
来源:互联网 发布:大整数加减乘除java 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/19 19:58


2、Related Work
2.1 最长公共子序列(基于权值空间、词条空间)
2.2 最小编辑距离算法(基于词条空间)
a) 对两部分文本进行处理,将所有的非文本字符替换为分段标记“#”
b) 较长文本作为基准文本,遍历分段之后的短文本,发现长文本包含短文本子句后在长本文中移除,未发现匹配的字句累加长度。
c) 比较剩余文本长度与两段文本长度和,其比值为不匹配比率。
3、Cosine Similarity
余弦相似度 (Cosine Similarity) 通过计算两个向量的夹角余弦值来评估他们的相似度。余弦相似度将向量根据坐标值,绘制到向量空间中,如最常见的二维空间。
3.1 Conception:
3.2 Calculate:
数学家已经证明,余弦的这种计算方法对n维向量也成立。假定A和B是两个n维向量,A是 [A1, A2, …, An] ,B是 [B1, B2, …, Bn] ,则A与B的夹角θ的余弦等于:
(1) 向量对齐:
a) 对文本进行预处理:去停用词(分词,介词,代词等)以及非文本符号
b) 归并向量,并根据原向量是否在新向量(归并后的向量)存在,若存在则以该词汇的词频来表征,若不存在则该节点置为0
c) 示例如下:
Text1_1: It is a beautiful butterfly
Text1_2: beautiful butterfly
Text2_1: She is a beautiful girl
Text2_2: beautiful girl
Vector: beautiful butterfly girl
Vector1 = (1, 1, 0)
Vector2 = (1, 0, 1)
(2) 样例:
Test1_1:In spite of the title, this article will really be on how not to grow old, which, at my time of life, is a much more important subject. My first advice would be to choose your ancestors carefully. Although both my parents died young, I have done well in this respect as regards my other ancestors. My maternal grandfather, it is true, was cut off in the flower of his youth at the age of sixty-seven, but my other three grandparents all lived to be over eighty. Of remoter ancestors I can only discover one who did not live to a great age, and he died of a disease which is now rare, namely, having his head cut off.
Test1_2:spite title article grow old which time life subject advice choose ancestors carefully parents died young respect ancestors maternal grandfather true cut flower youth age sixty-seven grandparents lived eighty remoter ancestors discover live age died disease rare namely head cut off
Test2_1:A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today that it always was, and it will never change. It is the most patient and cheerful of companions. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness; amusing and instructing us in youth, and comforting and consoling us in age.
Test2_2:book friends was change patient cheerful companions times adversity distress receives kindness amusing instructing youth comforting consoling age


①Cos_Mainpackage NLP_Cos;import java.io.*;public class CosMain {    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {        //第一步,预处理主要是进行分词和去停用词,分词。        //第二步,列出所有的词。        //公共词         //第三步,计算词频,写出词频向量。        // 执行         Cos_Frame gui = new Cos_Frame();        // 将结果保存到文件out.txt里        File f=new File("out.txt");        Cos_FileOperation.clearInfoForFile("out.txt");        f.createNewFile();        FileOutputStream fileOutputStream = new FileOutputStream(f);        PrintStream printStream = new PrintStream(fileOutputStream);        System.setOut(printStream);        System.out.println("The fact is:");    }  }
②Cos_Alogrithmpackage NLP_Cos;import java.util.*;public class Cos_Alogrithm {//数据结构解析:<单词,二维数组>,其中单词表示公共词,       //  二维数组一维度表示句子一的向量,另一维度表示句子二的向量    Map<String, int[]> vectorMap = new HashMap<String, int[]>();      int[] tempArray = null;      public Cos_Alogrithm(String[] string1, String[] string2) {          List<String> list1 = java.util.Arrays.asList(string1);        for (String character1 :list1) {              if (vectorMap.containsKey(character1)) {                  vectorMap.get(character1)[0]++;              } else {                  tempArray = new int[2];                  tempArray[0] = 1;                  tempArray[1] = 0;                  vectorMap.put(character1, tempArray);              }          }          List<String> list2 = java.util.Arrays.asList(string2);        for (String character2 : list2) {              if (vectorMap.containsKey(character2)) {                  vectorMap.get(character2)[1]++;              } else {                  tempArray = new int[2];                  tempArray[0] = 0;                  tempArray[1] = 1;                  vectorMap.put(character2, tempArray);              }          }        for (Map.Entry<String, int[]> entry : vectorMap.entrySet()) {              System.out.println("Key = " + entry.getKey() + ", Value = " + entry.getValue()[0] +","+entry.getValue()[1]);         }      }      // 求余弦相似度      public double sim() {          double result = 0;          