android uiautomator 点击分析

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝上的东西是正品吗 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 06:44


当时是选了uiautomator.这个只是对UIAutomator 的简单封装,以,y)为例,分析下uiautomator做了什么。


boolean click(int x, int y)
Perform a click at arbitrary coordinates specified by the user, int)



@Overridepublic boolean injectInputEvent(InputEvent event, boolean sync) {    synchronized (mLock) {        throwIfCalledByNotTrustedUidLocked();        throwIfShutdownLocked();        throwIfNotConnectedLocked();    }    final int mode = (sync) ? InputManager.INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH            : InputManager.INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_ASYNC;    final long identity = Binder.clearCallingIdentity();    try {        return InputManager.getInstance().injectInputEvent(event, mode);    } finally {        Binder.restoreCallingIdentity(identity);    }}


adb input text “hi yeshen”


/** * Convert the characters of string text into key event's and send to * device. * * @param text is a string of characters you want to input to the device. */private void sendText(int source, String text) {    StringBuffer buff = new StringBuffer(text);    boolean escapeFlag = false;    for (int i=0; i<buff.length(); i++) {        if (escapeFlag) {            escapeFlag = false;            if (buff.charAt(i) == 's') {                buff.setCharAt(i, ' ');                buff.deleteCharAt(--i);            }        }        if (buff.charAt(i) == '%') {            escapeFlag = true;        }    }    char[] chars = buff.toString().toCharArray();    KeyCharacterMap kcm = KeyCharacterMap.load(KeyCharacterMap.VIRTUAL_KEYBOARD);    KeyEvent[] events = kcm.getEvents(chars);    for(int i = 0; i < events.length; i++) {        KeyEvent e = events[i];        if (source != e.getSource()) {            e.setSource(source);        }        injectKeyEvent(e);    }}
private void injectKeyEvent(KeyEvent event) {    Log.i(TAG, "injectKeyEvent: " + event);    InputManager.getInstance().injectInputEvent(event,            InputManager.INJECT_INPUT_EVENT_MODE_WAIT_FOR_FINISH);}

好了,现在大部分自动化测试框架都会依赖Android UIAutomator,所以都是走的 InputManager.getInstance().injectInputEvent


Injects an input event into the event system on behalf of an application.

binder 调用到




int32_t InputDispatcher::injectInputEvent(const InputEvent* event, int32_t displayId,int32_t injectorPid, int32_t injectorUid, int32_t syncMode, int32_t timeoutMillis,uint32_t policyFlags) {    ...    bool needWake = false;    for (EventEntry* entry = firstInjectedEntry; entry != NULL; ) {        EventEntry* nextEntry = entry->next;        needWake |= enqueueInboundEventLocked(entry);        entry = nextEntry;    }    ...}



bool InputDispatcher::enqueueInboundEventLocked(EventEntry* entry) {    ...    case EventEntry::TYPE_MOTION: {        MotionEntry* motionEntry = static_cast<MotionEntry*>(entry);        if (motionEntry->action == AMOTION_EVENT_ACTION_DOWN                && (motionEntry->source & AINPUT_SOURCE_CLASS_POINTER)                && mInputTargetWaitCause == INPUT_TARGET_WAIT_CAUSE_APPLICATION_NOT_READY                && mInputTargetWaitApplicationHandle != NULL) {            int32_t displayId = motionEntry->displayId;            int32_t x = int32_t(motionEntry->pointerCoords[0].                    getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_X));            int32_t y = int32_t(motionEntry->pointerCoords[0].                    getAxisValue(AMOTION_EVENT_AXIS_Y));            sp<InputWindowHandle> touchedWindowHandle = findTouchedWindowAtLocked(displayId, x, y);            if (touchedWindowHandle != NULL                    && touchedWindowHandle->inputApplicationHandle                            != mInputTargetWaitApplicationHandle) {                // User touched a different application than the one we are waiting on.                // Flag the event, and start pruning the input queue.                mNextUnblockedEvent = motionEntry;                needWake = true;            }        }        break;    }    ...}




ps | grep uiautomator
pm list instrumentation
pm list packages | grep atx
