
来源:互联网 发布:爱淘宝怎么分享宝贝 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 03:36

Ognl全称Object Graph Navigation Language,是Apache Commons下的一个子项目。和JSP中的EL表达式一样,通常作为View层访问数据的一种方式。但是OGNL的功能比EL表达式功能强大的多(看完这篇文章后你会觉得OGNL能把EL表达式秒成渣)







<!-- https://mvnrepository.com/artifact/ognl/ognl --><dependency>    <groupId>ognl</groupId>    <artifactId>ognl</artifactId>    <version>3.2.3</version></dependency>




public class User {    private String username;    private String password;    public User(String username, String password) {        this.username = username;        this.password = password;    }    public User() { }    // 省略getter/setter    // 省略toString}


/** * @param expression 将要解析的OGNL表达式 * @param root OGNL表达式的root元素对象 */public static Object getValue(String expression, Object root)/** * @param expression 将要解析的OGNL表达式 * @param context 用于取值的命名上下文 * @param root OGNL表达式的root元素对象 */public static Object getValue(String expression, Map context, Object root)




@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    User user = new User("apache", "123456");    Object value = Ognl.getValue("username", user); // user对象作为root元素    System.out.println(value); // apache    // 注意这里的username需要加引号    Object value = Ognl.getValue("['username']", user); // user对象作为root元素    System.out.println(value); // apache}



@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    User user = new User("apache", "123456");    // 调用root元素的toString方法    Object value = Ognl.getValue("toString()", user);    System.out.println(value); //User [username=apache, password=123456]}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    User u1 = new User("apache", "123456");    User u2 = new User("git", "234");    User u3 = new User("google", "567");    User[] users = new User[] { u1, u2, u3 };    // 访问root元素下的索引为1的元素    Object value = Ognl.getValue("[1].toString()", users);    System.out.println(value); // User [username=git, password=234]}



@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    User u1 = new User("apache", "123456");    User u2 = new User("git", "234");    User u3 = new User("google", "567");    User[] users = new User[] { u1, u2, u3 };    Map<String, Object> context = new HashMap<>();    context.put("names", new String[] { "ali", "huawei", "baidu" });    // 使用#前缀访问context下的元素    Object value = Ognl.getValue("#names[1]", context, users); // users作为root元素    System.out.println(value); //huawei    // 使用#root访问root元素    Object v2 = Ognl.getValue("#root[0]", context, users);    System.out.println(v2); // User [username=apache, password=123456]}

事实上使用Object value = Ognl.getValue("username", user);方式,不指定context,它会默认帮你创建一个OgnlContext,OgnlContext也实现了Map接口。而使用Object value = Ognl.getValue("#names[1]", context, users);方式,指定的map类型的context,最终也会被转换成OgnlContext。


public class OgnlContext extends Object implements Map{    // root元素的key    public static final String ROOT_CONTEXT_KEY = "root";    // this会在后面提到    public static final String THIS_CONTEXT_KEY = "this";    ...    private static Map RESERVED_KEYS = new HashMap(11);    private Object _root; // root元素    private Object _currentObject; // this元素    ...    private final Map _values; // context内实际保存对象引用的Map    static {        String s;        RESERVED_KEYS.put(ROOT_CONTEXT_KEY, null);        RESERVED_KEYS.put(THIS_CONTEXT_KEY, null);        ...    }    public Object get(Object key)    {        Object result;        if (RESERVED_KEYS.containsKey(key)) {            // this元素            if (key.equals(OgnlContext.THIS_CONTEXT_KEY)) {                  result = getCurrentObject(); // currentObject            } else if (key.equals(OgnlContext.ROOT_CONTEXT_KEY)) {                  // root元素                  result = getRoot();            } else if (key.equals(OgnlContext.TRACE_EVALUATIONS_CONTEXT_KEY)) {                  ...                  ...            } else {                throw new IllegalArgumentException("unknown reserved key '" + key + "'");            }        } else {            // 从map中取值            result = _values.get(key);        }        return result;    }    ...}