result = pointMulti(vectorMap) / sqrtMulti(vectorMap);          return result;      }      private double sqrtMulti(Map<String, int[]> vectorMap2) {          double result = 0;          result = squares(vectorMap2);          result = Math.sqrt(result);          return result;      }      // 求平方和      private double squares(Map<String, int[]> vectorMap2) {          double result1 = 0;          double result2 = 0;          Set<String> keySet = vectorMap2.keySet();          for (String character : keySet) {              int temp[] = vectorMap2.get(character);              result1 += (temp[0] * temp[0]);              result2 += (temp[1] * temp[1]);          }          return result1 * result2;      }      // 点乘法      private double pointMulti(Map<String, int[]> vectorMap2) {          double result = 0;          Set<String> keySet = vectorMap2.keySet();          for (String character : keySet) {              int temp[] = vectorMap2.get(character);              result += (temp[0] * temp[1]);          }          return result;      }  } 
③Cos_FileOperationpackage NLP_Cos;import java.io.*;import java.util.Scanner;public class Cos_FileOperation {    public static String[] filework(String filename) throws IOException {        //1.1文件1去行        java.io.File file1_1 = new java.io.File("actest1_1.txt");        clearInfoForFile("actest1_1.txt");        java.io.PrintWriter output1_1 = new java.io.PrintWriter(file1_1);        BufferedReader br1_1 = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(filename)));        String str1_1;        while((str1_1=br1_1.readLine())!=null) {            String s1_1 =str1_1;            output1_1.print(s1_1);            //output1.print(" ");        }        output1_1.close();        br1_1.close();    //1.2 文件test1操作        String[] testString1_1;        java.io.File cin1_1 = new java.io.File("actest1_1.txt");        Scanner input1_1 = new Scanner(cin1_1);        String line1_1 = input1_1.nextLine();        line1_1 = line1_1.toLowerCase();        testString1_1 = line1_1.split("[ ]");           //去掉空格        input1_1.close();    //1.3去除停用词        for(int i=0; i<testString1_1.length; i++) {            String temp1_1 = testString1_1[i];          //存放取出的单个单词            char getchar1_1 = temp1_1.toCharArray()[0]; //取出单词首字母,以便于打开对应文件            java.io.File tempfile1_1 = new java.io.File(getchar1_1+"_StopWord.txt");            Scanner tempinput1_1= new Scanner(tempfile1_1);            while(tempinput1_1.hasNext()) {                String templine1 = tempinput1_1.nextLine();                if(templine1.equals(temp1_1)) {                    testString1_1[i] = "#";                         break;                }            }            tempinput1_1.close();        }    //1.4去标点符号        for(int j=0; j<testString1_1.length; j++) {            char temp[] = (testString1_1[j]).toCharArray();            StringBuilder stringBuilder1_1 = new StringBuilder();            stringBuilder1_1.append(testString1_1[j]);            if(temp[(stringBuilder1_1.length()-1)]== ',' || temp[stringBuilder1_1.length()-1]== '.' || temp[stringBuilder1_1.length()-1]== '(' || temp[stringBuilder1_1.length()-1]== ')' ) {                stringBuilder1_1.deleteCharAt(stringBuilder1_1.length()-1);                testString1_1[j] = stringBuilder1_1.toString();            }        }    //1.5去除标记符号“#”,并将整合好的字符串重新录入文件“actest1_2”中        StringBuilder stringBuilder1_2 = new StringBuilder();        for(int i=0; i<testString1_1.length; i++) {            if(!testString1_1[i].equals("#")) {                stringBuilder1_2.append(testString1_1[i]);                stringBuilder1_2.append(' ');            }        }        String str1_2 = stringBuilder1_2.toString();        java.io.File file1_2 = new java.io.File("actest1_2.txt");        clearInfoForFile("actest1_2");        java.io.PrintWriter output1_2 = new java.io.PrintWriter(file1_2);        output1_2.print(str1_2);        output1_2.close();    //1.6读取文件“actest1_2”,读取出 testString1_2        String[] testString1_2;        java.io.File cin1_2 = new java.io.File("actest1_2.txt");        Scanner input1_2 = new Scanner(cin1_2);        String line1_2 = input1_2.nextLine();        testString1_2 = line1_2.split("[ ]");           //去掉空格        input1_2.close();        return testString1_2;    }    //清空文档中已有内容    public static void clearInfoForFile(String fileName) {        File file =new File(fileName);        try {            if(!file.exists()) {                file.createNewFile();            }            FileWriter fileWriter =new FileWriter(file);            fileWriter.write("");            fileWriter.flush();            fileWriter.close();            } catch (IOException e) {                e.printStackTrace();            }    }}
