软件工程(C编码实践篇) 第五次作业实验报告

来源:互联网 发布:matlab做无标度网络 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/24 02:00

《软件工程(C编码实践篇)》MOOC课程作业 http://mooc.study.163.com/course/USTC-1000002006





实验要求(参照视频中的具体实验过程) 本实验在提供的代码基础上进行

  • 给lab5-1.tar.gz找bug,quit命令无法运行的bug
  • 利用callback函数参数使Linktable的查询接口更加通用
  • 注意接口的信息隐藏



1. 找bug



Input a cmd number > quitThis is a wrong cmd!


tDataNode *p = FindCmd(head, cmd);if( p == NULL){    printf("This is a wrong cmd!\n ");    continue;}


/* find a cmd in the linklist and return the datanode pointer */tDataNode* FindCmd(tLinkTable * head, char * cmd){    return  (tDataNode*)SearchLinkTableNode(head,SearchCondition);}


/* * Search a LinkTableNode from LinkTable * int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode); */tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode)){    if(pLinkTable == NULL || Conditon == NULL)    {        return NULL;    }    tLinkTableNode * pNode = pLinkTable->pHead;    while(pNode != pLinkTable->pTail)    {            if(Conditon(pNode) == SUCCESS)        {            return pNode;                           }        pNode = pNode->pNext;    }    return NULL;}


/* * Search a LinkTableNode from LinkTable * int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode); */tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode)){    if(pLinkTable == NULL || Conditon == NULL)    {        return NULL;    }    tLinkTableNode * pNode = pLinkTable->pHead;    while(pNode != NULL)    {            if(Conditon(pNode) == SUCCESS)        {            return pNode;                           }        pNode = pNode->pNext;    }    return NULL;}


2. 优化代码结构


git clone https://github.com/libaoquan95/seClass_lab5.git

并进入版本库并复制 menu.c linktable.h linktable.c 文件

2 linktable.h

#ifndef _LINK_TABLE_H_#define _LINK_TABLE_H_#include <pthread.h>#define  SUCCESS 0#define  FAILURE (-1)/* * LinkTableNode Node Type */typedef struct LinkTableNode{    struct LinkTableNode *pNext;}tLinkTableNode;typedef struct LinkTable tLinkTable;    //声明Linktable,其内部结构不应该出现在.h的接口文件,即信息隐藏。tLinkTable * CreateLinkTable();int          DelLinkTable(tLinkTable* pLinkTable);int          AddLinkTable(tLinkTable* pLinkTable,tLinkTableNode *pNode);int          DelLinkTableNode(tLinkTable* pLinkTable,tLinkTableNode *pNode);tLinkTableNode * GetLinkTableHead(tLinkTable *pLinkTable);tLinkTableNode * GetNextLinkTableNode(tLinkTable* pLinkTable,tLinkTableNode *pNode);tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode,void * args),void * args);#endif

