b.

Sample Input

3 60

Sample Output

12 15


POJ Achilles

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#include<set>      #include<map>         #include<stack>                #include<queue>                #include<vector>        #include<string>     #include<time.h>    #include<math.h>                #include<stdio.h>                #include<iostream>                #include<string.h>                #include<stdlib.h>        #include<algorithm>       #include<functional>        using namespace std;                #define ll long long          #define inf 1000000000           #define Mod 10007                #define maxn  50500    #define lowbit(x) (x&-x)                #define eps 1e-9   ll cnt, fat[101],mx,ans;ll pri[2550005], a[2550005] = {1,1};ll Multi(ll a, ll b, ll mod)        //和上面一样,但比上面慢很多 {     ll ans = 0;     a %= mod;     while(b)     {         if(b%2==1)  ans = (ans+a)%mod, b--;         else  a = (a+a)%mod, b /= 2;     }     return ans; } ll Pow(ll a, ll b, ll mod)  {      ll ans = 1;      a %= mod;      while(b)      {          if(b&1)  ans = Multi(ans, a, mod), b--;          else  a = Multi(a, a, mod), b /= 2;      }      return ans;  }  ll Gcd(ll a, ll b)  { if(b==0)return a;return Gcd(b, a%b);}  int Miller_Rabin(ll n)  {      int i, j, k;      ll a, x, y, mod;      if(n==2)  return 1;      if(n<2 || n%2==0)  return 0;      k = 0, mod = n-1;      while(mod%2==0)      {          k++;          mod /= 2;      }      for(i=1;i<=15;i++)      {          a = rand()%(n-1)+1;          x = Pow(a, mod, n);          y = 0;          for(j=1;j<=k;j++)          {              y = Multi(x, x, n);              if(y==1 && x!=1 && x!=n-1)                  return 0;              x = y;          }          if(y!=1)              return 0;      }      return 1;  }  ll Divi(ll n)  {      ll i, k, x, y, p, c;      if(n==1)          return 1;      k = 2, p = 1;      y = x = rand()%n, c = rand()%(n-1)+1;      for(i=1;p==1;i++)    {        x = (Multi(x, x, n)+c)%n;p = x-y;if(p<0)p = -p;        p = Gcd(n, p);          if(i==k)              y = x, k *= 2;      }    return p;  }  void Pollard_rho(ll n)  {      ll p;      if(n==1)          return;      if(Miller_Rabin(n))          fat[++cnt] = n;      else      {          p = Divi(n);Pollard_rho(p);          Pollard_rho(n/p);      }  }  void dfs(ll x,ll y){if(x>cnt){if(y>ans && y<=mx)ans=y;return;}dfs(x+1,y);dfs(x+1,y*fat[x]);}int main(void){ll a,b;while(scanf("%lld%lld",&a,&b)!=EOF){cnt=0;b=b/a;Pollard_rho(b);sort(fat+1,fat+cnt+1);int i,j=1;for(i=2;i<=cnt;i++){while(fat[i]==fat[i-1] && i<=cnt)fat[j]*=fat[i],i++;     if(i<=cnt)fat[++j]=fat[i];}   cnt=j;ans=1;mx=(ll)sqrt((double)b);dfs(1ll,1ll);printf("%lld %lld\n",ans*a,b/ans*a);}return 0;}

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