
来源:互联网 发布:cst仿真软件价格 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 04:42
octave:1> A = [1 2; 3 4; 5 6]A =   1   2   3   4   5   6octave:2> size(A)ans =   3   2octave:3> size(A, 1)ans =  3octave:4> size(A, 2)ans =  2octave:5> V = [1 2 3 4]V =   1   2   3   4octave:6> length(V)ans =  4octave:7> length(A)ans =  3octave:8> W = [1; 2; 3]W =   1   2   3octave:9> length(W)ans =  3


octave:12> load ex1data1.txt       % 或者 load('ex1data1.txt')


octave:13> whoVariables in the current scope:A         V         W         ans       ex1data1octave:14> whosVariables in the current scope:   Attr Name          Size                     Bytes  Class   ==== ====          ====                     =====  =====        A             3x2                         48  double        V             1x4                         32  double        W             3x1                         24  double        ans           1x15                        15  char        ex1data1     97x2                       1552  doubleTotal is 222 elements using 1671 bytes


octave:15> clear Voctave:16> whosVariables in the current scope:   Attr Name          Size                     Bytes  Class   ==== ====          ====                     =====  =====        A             3x2                         48  double        W             3x1                         24  double        ans           1x15                        15  char        ex1data1     97x2                       1552  doubleTotal is 218 elements using 1639 bytes


octave:17> V = ex1data1(1:10)           % 将ex1data1中10个数据保存至VV = Columns 1 through 8:   6.1101   5.5277   8.5186   7.0032   5.8598   8.3829   7.4764   8.5781 Columns 9 and 10:   6.4862   5.0546octave:18> whosVariables in the current scope:   Attr Name          Size                     Bytes  Class   ==== ====          ====                     =====  =====        A             3x2                         48  double        V             1x10                        80  double        W             3x1                         24  double        ans           1x15                        15  char        ex1data1     97x2                       1552  doubleTotal is 228 elements using 1719 bytesoctave:19> save test.mat V;                % 将V中的数据保存至test.matoctave:20> save test.txt V -ascii          % 将V中的数据以ascii吗保存至test.txt
octave:21> AA =   1   2   3   4   5   6octave:22> A(3, 2)            % 取出位于A中第三行第二列的元素ans =  6octave:23> A(2, :)            % 取出位于A中第二行的所有元素ans =   3   4octave:24> A(:, 2)            % 取出位于A中第二列的所有元素ans =   2   4   6octave:25> A([1 3], :)        % 取出位于A中第一行或第三行的所有元素ans =   1   2   5   6octave:26> A(:, 2) = [10; 11; 12]         % 对位于A中第二列的所有元素重新赋值A =    1   10    3   11    5   12octave:27> A = [A, [100; 110; 120]]         % 对于矩阵A新增一列A =     1    10   100     3    11   110     5    12   120octave:28> A(:)           % 输出A中所有的元素,即将A中的元素放入一个向量中ans =     1     3     5    10    11    12   100   110   120octave:29> B = [11 12; 13 14; 15 16]B =   11   12   13   14   15   16octave:30> C = [A B]              % 将A和B组成一个新矩阵C =     1    10   100    11    12     3    11   110    13    14     5    12   120    15    16octave:31> B = [11 12 13; 14 15 16; 17 18 19]B =   11   12   13   14   15   16   17   18   19octave:32> C = [A; B]C =     1    10   100     3    11   110     5    12   120    11    12    13    14    15    16    17    18    19