3 linktable.c

#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#include"linktable.h"typedef struct LinkTable{    tLinkTableNode *pHead;    tLinkTableNode *pTail;    int             SumOfNode;    pthread_mutex_t mutex;}tLinkTable;/* * Create a LinkTable */tLinkTable * CreateLinkTable(){    tLinkTable * pLinkTable = (tLinkTable *)malloc(sizeof(tLinkTable));    if(pLinkTable == NULL)    {        return NULL;    }    pLinkTable->pHead = NULL;    pLinkTable->pTail = NULL;    pLinkTable->SumOfNode = 0;    pthread_mutex_init(&(pLinkTable->mutex), NULL);    return pLinkTable;}/* * Delete a LinkTable */int DeleteLinkTable(tLinkTable *pLinkTable){    if(pLinkTable == NULL)    {        return FAILURE;    }    while(pLinkTable->pHead != NULL)    {        tLinkTableNode * p = pLinkTable->pHead;        pthread_mutex_lock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));        pLinkTable->pHead = pLinkTable->pHead->pNext;        pLinkTable->SumOfNode -= 1 ;        pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));        free(p);    }    pLinkTable->pHead = NULL;    pLinkTable->pTail = NULL;    pLinkTable->SumOfNode = 0;    pthread_mutex_destroy(&(pLinkTable->mutex));    free(pLinkTable);    return SUCCESS;        }/* * Add a LinkTableNode to LinkTable */int AddLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable,tLinkTableNode * pNode){    if(pLinkTable == NULL || pNode == NULL)    {        return FAILURE;    }    pNode->pNext = NULL;    pthread_mutex_lock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));    if(pLinkTable->pHead == NULL)    {        pLinkTable->pHead = pNode;    }    if(pLinkTable->pTail == NULL)    {        pLinkTable->pTail = pNode;    }    else    {        pLinkTable->pTail->pNext = pNode;        pLinkTable->pTail = pNode;    }    pLinkTable->SumOfNode += 1 ;    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));    return SUCCESS;        }/* * Delete a LinkTableNode from LinkTable */int DelLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable,tLinkTableNode * pNode){    if(pLinkTable == NULL || pNode == NULL)    {        return FAILURE;    }    pthread_mutex_lock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));    if(pLinkTable->pHead == pNode)    {        pLinkTable->pHead = pLinkTable->pHead->pNext;        pLinkTable->SumOfNode -= 1 ;        if(pLinkTable->SumOfNode == 0)        {            pLinkTable->pTail = NULL;            }        pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));        return SUCCESS;    }    tLinkTableNode * pTempNode = pLinkTable->pHead;    while(pTempNode != NULL)    {            if(pTempNode->pNext == pNode)        {            pTempNode->pNext = pTempNode->pNext->pNext;            pLinkTable->SumOfNode -= 1 ;            if(pLinkTable->SumOfNode == 0)            {                pLinkTable->pTail = NULL;                }            pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));            return SUCCESS;                            }        pTempNode = pTempNode->pNext;    }    pthread_mutex_unlock(&(pLinkTable->mutex));    return FAILURE;        }/* * Search a LinkTableNode from LinkTable * int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode, void* agrs); */tLinkTableNode * SearchLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable, int Conditon(tLinkTableNode * pNode, void* agrs), void* agrs){    if(pLinkTable == NULL || Conditon == NULL)    {        return NULL;    }    tLinkTableNode * pNode = pLinkTable->pHead;    while(pNode != NULL)    {            if(Conditon(pNode, agrs) == SUCCESS)        {            return pNode;                            }        pNode = pNode->pNext;    }    return NULL;}/* * get LinkTableHead */tLinkTableNode * GetLinkTableHead(tLinkTable *pLinkTable){    if(pLinkTable == NULL)    {        return NULL;    }        return pLinkTable->pHead;}/* * get next LinkTableNode */tLinkTableNode * GetNextLinkTableNode(tLinkTable *pLinkTable,tLinkTableNode * pNode){    if(pLinkTable == NULL || pNode == NULL)    {        return NULL;    }    tLinkTableNode * pTempNode = pLinkTable->pHead;    while(pTempNode != NULL)    {            if(pTempNode == pNode)        {            return pTempNode->pNext;                            }        pTempNode = pTempNode->pNext;    }    return NULL;}