④Cos_ChooseFilepackage NLP_Cos;import java.io.File;import java.util.Scanner;import javax.swing.JFileChooser;public class Cos_ChooseFile {    public static String readFile() throws Exception {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        String filename = null;        JFileChooser jfc=new JFileChooser();        if(jfc.showOpenDialog(null)==JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION){            File file=jfc.getSelectedFile();            Scanner input=new Scanner(file);            filename = file.getName();            input.close();            //System.out.println("Successfully Opened"+filename);            return filename;        }        else            System.out.println("No file is selected!");        return filename;    }}
⑤Cos_Framepackage NLP_Cos;import java.awt.*;import java.io.File;import javax.swing.*;public class Cos_Frame extends JFrame{    String[] str1, str2;    public Cos_Frame() {        //1.创建JFrame        this.setSize(600, 450);        //2.创建布局        GridLayout layout1 = new GridLayout(2, 1);        //3.将布局应用于容器上        this.setLayout(layout1);        //4.创建面板        JPanel p1 = new JPanel();        JPanel p2 = new JPanel();        //5.将面板放到Frame上        this.add(p1);        this.add(p2);        //6.创建组件        JLabel title = new JLabel("计算文本相似度",JLabel.CENTER);        title.setForeground(Color.BLACK);        Font font = new Font("宋体", Font.BOLD, 18);        title.setFont(font);        JButton choose = new JButton("Choose Files");        choose.addActionListener(new doActionListener());        JButton calculate = new JButton("Calculate");        //匿名类        calculate.addActionListener(new ActionListener() {            @Override            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {                Cos_Alogrithm similarity = new Cos_Alogrithm(str1, str2);                  System.out.println(similarity.sim());                  dispose();                File f=new File("out.txt");                try {                    new Cos_DisplayFact(f);                } catch (Exception e1) {                    // TODO Auto-generated catch block                    e1.printStackTrace();                }            }        });        //7.将组件添加到容器上        p1.add(title);        p2.add(choose);        p2.add(calculate);        //8.显示窗口        this.setVisible(true);        this.setDefaultCloseOperation(JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE);    }    //内部类        class doActionListener implements ActionListener{        @Override        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {            String filename1, filename2;            try {                filename1 = Cos_ChooseFile.readFile();                filename2 = Cos_ChooseFile.readFile();                str1 = Cos_FileOperation.filework(filename1);                str2 = Cos_FileOperation.filework(filename2);            } catch (Exception e1) {                // TODO Auto-generated catch block                e1.printStackTrace();            }           }           }}
⑥Cos_DisplayFactpackage NLP_Cos;import java.io.*;import javax.swing.*;public class Cos_DisplayFact extends JFrame{    JTextArea textArea = null;    JScrollPane scrollPane = null;     public Cos_DisplayFact(File file) throws Exception {        this.setVisible(true);        this.setSize(800,650);        this.setDefaultCloseOperation(EXIT_ON_CLOSE);        textArea = new JTextArea();        scrollPane = new JScrollPane(textArea);        textArea.setText(null);        BufferedReader buf = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(file)));        String str = null;        while( (str = buf.readLine()) != null ){            textArea.append(str);            textArea.append("\r\n");        }        add(scrollPane);        validate();    }}