3.数值常量,支持Java的int,long,float,double。同时可以使用”b” 或 “B”作为后缀表示BigDecimal类型的数据,使用”h” 或 “H”作为后缀表示BigInteger类型的数据(这里的h表示huge,这个不会干扰16进制的数字)





@Testpublic void testOgnl() throws OgnlException {    User u1 = new User("apache", "123456");    User u2 = new User("git", "234");    User u3 = new User("google", "567");    List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();    users.add(u1);    users.add(u2);    users.add(u3);    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    ctx.put("users", users); // 同时将users以"users"为key添加到context中    // 使用#前缀访问context下的属性    Object v1 = Ognl.getValue("#users[1].password", ctx, users); // 以user作为root元素    System.out.println(v1); // 234    // 访问root元素下的属性(List也可以使用[]索引方式访问)    Object v2 = Ognl.getValue("[1].password", ctx, users);    System.out.println(v2); //234    // 也可以调用List.get方法访问    Object v3 = Ognl.getValue("get(1).password", ctx, users);    System.out.println(v3); // 234    // 因为root元素会以“root”为key添加到context中    Object v4 = Ognl.getValue("#root[1].password", users);    System.out.println(v4); // 234}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    Object root = new Object();    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    Map<String, Object> users = new HashMap<>();    users.put("apache", "123456");    users.put("git", "234");    users.put("google", "567");    ctx.put("users", users);    // 使用[key]进行访问    Object v1 = Ognl.getValue("#users['apache']", ctx, root);    System.out.println(v1);    // 使用.运算符进行访问    Object v2 = Ognl.getValue("#users.apache", ctx, root);    System.out.println(v2);}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    Object root = new Object();    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    User user = new User("apache", "123456");    ctx.put("user", user);    Object v1 = Ognl.getValue("#user['username']", ctx, root);    System.out.println(v1);    Object v2 = Ognl.getValue("#user.username", ctx, root);    System.out.println(v2);}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    Object root = new Object();    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    ctx.put("usernames", Arrays.asList("ali", "huawei", "baidu"));    // 调用size方法获取集合元素个数    Object v1 = Ognl.getValue("#usernames.size()", ctx, root);    System.out.println(v1);    // 使用size伪属性获取集合元素个数    Object v2 = Ognl.getValue("#usernames.size", ctx, root);    System.out.println(v2);}


集合 特殊属性 Map, List Set size: 集合中元素的个数
isEmpty: 集合是否为空 List iterator: 获取list的迭代器 Map keys: 等价于keys()方法
values: 等价于values()方法。
注意: 这两个属性以及 size and isEmpty, 和map['size']这种访问方式不同,map['size']会访问key为'size'的元素。 Set iterator: 获取Set的迭代器 Iterator next: 获取迭代器的下一个元素
hasNext: 迭代器是否有可用元素。 Enumeration next: 获取迭代器的下一个元素



@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    // 使用OGNL表达式构造list    Object v = Ognl.getValue("new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }", null);    System.out.println(v.getClass()); // class [I    System.out.println(Arrays.toString((int[]) v)); // [1, 2, 3]}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {      // 使用OGNL表达式构造list      Object v = Ognl.getValue("new int[] { 1, 2, 3 }", null);      System.out.println(v.getClass()); // java.util.ArrayList      System.out.println(v); // [abc, def, hff, git]}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {      // 构造map      Object v = Ognl.getValue("#{'foo':'ffff', 'bar':'barvalue'}", null);      System.out.println(v.getClass()); // class java.util.LinkedHashMap      System.out.println(v); // {foo=ffff, bar=barvalue}}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {      // 指定使用HashMap构造map      Object v = Ognl.getValue("#@java.util.HashMap@{'foo':'ffff', 'bar':'barvalue'}", null);      System.out.println(v.getClass());      System.out.println(v);}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    // 构造复杂map    Object v = Ognl.getValue("#{'foo': {1, 2, 3, 4}, 'bar':'barvalue'}", null);    System.out.println(v); // {foo=[1, 2, 3, 4], bar=barvalue}}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    ctx.put("usernames", Arrays.asList("ali", "git", "apache", "chrome"));    Object v1 = Ognl.getValue("#{'u1':#usernames[0], 'u2':#usernames[2]}", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(v1); // {u1=ali, u2=apache}    Object v2 = Ognl.getValue("{#usernames[1], #usernames[3]}", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(v2); // [git, chrome]}