4 menu.c

/* * Copyright (C) libaoquan95@github.com, 2017-2018 * * File name                  : menu.c * Principal author           : libaoquan95 * Subsystem name             : menu  * Module name                : menu * Language                   : C  * Date of first release      : 2017/10/16 * Deacription                : This is a menu program*/#include <stdio.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <string.h>#include <time.h>#include <unistd.h>#include "linktable.h"#define CMD_MAX_LEN 128#define DESC_LEN 1024#define CMD_NUM 10int PrintCommand();int PrintSystemTime();int PrintCurrentWorkingDirectory();int Add();int Sub();int Mul();int Div();int Quit();typedef struct DataNode{    tLinkTableNode * pNext;    char* cmd;    char* desc;    int (*handler)();}tDataNode;int SearchCondition(tLinkTableNode * pLinkTableNode , void *args){    char *cmd = (char*)args;    tDataNode * pNode = (tDataNode *)pLinkTableNode;    if(strcmp(pNode->cmd, cmd) == 0)    {        return  SUCCESS;      }    return FAILURE;           }tDataNode* FindCmd(tLinkTable * head, char * cmd){    return  (tDataNode*)SearchLinkTableNode(head,SearchCondition,(void *)cmd);}int ShowAllCmd(tLinkTable *head){    tDataNode *pNode = (tDataNode*)GetLinkTableHead(head);    printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n");    while(pNode != NULL)    {        printf("\t\t %s: \t\t %s\n", pNode->cmd, pNode->desc);        pNode= (tDataNode*)GetNextLinkTableNode(head, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode);    }    printf("-------------------------------------------------------------------\n");    return 0;}/*static tDataNode menu[] ={    {(tLinkTableNode*)&menu[1], "help", "Print all command of menu",                  PrintCommand},    {(tLinkTableNode*)&menu[2], "time", "Show system time",                           PrintSystemTime},    {(tLinkTableNode*)&menu[3], "pwd", "Show current working directory",              PrintCurrentWorkingDirectory},    {(tLinkTableNode*)&menu[4], "add", "Calculate the summarize of the two integer numbers",      Add},    {(tLinkTableNode*)&menu[5], "sub", "Calculate the subtractions of the two integer numbers",   Sub},    {(tLinkTableNode*)&menu[6], "mul", "Calculate the multiplication of the two integer numbers", Mul},    {(tLinkTableNode*)&menu[7], "div", "Calculate the division of the two integer numbers",       Div},    {(tLinkTableNode*)NULL,     "quit", "Exit menu program",                         Quit}};*/int InitMenuData(tLinkTable **ppLinkTable){    *ppLinkTable = CreateLinkTable();    tDataNode *pNode0 = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode0->cmd = "help";    pNode0->desc = "Print all command of menu";    pNode0->handler = PrintCommand;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode0);    tDataNode *pNode1 = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode1->cmd = "time";    pNode1->desc = "Show system time";    pNode1->handler = PrintSystemTime;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode1);    tDataNode *pNode2 = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode2->cmd = "pwd";    pNode2->desc = "Show current working directory";    pNode2->handler = PrintCurrentWorkingDirectory;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode2);    tDataNode *pNode3 = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode3->cmd = "add";    pNode3->desc = "Calculate the summarize of the two integer numbers";    pNode3->handler = Add;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode3);    tDataNode *pNode4 = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode4->cmd = "sub";    pNode4->desc = "Calculate the subtractions of the two integer numbers";    pNode4->handler = Sub;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode4);    tDataNode *pNode5 = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode5->cmd = "mul";    pNode5->desc = "Calculate the multiplication of the two integer numbers";    pNode5->handler = Mul;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode5);    tDataNode *pNode6 = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode6->cmd = "div";    pNode6->desc = "Calculate the division of the two integer numbers";    pNode6->handler = Div;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode6);    tDataNode *pNode7 = (tDataNode*)malloc(sizeof(tDataNode));    pNode7->cmd = "quit";    pNode7->desc = "Exit menu program";    pNode7->handler = Quit;    AddLinkTableNode(*ppLinkTable, (tLinkTableNode*)pNode7);    //(*ppLinkTable)->pHead = (tLinkTableNode*)&menu[0];    //(*ppLinkTable)->pTail = (tLinkTableNode*)&menu[7];    //(*ppLinkTable)->SumOfNode = 8;}tLinkTable *head = NULL;int main(){    InitMenuData(&head);    while(1)    {        char cmd[CMD_MAX_LEN];        printf("$menu > ");        scanf("%s", cmd);        tDataNode *p = FindCmd(head, cmd);        if(p == NULL)        {            printf("ERROR: This is not a command, you can input 'help' to find command\n");            continue;        }        if(p->handler != NULL)        {            p->handler();        }    }}/** * print all command and it's information * @param none * @return none */int PrintCommand(){    ShowAllCmd(head);    return 0;}/** * print current time * @param none * @return none */int PrintSystemTime(){    struct tm *ptr;    time_t it;    it = time(NULL);    ptr = localtime(&it);    printf("%4d年%02d月%02d日  %d:%d:%d\n", ptr->tm_year + 1900, ptr->tm_mon + 1, ptr->tm_mday,                                           ptr->tm_hour, ptr->tm_min,ptr->tm_sec);    return 0;}/** * print current working directory path * @param none * @return none */int PrintCurrentWorkingDirectory(){    char buf[256];    getcwd(buf, sizeof(buf));    printf("当前路径:  %s\n", buf);    return 0;}/** * calculate add of two interage numbers * @param none * @return calculate result */ int Add() {     int num1 = 0, num2 = 0;     printf("input number1:");     scanf("%d", &num1);     printf("input number2:");     scanf("%d", &num2);     printf("%d + %d = %d\n", num1, num2, num1 + num2);     return 0; } /**  * calculate sub of two interage numbers  * @param none  * @return calculate result  */ int Sub() {     int num1 = 0, num2 = 0;     printf("input number1:");     scanf("%d", &num1);     printf("input number2:");     scanf("%d", &num2);     printf("%d - %d = %d\n", num1, num2, num1 - num2);     return 0; } /**  * calculate mul of two interage numbers  * @param none  * @return calculate result  */ int Mul() {     int num1 = 0, num2 = 0;     printf("input number1:");     scanf("%d", &num1);     printf("input number2:");     scanf("%d", &num2);     printf("%d * %d = %d\n", num1, num2, num1 * num2);     return 0; } /**  * calculate div of two interage numbers  * @param none  * @return calculate result  */ int Div() {     int num1 = 0, num2 = 0;     printf("input number1:");     scanf("%d", &num1);     printf("input number2:");     scanf("%d", &num2);     if(num2 != 0)     {         printf("%d / %d = %d\n", num1, num2, num1 / num2);     }     else     {         printf("ERROR: don't division 0\n");     }     return 0; } /**  * quit command  * @param none  * @return none  */ int Quit() {     exit(0);     return 0; }


gcc linktable.h linktable.c menu.c -o menu./menu






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