Android Data Analyse(3)--APN & ApnSetting & ApnContext

来源:互联网 发布 excel 数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/03 21:27


APN (access point name) 简单的可以理解为数据上网的接入点名称,是访问数据的必须要配置的参数。该参数的配置直接决定了访问数据的接入方式。


  <apn carrier="中国移动 (China Mobile) WAP"      mcc="460"      mnc="00"      apn="cmwap"      proxy=""      port="80"      type="default,supl"  />
名称 说明 carrier 该APN的名称(在手机上可以看到) mccmnc 手机的mccmnc apn 接入点 proxy 代理 port 端口 type 该条apn可以入网的类型


apn 由google定义了一套可供各运营商使用的默认配置,其默认存放位置在device/sample/etc/apns-full-conf.xml里。编译后会copy到system/etc/apns-conf.xml.针对不同的运营商需求,可以在apns-full-conf.xml里更改。

在device 检测到simcard load完成后,经过一系列的调用:

    protected void onRecordsLoadedOrSubIdChanged() {    ...        createAllApnList();//从数据库中获取所有符合标准的apn        setInitialAttachApn();//设置初始accach的apn     ...    }
    /**     * Based on the sim operator numeric, create a list for all possible     * Data Connections and setup the preferredApn.     */    protected void createAllApnList() {        mMvnoMatched = false;//虚拟运营商相关的,尚未遇到过        mAllApnSettings = new ArrayList<ApnSetting>();        IccRecords r = mIccRecords.get();        String operator = mPhone.getOperatorNumeric();        if (operator != null) {            String selection = "numeric = '" + operator + "'";            String orderBy = "_id";            // query only enabled apn.            // carrier_enabled : 1 means enabled apn, 0 disabled apn.            // selection += " and carrier_enabled = 1";            if (DBG) log("createAllApnList: selection=" + selection);            //通过mccmnc筛选出apn集合            Cursor cursor = mPhone.getContext().getContentResolver().query(                    Telephony.Carriers.CONTENT_URI, null, selection, null, orderBy);            if (cursor != null) {                if (cursor.getCount() > 0) {                //得到所有合适的apn                    mAllApnSettings = createApnList(cursor);                }                cursor.close();            }        }        //添加Emergency APN settings        addEmergencyApnSetting();        //去除重复的apn        dedupeApnSettings();        if (mAllApnSettings.isEmpty()) {            if (DBG) log("createAllApnList: No APN found for carrier: " + operator);            mPreferredApn = null;            // TODO: What is the right behavior?            //notifyNoData(DataConnection.FailCause.MISSING_UNKNOWN_APN);        } else {            mPreferredApn = getPreferredApn();            if (mPreferredApn != null && !mPreferredApn.numeric.equals(operator)) {                mPreferredApn = null;                setPreferredApn(-1);            }            if (DBG) log("createAllApnList: mPreferredApn=" + mPreferredApn);        }        if (DBG) log("createAllApnList: X mAllApnSettings=" + mAllApnSettings);        setDataProfilesAsNeeded();    }


ApnSetting 可以简单看成是APN的构造函数(?),在查询数据库时,主要以ApnSetting 形式存储。其参数分别对应着telephony.db carrier表里的各项。

    public ApnSetting(int id, String numeric, String carrier, String apn,            String proxy, String port,            String mmsc, String mmsProxy, String mmsPort,            String user, String password, int authType, String[] types,            String protocol, String roamingProtocol, boolean carrierEnabled, int bearer,            int bearerBitmask, int profileId, boolean modemCognitive, int maxConns, int waitTime,            int maxConnsTime, int mtu, String mvnoType, String mvnoMatchData) { = id; //数据库里的标识ID        this.numeric = numeric; // mccmnc        this.carrier = carrier; //该apn的名称(即在settings里显示)        this.apn = apn; //接入点        this.proxy = proxy; //apn 的代理        this.port = port; //apn 的端口号        this.mmsc = mmsc; //彩信中心地址        this.mmsProxy = mmsProxy; //彩信代理        this.mmsPort = mmsPort; //彩信端口        this.user = user; //没看懂(to be update)        this.password = password; //没看懂(to be update)        this.authType = authType; //没看懂(to be update)        this.types = new String[types.length]; //该apn适用的data类型        for (int i = 0; i < types.length; i++) {            this.types[i] = types[i].toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT);        }        this.protocol = protocol;        this.roamingProtocol = roamingProtocol;        this.carrierEnabled = carrierEnabled;        this.bearer = bearer;//能够处理的网络类型(?)        this.bearerBitmask = (bearerBitmask | ServiceState.getBitmaskForTech(bearer));        this.profileId = profileId;        this.modemCognitive = modemCognitive;        this.maxConns = maxConns;        this.waitTime = waitTime;        this.maxConnsTime = maxConnsTime;        this.mtu = mtu;        this.mvnoType = mvnoType;        this.mvnoMatchData = mvnoMatchData;    }


    /**     * 判断传递过来的type是否能够处理。     * 通常在不同运营商上有不同的需求,这块需要特殊处理     */    public boolean canHandleType(String type) {        if (!carrierEnabled) return false;        for (String t : types) {            // DEFAULT handles all, and HIPRI is handled by DEFAULT            if (t.equalsIgnoreCase(type) ||                    t.equalsIgnoreCase(PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_ALL) ||                    (t.equalsIgnoreCase(PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DEFAULT) &&                    type.equalsIgnoreCase(PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_HIPRI))) {                return true;            }        }        return false;    }


APN & ApnSetting 均为配置参数,而ApnContext 则是操作APN or ApnSetting. 在Dctracker 或者DataConnection 等跟数据相关主要的相关类中,主要操作ApnContext来读取或设置APN相关信息。


接口 返回值 说明 getApnSetting ApnSetting 返回当前所有APN getApnType String 返回当前APN类型 getState DctConstants.State 返回该条apn对应网络的状态 isConnectedOrConnecting boolean 返回当前apn对应的网络是否连接 … … …


    /**     * 判断传递过来的type 是否允许访问数据     */    public boolean isDataPossible(String apnType) {        ApnContext apnContext = mApnContexts.get(apnType);        if (apnContext == null) {            return false;        }        boolean apnContextIsEnabled = apnContext.isEnabled();        DctConstants.State apnContextState = apnContext.getState();        boolean apnTypePossible = !(apnContextIsEnabled &&                (apnContextState == DctConstants.State.FAILED));        boolean isEmergencyApn = apnContext.getApnType().equals(PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_EMERGENCY);        // Set the emergency APN availability status as TRUE irrespective of conditions checked in        // isDataAllowed() like IN_SERVICE, MOBILE DATA status etc.        boolean dataAllowed = isEmergencyApn || isDataAllowed(null);        boolean possible = dataAllowed && apnTypePossible;        if ((apnContext.getApnType().equals(PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_DEFAULT)                    || apnContext.getApnType().equals(PhoneConstants.APN_TYPE_IA))                && (mPhone.getServiceState().getRilDataRadioTechnology()                == ServiceState.RIL_RADIO_TECHNOLOGY_IWLAN)) {            log("Default data call activation not possible in iwlan.");            possible = false;        }        if (VDBG) {            log(String.format("isDataPossible(%s): possible=%b isDataAllowed=%b " +                            "apnTypePossible=%b apnContextisEnabled=%b apnContextState()=%s",                    apnType, possible, dataAllowed, apnTypePossible,                    apnContextIsEnabled, apnContextState));        }        return possible;    }