
来源:互联网 发布:firefox 调试js 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 07:58




<launch>      <param name="/use_sim_time" value="false" />      <!-- Load the URDF/Xacro model of our robot -->      <arg name="urdf_file" default="$(find xacro)/xacro.py '$(find smartcar_description)/urdf/smartcar.urdf.xacro'" />      <arg name="gui" default="true" />      <param name="robot_description" command="$(arg urdf_file)" />      <param name="use_gui" value="$(arg gui)"/>      <node name="arbotix" pkg="arbotix_python" type="arbotix_driver" output="screen">          <rosparam file="$(find smartcar_description)/config/smartcar_arbotix.yaml" command="load" />         <param name="sim" value="true"/>      </node>      <node name="joint_state_publisher" pkg="joint_state_publisher" type="joint_state_publisher" >      </node>      <node name="robot_state_publisher" pkg="robot_state_publisher" type="state_publisher">          <param name="publish_frequency" type="double" value="20.0" />      </node>       <!-- We need a static transforms for the wheels -->       <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="odom_left_wheel_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /base_link /left_front_link 100" />       <node pkg="tf" type="static_transform_publisher" name="odom_right_wheel_broadcaster" args="0 0 0 0 0 0 /base_link /right_front_link 100" />      <node name="rviz" pkg="rviz" type="rviz" args="-d $(find smartcar_description)/urdf.rviz" />  </launch>


  1. smartcar_body
<?xml version="1.0"?>  <robot name="smartcar" xmlns:xacro="http://ros.org/wiki/xacro">    <xacro:property name="M_PI" value="3.14159"/>      <!-- Macro for SmartCar body. Including Gazebo extensions, but does not include Kinect -->    <xacro:include filename="$(find smartcar_description)/urdf/gazebo.urdf.xacro"/>    <xacro:property name="base_x" value="0.33" />    <xacro:property name="base_y" value="0.33" />    <xacro:macro name="smartcar_body">      <link name="base_footprint">      <inertial>        <mass value="0.0001" />        <origin xyz="0 0 0" />        <inertia ixx="0.0001" ixy="0.0" ixz="0.0"            iyy="0.0001" iyz="0.0"             izz="0.0001" />      </inertial>      <visual>          <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />          <geometry>              <box size="0.001 0.001 0.001" />          </geometry>      </visual>    </link>    <joint name="base_footprint_joint" type="fixed">      <origin xyz="0 0 0" rpy="0 0 0" />      <parent link="base_footprint"/>      <child link="base_link" />    </joint>    <link    name="base_link">    <inertial>      <origin        xyz="0.0032273 -0.060593 1.3595E-05"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <mass        value="4.2623" />      <inertia        ixx="0.04568"        ixy="-0.00094545"        ixz="-8.9814E-06"        iyy="0.11402"        iyz="5.3399E-06"        izz="0.11035" />    </inertial>    <visual>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0.23"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/base_link.STL" />      </geometry>      <material        name="">        <color          rgba="1 1 1 1" />      </material>    </visual>    <collision>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0.23"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/base_link.STL" />      </geometry>    </collision>  </link>  <link    name="left_front_wheel">    <inertial>      <origin        xyz="0 -1.98217916108356E-05 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <mass        value="0.176438810476987" />      <inertia        ixx="8.8965933887671E-05"        ixy="-1.27636183461175E-23"        ixz="8.0831821149659E-23"        iyy="8.89898462049031E-05"        iyz="2.16519665002917E-23"        izz="0.000130905430632044" />    </inertial>    <visual>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/left_front_wheel.STL" />      </geometry>      <material        name="">        <color          rgba="1 1 0 1" />      </material>    </visual>    <collision>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/left_front_wheel.STL" />      </geometry>    </collision>  </link>  <joint    name="left_front_wheel_joint"    type="continuous">    <origin      xyz="0.12875 0.1504 0.04"      rpy="1.5708 0 0" />    <parent      link="base_link" />    <child      link="left_front_wheel" />    <axis      xyz="0 0 1" />  </joint>  <link    name="right_front_wheel">    <inertial>      <origin        xyz="0 -1.98217916108079E-05 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <mass        value="0.176438810476987" />      <inertia        ixx="8.8965933887671E-05"        ixy="-1.27636183461175E-23"        ixz="8.08318211496588E-23"        iyy="8.89898462049032E-05"        iyz="2.18596653030412E-23"        izz="0.000130905430632044" />    </inertial>    <visual>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/right_front_wheel.STL" />      </geometry>      <material        name="">        <color          rgba="1 1 0 1" />      </material>    </visual>    <collision>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/right_front_wheel.STL" />      </geometry>    </collision>  </link>  <joint    name="right_front_wheel_joint"    type="continuous">    <origin      xyz="0.12875 -0.1504 0.04"      rpy="1.5708 0 0" />    <parent      link="base_link" />    <child      link="right_front_wheel" />    <axis      xyz="0 0 1" />  </joint>  <link    name="left_back_wheel">    <inertial>      <origin        xyz="0 -1.98217916108356E-05 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <mass        value="0.176438810476987" />      <inertia        ixx="8.8965933887671E-05"        ixy="-1.27300145019925E-23"        ixz="8.0831821149659E-23"        iyy="8.89898462049032E-05"        iyz="2.16519665002917E-23"        izz="0.000130905430632044" />    </inertial>    <visual>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/left_back_wheel.STL" />      </geometry>      <material        name="">        <color          rgba="1 1 0 1" />      </material>    </visual>    <collision>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/left_back_wheel.STL" />      </geometry>    </collision>  </link>  <joint    name="left_back_wheel_joint"    type="continuous">    <origin      xyz="-0.12875 0.1504 0.04"      rpy="1.5708 0 0" />    <parent      link="base_link" />    <child      link="left_back_wheel" />    <axis      xyz="0 0 1" />  </joint>  <link    name="right_back_wheel">    <inertial>      <origin        xyz="2.77555756156289E-17 -1.98217916108079E-05 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <mass        value="0.176438810476987" />      <inertia        ixx="8.8965933887671E-05"        ixy="-4.17259369791981E-24"        ixz="2.75455648073554E-21"        iyy="8.89898462049032E-05"        iyz="5.21854052435048E-20"        izz="0.000130905430632044" />    </inertial>    <visual>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/right_back_wheel.STL" />      </geometry>      <material        name="">        <color          rgba="1 1 0 1" />      </material>    </visual>    <collision>      <origin        xyz="0 0 0"        rpy="0 0 0" />      <geometry>        <mesh          filename="package://smartcar_description/meshes/right_back_wheel.STL" />      </geometry>    </collision>  </link>  <joint    name="right_back_wheel_joint"    type="continuous">    <origin      xyz="-0.12875 -0.1504 0.04"      rpy="1.5708 0 3.1416" />    <parent      link="base_link" />    <child      link="right_back_wheel" />    <axis      xyz="0 0 1" />  </joint>  </xacro:macro>  </robot>
  1. gazebo.urdf.xacro
<?xml version="1.0"?>  <robot xmlns:controller="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#controller"       xmlns:interface="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#interface"       xmlns:sensor="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#sensor"       xmlns:xacro="http://ros.org/wiki/xacro"       name="smartcar_gazebo">   <!-- ASUS Xtion PRO camera for simulation -->  <!-- gazebo_ros_wge100 plugin is in kt2_gazebo_plugins package -->  <xacro:macro name="smartcar_sim">      <gazebo reference="base_footprint">       <material>Gazebo/Blue</material>               <turnGravityOff>false</turnGravityOff>    </gazebo>    <gazebo reference="base_link">          <material>Gazebo/Blue</material>      </gazebo>      <gazebo reference="right_front_wheel">          <material>Gazebo/FlatBlack</material>      </gazebo>      <transmission name="right_front_wheel_joint_trans">      <type>transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission</type>      <joint name="right_front_wheel_joint" />      <actuator name="right_front_wheel_joint_motor">        <hardwareInterface>EffortJointInterface</hardwareInterface>        <mechanicalReduction>1</mechanicalReduction>      </actuator>    </transmission>    <gazebo reference="right_back_wheel">          <material>Gazebo/FlatBlack</material>      </gazebo>      <transmission name="right_back_wheel_joint_trans">      <type>transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission</type>      <joint name="right_back_wheel_joint" />      <actuator name="right_back_wheel_joint_motor">        <hardwareInterface>EffortJointInterface</hardwareInterface>        <mechanicalReduction>1</mechanicalReduction>      </actuator>    </transmission>    <gazebo reference="left_front_wheel">          <material>Gazebo/FlatBlack</material>      </gazebo>      <transmission name="left_front_wheel_joint_trans">      <type>transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission</type>      <joint name="left_front_wheel_joint" />      <actuator name="left_front_wheel_joint_motor">        <hardwareInterface>EffortJointInterface</hardwareInterface>        <mechanicalReduction>1</mechanicalReduction>      </actuator>    </transmission>    <gazebo reference="left_back_wheel">          <material>Gazebo/FlatBlack</material>      </gazebo>         <transmission name="left_back_wheel_joint_trans">      <type>transmission_interface/SimpleTransmission</type>      <joint name="left_back_wheel_joint" />      <actuator name="left_back_wheel_joint_motor">        <hardwareInterface>EffortJointInterface</hardwareInterface>        <mechanicalReduction>1</mechanicalReduction>      </actuator>    </transmission>    <!-- position controller -->    <gazebo>      <plugin name="base_controller" filename="libgazebo_ros_planar_move.so">        <commandTopic>cmd_vel</commandTopic>        <odometryTopic>odom</odometryTopic>        <odometryFrame>odom</odometryFrame>        <odometryRate>100.0</odometryRate>        <robotBaseFrame>base_footprint</robotBaseFrame>      </plugin>    </gazebo></xacro:macro>  </robot>
  1. smartcar.urdf.xacro
<?xml version="1.0"?>  <robot name="smartcar"        xmlns:xi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XInclude"      xmlns:gazebo="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#gz"      xmlns:model="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#model"      xmlns:sensor="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#sensor"      xmlns:body="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#body"      xmlns:geom="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#geom"      xmlns:joint="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#joint"      xmlns:controller="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#controller"      xmlns:interface="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#interface"      xmlns:rendering="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#rendering"      xmlns:renderable="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#renderable"      xmlns:physics="http://playerstage.sourceforge.net/gazebo/xmlschema/#physics"      xmlns:xacro="http://ros.org/wiki/xacro">    <xacro:include filename="$(find smartcar_description)/urdf/smartcar_body.urdf.xacro" />    <!-- Body of SmartCar, with plates, standoffs and Create (including sim sensors) -->    <smartcar_body/>    <smartcar_sim/>  </robot>

diff_controller.py在/opt/ros/indigo/lib/python2.7/dist-packages下。(可以用sudo vim进行修改),修改都已经注释过了(add by yang)。代码如下:

#!/usr/bin/env python"""  diff_controller.py - controller for a differential drive  Copyright (c) 2010-2011 Vanadium Labs LLC.  All right reserved.  Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without  modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:      * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright        notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.      * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright        notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the        documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.      * Neither the name of Vanadium Labs LLC nor the names of its         contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived         from this software without specific prior written permission.  THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND  ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED  WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE  DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL VANADIUM LABS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT,  INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT  LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA,  OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF  LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE  OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF  ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE."""import rospyfrom math import sin,cos,pifrom geometry_msgs.msg import Quaternionfrom geometry_msgs.msg import Twistfrom nav_msgs.msg import Odometryfrom diagnostic_msgs.msg import *from tf.broadcaster import TransformBroadcasterfrom ax12 import *from controllers import *from struct import unpackclass DiffController(Controller):    """ Controller to handle movement & odometry feedback for a differential             drive mobile base. """    def __init__(self, device, name):        Controller.