基于 Agent 的模型入门Python实现 读书笔记

来源:互联网 发布:网络用语小白什么意思 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/11 17:02



在计算机科学中,基于 Agent 的模型(agent-based models)被用来评估独立(autonomous)agent(诸如个体、群组或物体)在整个系统中的影响。这个强大的分析工具常被用在实验难以开展或者费用太高的时候。在社会科学,计算机科学,经济学和商务各领域,这个模型都有着相当广泛的应用。


2、Schelling 隔离模型:设置和定义
基于 Agent 的模型需要三个参数:1)Agents,2)行为(规则)和 3)总体层面(aggregate level)的评估。在 Schelling 模型中,Agents 是市民,行为则是基于相似比(similarity ratio )的搬迁,而总体评估评估就是相似比。
假设城市有 n 个种族。我们用唯一的颜色来标识他们,并用网格来代表城市,每个单元格则是一间房。要么是空房子,要么有居民,且数量为 1。如果房子是空的,我们用白色标识。如果有居民,我们用此人的种群颜色来标识。我们把每个人周边房屋(上下左右、左上右上、左下右下)定义为邻居。
Schelling 的目的是想测试当居民更倾向于选择同种族的邻居(甚至多种族)时会如果发生什么。如果同种族邻居的比例上升到确定阈值(称之为相似性阈值(Similarity Threshold)),那么我们认为这个人已经满意(satisfied)了。如果还没有,就是不满意。
Schelling 的仿真如下。首先我们将人随机分配到城里并留空一些房子。对于每个居民,我们都会检查他(她)是否满意。如果满意,我们什么也不做。但如果不满意,我们把他分配到空房子。仿真经过几次迭代后,我们会观察最终的种族分布。

import matplotlib.pyplot as pltimport itertoolsimport randomimport copy
class Schelling:    def __init__(self,width,height,empty_ratio,similarity_threshold,n_iterations,races=2)        self.width = width        self.height = height        self.races = races        self.empty_ratio = empty_ratio        self.similarity_threshold = similarity_threshold        self.n_iterations = n_iterations        self.empry_house = []        self.agents={}

def populate(self):    self.all_house = list(itertools.product(range(self.width).range(self.height)))    random.shuffle(self.all_houses)    self.n_empty = int(self.empty_ratio*len(self.all_houses))    self.empty_houses = self.all_houses[self.n_empty]        self.remaining_houses = self.all_houses[self.n_empty:]    houses_by_race = [self.remaining_houses[i::self.races] for i in range(self.races)]    for i in range(self.races):        self.agents = dict(self.agents.items()+dict(zip(house_by_race[i],[i+1]*len(houses_by_race[i]))).items()
is_unsatisfied 方法把房屋的 (x, y) 坐标作为传入参数,查看同种群邻居的比例,如果比理想阈值(happiness threshold)高则返回 True,否则返回 False。
    def is_unsatisfied(self,x,y):        race = self.agents[(x,y)]        count_similar = 0        count_different = 0        if x>0 and y>0 and (x-1,y-1)not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x-1,y-1)]==race:                count_similar+=1            else:                count_different+=1        if y>0 and (x,y-1)not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x,y-1)]==race:                count_similar+=1            else:                count_different+=1        if x<(self.width-1) and y>0 and(x+1, y - 1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x+1, y - 1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if x > 0 and (x-1, y) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x-1, y)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if x <(self.width-1)  and (x+1, y) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x+1, y)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if x > 0 and y<(self.height-1) and (x-1, y + 1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x - 1, y + 1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if x > 0 and y < (self.height - 1) and (x , y + 1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x , y + 1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if x <(self.width-1) and y < (self.height - 1) and (x + 1, y + 1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x + 1, y + 1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if(count_similar+count_different)==0:            return False        else:            return float(count_similar)/(count_different+count_similar)<self.happy_threshold    def update(self):        for i in range(self.n_iterations):            self.old_agents = copy.deepcopy(self.agents)            n_changes = 0            for agent in self.old_agents:                agent_race = self.agents[agent]                empty_house = random.choice(self.empty_houses)                self.agents[empty_house]=agent_race                del self.agents[agent]                self.empty_houses.remove(empty_house)                self.empty_houses.append(agent)                n_changes+= 1            print n_changes            if n_changes == 0:                break
update 方法将查看网格上的居民是否尚未满意,如果尚未满意,将随机把此人分配到空房子中。并模拟 n_iterations 次
def update(self):    for i in range(self.n_iterations):        self.old_agents = copy.deepcopy(self.agents)        n_changes = 0        for agent in self.old_agents:            if self.is_unhappy(agent[0], agent[1]):                agent_race = self.agents[agent]                empty_house = random.choice(self.empty_houses)                self.agents[empty_house] = agent_race                del self.agents[agent]                self.empty_houses.remove(empty_house)                self.empty_houses.append(agent)                n_changes += 1        print n_changes        if n_changes == 0:            break
move_to_empty 方法把房子坐标(x, y)作为传入参数,并将 (x, y) 房间内的居民迁入空房子。这个方法被 update 方法调用,会把尚不满意的人迁入空房子。
def move_to_empty(self, x, y):    race = self.agents[(x,y)]    empty_house = random.choice(self.empty_houses)    self.updated_agents[empty_house] = race    del self.updated_agents[(x, y)]    self.empty_houses.remove(empty_house)    self.empty_houses.append((x, y))

