LintCode 循环单词

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝详情页950 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 09:00

The words are same rotate words if rotate the word to the right by loop, and get another. Count how many different rotate word sets in dictionary.

E.g. picture and turepic are same rotate words.



Given dict = [“picture”, “turepic”, “icturep”, “word”, “ordw”, “lint”]
return 3.

“picture”, “turepic”, “icturep” are same ratote words.
“word”, “ordw” are same too.
“lint” is the third word that different from the previous two words.


public class Solution {    /*     * @param words: A list of words     * @return: Return how many different rotate words     */    private String value;    public Solution(){}    public Solution(String s) {        this.value=s;    }    public String toString() {        return this.value;    }    public boolean equals(Object o) {        if(o==this){            return true;        }        if(!(o instanceof Solution)) {            return false;        }        Solution word=(Solution) o;        return judge(this.value,word.value);    }    public int hashCode() {        Solution word= (Solution) this;        List<Character> l=new ArrayList<Character>();        for(char x:value.toCharArray()){            l.add(x);        }        Collections.sort(l);        StringBuilder b=new StringBuilder();        for(char x:l){            b.append(x);        }        return b.toString().hashCode();    }    public boolean judge(String s1,String s2){        return (s1+s1).contains(s2);    }    public int countRotateWords(List<String> words) {        // Write your code here        Set<Solution> s=new HashSet<Solution>();        for(String x:words){            if(!s.contains(x)){                s.add(new Solution(x));            }        }        return s.size();    }}