[not] in操作

@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    ctx.put("usernames", Arrays.asList("ali", "git", "apache", "chrome"));    Object v5 = Ognl.getValue("'git' in #usernames", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(v5); // true    Object v6 = Ognl.getValue("'holmofy' not in #usernames", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(v6); // true}



@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    User u1 = new User("root", "1");    User u2 = new User("git", "2");    User u3 = new User("apache", "3");    User u4 = new User("chrome", "4");    User u5 = new User("root", "5");    User u6 = new User("git", "6");    User u7 = new User("apache", "7");    User u8 = new User("chrome", "8");    List<User> users = new ArrayList<>();    users.add(u1);    users.add(u2);    users.add(u3);    users.add(u4);    users.add(u5);    users.add(u6);    users.add(u7);    users.add(u8);    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    ctx.put("users", users);    // 第一个元素    Object v1 = Ognl.getValue("#users.{^ true}", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(v5.getClass());  // java.util.ArrayList    System.out.println(v1);  // [User [username=root, password=1]]    // 第一个username == 'git'的元素    Object v2 = Ognl.getValue("#users.{^ #this.username=='git'}", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(v5.getClass());  // java.util.ArrayList    System.out.println(v2);  // [User [username=git, password=2]]    // 最后一个元素    Object v3 = Ognl.getValue("#users.{$ true}", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(v5.getClass());  // java.util.ArrayList    System.out.println(v3);  // [User [username=chrome, password=8]]    // 从后往前第一个username == 'apache'的元素    Object v4 = Ognl.getValue("#users.{$ #this.username=='apache'}", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(v5.getClass());  // java.util.ArrayList    System.out.println(v4); // [User [username=apache, password=7]]    // 使用?号进行条件过滤    Object v5 = Ognl.getValue("#users.{? #this.username in {'git','apache'} }", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(v5.getClass());  // java.util.ArrayList    System.out.println(v5); // [User [username=git, password=2], User [username=apache, password=3], User [username=git, password=6], User [username=apache, password=7]]}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    ctx.put("usernames", Arrays.asList("root", "git", "apache", "chrome"));    Object value = Ognl.getValue("#usernames.size.(#this>2?2:#this)", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(value); // 2}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    ctx.put("usernames", new String[] {"root", "git", "apache", "chrome"});    Object value = Ognl.getValue("@java.util.Arrays@toString(#usernames)", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(value); // [root, git, apache, chrome]}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    Map<String, Object> ctx = new HashMap<>();    int[] arr = new int[] { 4, 5, 2, 6 };    ctx.put("arr", arr);    Object value = Ognl.getValue("@java.util.Arrays@sort(#arr),#arr", ctx, new Object());    System.out.println(Arrays.toString((int[]) value)); // [2, 4, 5, 6]    System.out.println(Arrays.toString(arr)); // [2, 4, 5, 6]}


@Testpublic void test() throws OgnlException {    Object value = Ognl.getValue("#fib =:[#this==0 ? 0 : #this==1 ? 1 : #fib(#this-2)+#fib(#this-1)], #fib(8)",    null);    System.out.println(value);}


