
来源:互联网 发布:linux phpmyadmin 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/30 00:47

  • 1-
    • 1-1 配置方法
      • 1-1-1 catalog配置
      • 1-1-2 schema配置
    • 1-2 启动和使用
  • 1-3 源码分析
      • 1-3-1 metadata
      • 1-3-2 任务切分
      • 1-3-3 数据读取


今天分析一下presto的kafka connector的主要原理和源码

1-1 配置方法

1-1-1 catalog配置,localhost:9091,localhost:9092 //在单机启动3个broker,按照逗号进行分割kafka.table-names=tpch2.customer,tpch2.orders,tpch2.lineitem,tpch2.part,tpch2.partsupp,tpch2.supplier,tpch2.nation,tpch2.region //所有相关的表名,每一个都是kafka中的一个topickafka.hide-internal-columns=false //这个connector有很多的kafka相关的默认字段,这里配置是否在客户端显示

1-1-2 schema配置


{    "tableName": "customer",    "schemaName": "tpch",    "topicName": "tpch.customer",    "key": {        "dataFormat": "raw",        "fields": [            {                "name": "kafka_key",                "dataFormat": "LONG",                "type": "BIGINT",                "hidden": "false"            }        ]    },    "message": {        "dataFormat": "json",        "fields": [            {                "name": "row_number",                "mapping": "rowNumber",                "type": "BIGINT"            },            {                "name": "customer_key",                "mapping": "customerKey",                "type": "BIGINT"            },            {                "name": "name",                "mapping": "name",                "type": "VARCHAR"            },            {                "name": "address",                "mapping": "address",                "type": "VARCHAR"            },            {                "name": "nation_key",                "mapping": "nationKey",                "type": "BIGINT"            },            {                "name": "phone",                "mapping": "phone",                "type": "VARCHAR"            },

1-2 启动和使用

show schemas

       Schema       -------------------- information_schema  tpch2              (2 rows)

use tpch2;
show tables;

  Table   ---------- customer  lineitem  nation    orders    part      partsupp  region    supplier (8 rows)

desc customer;

      Column       |  Type   |                   Comment                   -------------------+---------+--------------------------------------------- kafka_key         | bigint  |                                              row_number        | bigint  |                                              customer_key      | bigint  |                                              name              | varchar |                                              address           | varchar |                                              nation_key        | bigint  |                                              phone             | varchar |                                              account_balance   | double  |                                              market_segment    | varchar |                                              comment           | varchar |                                              _partition_id     | bigint  | Partition Id                                 _partition_offset | bigint  | Offset for the message within the partition  _segment_start    | bigint  | Segment start offset                         _segment_end      | bigint  | Segment end offset                           _segment_count    | bigint  | Running message count per segment            _key              | varchar | Key text                                     _key_corrupt      | boolean | Key data is corrupt                          _key_length       | bigint  | Total number of key bytes                    _message          | varchar | Message text                                 _message_corrupt  | boolean | Message data is corrupt                      _message_length   | bigint  | Total number of message bytes               (21 rows)


select count(*), nation_key from customer group by nation_key;

1-3 源码分析

1-3-1 metadata

1-3-2 任务切分


public ConnectorSplitSource getSplits(ConnectorTransactionHandle transaction, ConnectorSession session, ConnectorTableLayoutHandle layout)    {        KafkaTableHandle kafkaTableHandle = convertLayout(layout).getTable();        //随机选择一个配置的broker节点,用来获取topic的元数据信息        SimpleConsumer simpleConsumer = consumerManager.getConsumer(selectRandom(nodes));        TopicMetadataRequest topicMetadataRequest = new TopicMetadataRequest(ImmutableList.of(kafkaTableHandle.getTopicName()));        //这里会调用kafka的case RequestKeys.MetadataKey => handleTopicMetadataRequest(request),        //这个方法的分析见其他文章        TopicMetadataResponse topicMetadataResponse = simpleConsumer.send(topicMetadataRequest);        ImmutableList.Builder<ConnectorSplit> splits = ImmutableList.builder();        for (TopicMetadata metadata : topicMetadataResponse.topicsMetadata()) {            for (PartitionMetadata part : metadata.partitionsMetadata()) {//分区元数据,主要包括分区的id、分区的leader和分区的多个副本所在节点                log.debug("Adding Partition %s/%s", metadata.topic(), part.partitionId());                Broker leader = part.leader();                if (leader == null) { // Leader election going on...                    log.warn("No leader for partition %s/%s found!", metadata.topic(), part.partitionId());                    continue;                }                HostAddress partitionLeader = HostAddress.fromParts(, leader.port());                //根据partition的leader节点信息,获取一个consumer。也就是说,连接到任意的broker,都可以获取到元数据(是从zk获取吗?为什么不直接在zk获取?),但是要使用leader节点信息才能获取到partition的offset信息                SimpleConsumer leaderConsumer = consumerManager.getConsumer(partitionLeader);                // Kafka contains a reverse list of "end - start" pairs for the splits                //连接到leader,获取partition的offset,例如tpch2.customer的partition0的offset为[0375]                long[] offsets = findAllOffsets(leaderConsumer,  metadata.topic(), part.partitionId());                for (int i = offsets.length - 1; i > 0; i--) {                    //使用这个parition的在leader上的offset区间,构造一个presto的split,在读取数据时,就连接到leader上,读取这个区间的消息                    KafkaSplit split = new KafkaSplit(                            connectorId,                            metadata.topic(),                            kafkaTableHandle.getKeyDataFormat(),                            kafkaTableHandle.getMessageDataFormat(),                            part.partitionId(),                            offsets[i],                            offsets[i - 1],                            partitionLeader);                    splits.add(split);                }            }        }        return new FixedSplitSource(;


        TopicAndPartition topicAndPartition = new TopicAndPartition(topicName, partitionId);        // The API implies that this will always return all of the offsets. So it seems a partition can not have        // more than Integer.MAX_VALUE-1 segments.        //        // This also assumes that the lowest value returned will be the first segment available. So if segments have been dropped off, this value        // should not be 0.        //kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime()表明获取的是最新的offset        PartitionOffsetRequestInfo partitionOffsetRequestInfo = new PartitionOffsetRequestInfo(kafka.api.OffsetRequest.LatestTime(), Integer.MAX_VALUE);        OffsetRequest offsetRequest = new OffsetRequest(ImmutableMap.of(topicAndPartition, partitionOffsetRequestInfo), kafka.api.OffsetRequest.CurrentVersion(), consumer.clientId());        //调用kafka的case RequestKeys.OffsetsKey => handleOffsetRequest(request)方法        OffsetResponse offsetResponse = consumer.getOffsetsBefore(offsetRequest);        if (offsetResponse.hasError()) {            short errorCode = offsetResponse.errorCode(topicName, partitionId);            log.warn("Offset response has error: %d", errorCode);            throw new PrestoException(KAFKA_SPLIT_ERROR, "could not fetch data from Kafka, error code is '" + errorCode + "'");        }        return offsetResponse.offsets(topicName, partitionId);

1-3-3 数据读取


            while (true) {                if (cursorOffset >= split.getEnd()) {                    return endOfData(); // Split end is exclusive.                }                // Create a fetch request                openFetchRequest();                while (messageAndOffsetIterator.hasNext()) {                    MessageAndOffset currentMessageAndOffset =;                    long messageOffset = currentMessageAndOffset.offset();                    if (messageOffset >= split.getEnd()) {                        return endOfData(); // Past our split end. Bail.                    }                    if (messageOffset >= cursorOffset) {                        return nextRow(currentMessageAndOffset);                    }                }                messageAndOffsetIterator = null;            }