plot 方法用来绘制整个城市和居民。我们随时可以调用这个方法来了解城市的居民分布。这个方法有两个传入参数:title 和 file_name。
def plot(self, title, file_name):    fig, ax = plt.subplots()    # 如果要进行超过 7 种颜色的仿真,你应该相应地进行设置    agent_colors = {1:'b', 2:'r', 3:'g', 4:'c', 5:'m', 6:'y', 7:'k'}    for agent in self.agents:        ax.scatter(agent[0]+0.5, agent[1]+0.5, color=agent_colors[self.agents[agent]])     ax.set_title(title, fontsize=10, fontweight='bold')    ax.set_xlim([0, self.width])    ax.set_ylim([0, self.height])    ax.set_xticks([])    ax.set_yticks([])    plt.savefig(file_name)

4. 仿真
现在我们实现了 Schelling 类,可以模拟仿真并绘制结果。我们会按照下面的需求(characteristics)进行三次仿真:
  • 宽 = 50,而高 = 50(包含 2500 间房子)

  • 30% 的空房子

  • 相似性阈值 = 30%(针对仿真 1),相似性阈值 = 50%(针对仿真 2),相似性阈值 = 80%(针对仿真 3)

  • 最大迭代数 = 500

  • 种族数量 = 2

  • schelling_1 = Schelling(50, 50, 0.3, 0.3, 500, 2)schelling_1.populate() schelling_2 = Schelling(50, 50, 0.3, 0.5, 500, 2)schelling_2.populate() schelling_3 = Schelling(50, 50, 0.3, 0.8, 500, 2)schelling_3.populate()

  • 接下来,我们绘制初始阶段的城市。注意,相似性阈值在城市的初始状态不起作用

  • schelling_1_1.plot('Schelling Model with 2 colors: Initial State', 'schelling_2_initial.png')

  • 下面我们运行 update 方法,绘制每个相似性阈值的最终分布。
  • schelling_1.update()schelling_2.update()schelling_3.update() schelling_1.plot('Schelling Model with 2 colors: Final State with Similarity Threshold 30%', 'schelling_2_30_final.png')schelling_2.plot('Schelling Model with 2 colors: Final State with Similarity Threshold 50%', 'schelling_2_50_final.png')schelling_3.plot('Schelling Model with 2 colors: Final State with Similarity Threshold 80%', 'schelling_2_80_final.png')

    . 测量隔离


    首先在 Schelling 类中添加 calculate_similarity 方法。这个方法会计算每个 Agent 的相似性并得出均值。我们会用平均相似比评估隔离程度。

    def calculate_similarity(self):    similarity = []    for agent in self.agents:        count_similar = 0        count_different = 0        x = agent[0]        y = agent[1]        race = self.agents[(x,y)]        if x > 0 and y > 0 and (x-1, y-1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x-1, y-1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if y > 0 and (x,y-1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x,y-1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if x < (self.width-1) and y > 0 and (x+1,y-1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x+1,y-1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if x > 0 and (x-1,y) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x-1,y)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1                if x < (self.width-1) and (x+1,y) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x+1,y)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        if x > 0 and y < (self.height-1) and (x-1,y+1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x-1,y+1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1                if x > 0 and y < (self.height-1) and (x,y+1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x,y+1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1                if x < (self.width-1) and y < (self.height-1) and (x+1,y+1) not in self.empty_houses:            if self.agents[(x+1,y+1)] == race:                count_similar += 1            else:                count_different += 1        try:            similarity.append(float(count_similar)/(count_similar+count_different))        except:            similarity.append(1)    return sum(similarity)/len(similarity)

  • 接下去,我们算出每个相似性阈值的平均相似比,并绘制出相似性阈值和相似比之间的关系
  • similarity_threshold_ratio = {}for i in [0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7]:    schelling = Schelling(50, 50, 0.3, i, 500, 2)    schelling.populate()    schelling.update()    similarity_threshold_ratio[i] = schelling.calculate_similarity() fig, ax = plt.subplots()plt.plot(similarity_threshold_ratio.keys(), similarity_threshold_ratio.values(), 'ro')ax.set_title('Similarity Threshold vs. Mean Similarity Ratio', fontsize=15, fontweight='bold')ax.set_xlim([0, 1])ax.set_ylim([0, 1.1])ax.set_xlabel("Similarity Threshold")ax.set_ylabel("Mean Similarity Ratio")plt.savefig('schelling_segregation_measure.png')
  • 可以发现,即使相似性阈值非常小,依然会有很高的隔阂度。

  • 6总结

  • 在本文中,我们介绍了一个Agent模型。

  • 参考

  • https://www.coursera.org/course/modelthinking

  • 宽 = 50,而高 = 50(包含 2500 间房子)

  • 30% 的空房子

  • 相似性阈值 = 30%(针对仿真 1),相似性阈值 = 50%(针对仿真 2),相似性阈值 = 80%(针对仿真 3)

  • 最大迭代数 = 500

  • 种族数量 = 2

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