__init__(self, device, name)        self.pause = True        self.last_cmd = rospy.Time.now()        # parameters: rates and geometry        self.rate = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/rate',10.0)        self.timeout = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/timeout',1.0)        self.t_delta = rospy.Duration(1.0/self.rate)        self.t_next = rospy.Time.now() + self.t_delta        self.ticks_meter = float(rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/ticks_meter'))        self.base_width = float(rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/base_width'))        self.base_frame_id = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/base_frame_id', 'base_link')        self.odom_frame_id = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/odom_frame_id', 'odom')        # parameters: PID        self.Kp = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/Kp', 5)        self.Kd = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/Kd', 1)        self.Ki = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/Ki', 0)        self.Ko = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/Ko', 50)        # parameters: acceleration        self.accel_limit = rospy.get_param('~controllers/'+name+'/accel_limit', 0.1)        self.max_accel = int(self.accel_limit*self.ticks_meter/self.rate)        # output for joint states publisher        self.joint_names = ["base_l_wheel_joint","base_r_wheel_joint"]        self.joint_positions = [0,0]        self.joint_velocities = [0,0]        # internal data                    self.v_left = 0                 # current setpoint velocity        self.v_right = 0        self.v_des_left = 0             # cmd_vel setpoint        self.v_des_right = 0        self.enc_left = None            # encoder readings        self.enc_right = None        self.x = 0                      # position in xy plane        self.y = 0        self.th = 0        self.dx = 0                     # speeds in x/rotation        self.dy = 0                     # add by yang    self.dr = 0        self.then = rospy.Time.now()    # time for determining dx/dy        # subscriptions        rospy.Subscriber("cmd_vel", Twist, self.cmdVelCb)        self.odomPub = rospy.Publisher("odom", Odometry, queue_size=5)        self.odomBroadcaster = TransformBroadcaster()        rospy.loginfo("Started yang DiffController ("+name+"). Geometry: " + str(self.base_width) + "m wide, " + str(self.ticks_meter) + " ticks/m.")    def startup(self):        if not self.fake:            self.setup(self.Kp,self.Kd,self.Ki,self.Ko)     def update(self):        now = rospy.Time.now()        if now > self.t_next:            elapsed = now - self.then            self.then = now            elapsed = elapsed.to_sec()            if self.fake:                x = cos(self.th)*self.dx*elapsed                y = -sin(self.th)*self.dx*elapsed        #self.x and self.y has changed for the effort of dy                self.x += cos(self.th)*self.dx*elapsed + sin(self.th)*self.dy*elapsed                self.y += sin(self.th)*self.dx*elapsed + cos(self.th)*self.dy*elapsed                self.th += self.dr*elapsed            else:                # read encoders                try:                    left, right = self.status()                except Exception as e:                    rospy.logerr("Could not update encoders: " + str(e))                    return                rospy.logdebug("Encoders: " + str(left) +","+ str(right))                # calculate odometry                if self.enc_left == None:                    d_left = 0                    d_right = 0                else:                    d_left = (left - self.enc_left)/self.ticks_meter                    d_right = (right - self.enc_right)/self.ticks_meter                self.enc_left = left                self.enc_right = right                d = (d_left+d_right)/2                th = (d_right-d_left)/self.base_width                self.dx = d / elapsed                self.dr = th / elapsed                if (d != 0):                    x = cos(th)*d                    y = -sin(th)*d                    self.x = self.x + (cos(self.th)*x - sin(self.th)*y)                    self.y = self.y + (sin(self.th)*x + cos(self.th)*y)                if (th != 0):                    self.th = self.th + th            # publish or perish            quaternion = Quaternion()            quaternion.x = 0.0             quaternion.y = 0.0            quaternion.z = sin(self.th/2)            quaternion.w = cos(self.th/2)            self.odomBroadcaster.sendTransform(                (self.x, self.y, 0),                 (quaternion.x, quaternion.y, quaternion.z, quaternion.w),                rospy.Time.now(),                self.base_frame_id,                self.odom_frame_id                )            odom = Odometry()            odom.header.stamp = now            odom.header.frame_id = self.odom_frame_id            odom.pose.pose.position.x = self.x            odom.pose.pose.position.y = self.y            odom.pose.pose.position.z = 0            odom.pose.pose.orientation = quaternion            odom.child_frame_id = self.base_frame_id            odom.twist.twist.linear.x = self.dx            odom.twist.twist.linear.y = self.dy  #it was 0 before changed            odom.twist.twist.angular.z = self.dr            self.odomPub.publish(odom)            if now > (self.last_cmd + rospy.Duration(self.timeout)):                self.v_des_left = 0                self.v_des_right = 0            # update motors            if not self.fake:                if self.v_left < self.v_des_left:                    self.v_left += self.max_accel                    if self.v_left > self.v_des_left:                        self.v_left = self.v_des_left                else:                    self.v_left -= self.max_accel                    if self.v_left < self.v_des_left:                        self.v_left = self.v_des_left                if self.v_right < self.v_des_right:                    self.v_right += self.max_accel                    if self.v_right > self.v_des_right:                        self.v_right = self.v_des_right                else:                    self.v_right -= self.max_accel                    if self.v_right < self.v_des_right:                        self.v_right = self.v_des_right                self.write(self.v_left, self.v_right)            self.t_next = now + self.t_delta    def shutdown(self):        if not self.fake:            self.write(0,0)    def cmdVelCb(self,req):        """ Handle movement requests. """        self.last_cmd = rospy.Time.now()        if self.fake:            self.dx = req.linear.x        # m/s            self.dy = req.linear.y        # m/s add by yang            self.dr = req.angular.z       # rad/s        else:            # set motor speeds in ticks per 1/30s            self.v_des_left = int( ((req.linear.x - (req.angular.z * self.base_width/2.0)) * self.ticks_meter) / 30.0)            self.v_des_right = int( ((req.linear.x + (req.angular.z * self.base_width/2.0)) * self.ticks_meter) / 30.0)    def getDiagnostics(self):        """ Get a diagnostics status. """        msg = DiagnosticStatus()        msg.name = self.name        msg.level = DiagnosticStatus.OK        msg.message = "OK"        if not self.fake:            msg.values.append(KeyValue("Left", str(self.enc_left)))            msg.values.append(KeyValue("Right", str(self.enc_right)))        msg.values.append(KeyValue("dX", str(self.dx)))        msg.values.append(KeyValue("dR", str(self.dr)))        return msg    ###    ### Controller Specification:     ###    ###  setup: Kp, Kd, Ki, Ko (all unsigned char)    ###    ###  write: left_speed, right_speed (2-byte signed, ticks per frame)    ###    ###  status: left_enc, right_enc (4-byte signed)    ###     def setup(self, kp, kd, ki, ko):        success = self.device.execute(253, AX_CONTROL_SETUP, [10, kp, kd, ki, ko])    def write(self, left, right):        """ Send a closed-loop speed. Base PID loop runs at 30Hz, these values                are therefore in ticks per 1/30 second. """        left = left&0xffff        right = right&0xffff        success = self.device.execute(253, AX_CONTROL_WRITE, [10, left%256, left>>8, right%256, right>>8])    def status(self):        """ read 32-bit (signed) encoder values. """        values = self.device.execute(253, AX_CONTROL_STAT, [10])        left_values = "".join([chr(k) for k in values[0:4] ])                right_values = "".join([chr(k) for k in values[4:] ])        try:            left = unpack('=l',left_values)[0]            right = unpack('=l',right_values)[0]            return [left, right]        except:            return None
0 0