
来源:互联网 发布:gps车辆监控软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:32
     virtual 与abstract在修饰方法上都是表示虚拟方法,但是在使用上存在区别 。 


     virtual:如果派生类中没有重写方法,那么在实例化派生类之后,按基类方法执行,如果基类已经重写了方法,则用派生类方法执行 。

      abstract :基类必须为abstract类,方法并没有具体内容,只是在派生类中会对应方法内容。


   class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            xiaoming ccxiaoming = new xiaoming();            ccxiaoming.suggestion();            xiaohong ccxiaohong = new xiaohong();            ccxiaohong.suggestion();            Console.ReadLine();        }    }    class xiaoming : teacherCommand    {        public xiaoming():base()        {                   }        public override void suggestion()        {            Console.WriteLine("play game");        }    }    class xiaohong : teacherCommand    {        public xiaohong()            : base()        {                   }    }    class teacherCommand {    public  virtual void  suggestion() {            Console.WriteLine("read this article");        }    }


play game

read this article


class Program    {        static void Main(string[] args)        {            xiaoming ccxiaoming = new xiaoming();            ccxiaoming.housework();            xiaohong ccxiaohong = new xiaohong();            ccxiaohong.housework();            Console.ReadLine();        }    }    class xiaoming : homework    {        public override void housework()        {            Console.WriteLine("help mother clean the room");        }    }    class xiaohong : homework    {        public override void housework()        {            Console.WriteLine("help grandpa read the newspaper ");        }    }          abstract class homework {         abstract void housework();    }


help mother clean the room

help grandpa read the newspaper