Operator getValue() Notes setValue() Notes e1, e2
Sequence operator Both e1 and e2 are evaluated with the same source object, and the result of e2is returned. getValue is called on e1, and then setValue is called on e2. e1 = e2
Assignment operator getValue is called on e2, and then setValue is called on e1 with the result of e2 as the target object. Cannot be the top-level expression for setValue. e1 ? e2 : e3
Conditional operator getValue is called on e1 and the result is interpreted as a boolean. getValue is then called on either e2 or e3, depending on whether the result of e1 was true or false respectively, and the result is returned. getValue is called on e1, and then setValue is called on either e2 or e3. e1 ` *e2*, e1or*e2*<br>Logicalor`operator e1 && e2, e1 and e2
Logical andoperator getValue is called on e1 and the result is interpreted as a boolean. If false, that result is returned; if true, getValue is called on e2 and its value is returned. getValue is called on e1; if true, setValue is called on e2. Note that e1 being false prevents any further setting from taking place. e1 ` *e2*, *e1*bor*e2*<br>Bitwiseor`operator e1 and e2 are interpreted as integers and the result is an integer. e1 ^ e2, e1 xor e2
Bitwise exclusive-or operator e1 and e2 are interpreted as integers and the result is an integer. Cannot be the top-level expression passed to setValue. e1 & e2, e1 band e2
Bitwise and operator e1 and e2 are interpreted as integers and the result is an integer. Cannot be the top-level expression passed to setValue. e1 == e2, e1 eq e2
Equality test

e1 != e2, e1 neq *e2*Inequality test Equality is tested for as follows. If either value is null, they are equal if and only if both are null. If they are the same object or the equals() method says they are equal, they are equal. If they are both Numbers, they are equal if their values as double-precision floating point numbers are equal. Otherwise, they are not equal. These rules make numbers compare equal more readily than they would normally, if just using the equals method. Cannot be the top-level expression passed to setValue. e1 < e2, e1 lt e2
Less than comparison

e1 <= e2, e1 lte e2
Less than or equals comparison

e1 > e2, e1 gt e2
Greater than comparison

e1 >= e2, e1 gte e2
*Greater than or equals comparison

in e2
List membership comparison

e1 not in e2
List non-membership comparison The ordering operators compare with compareTo() if their arguments are non-numeric and implement Comparable; otherwise, the arguments are interpreted as numbers and compared numerically. The in operator is not from Java; it tests for inclusion of e1 in e2, where e2 is interpreted as a collection. This test is not efficient: it iterates the collection. However, it uses the standard OGNL equality test. Cannot be the top-level expression passed to setValue. e1 << e2, e1 shl e2
Bit shift left

e1 >> e2, e1 shr e2
Bit shift right

e1 >>> e2, e1 ushr e2
Logical shift right e1 and e2 are interpreted as integers and the result is an integer. Cannot be the top-level expression passed to setValue. e1 + e2

e1 - e2
Subtraction The plus operator concatenates strings if its arguments are non-numeric; otherwise it interprets its arguments as numbers and adds them. The minus operator always works on numbers. Cannot be the top-level expression passed to setValue. e1* e2

e1 / e2

e1 % e2
Remainder Multiplication, division, which interpret their arguments as numbers, and remainder, which interprets its arguments as integers. Cannot be the top-level expression passed to setValue. + e
Unary plus

- e
Unary minus

! e, not e
Logical not

~ e
Bitwise not

e instanceof *class*Class
membership Unary plus is a no-op, it simply returns the value of its argument. Unary minus interprets its argument as a number. Logical not interprets its argument as a boolean. Bitwise not interprets its argument as an integer. The class argument to instanceof is the fully qualified name of a Java class. Cannot be the top-level expression passed to setValue. e.method(args)
Method call


[ e2 ]

e1.{ e2 }

e1.{? e2 }

Subexpression evaluation

Expression evaluation Generally speaking, navigation chains are evaluated by evaluating the first expression, then evaluating the second one with the result of the first as the source object. Some of these forms can be passed as top-level expressions to setValueand others cannot. Only those chains that end in property references (e.property), indexes (e1[e2]), and subexpressions (e1.(e2)) can be; and expression evaluations can be as well. For the chains, getValue is called on the left-hand expression (e or e1), and then setValue is called on the rest with the result as the target object. constant*Constant

( *e
Parenthesized expression

Method call

Property reference

[ e ]
Index reference

{ e,}
List creation

Context variable reference

Static method reference

Static field reference

new class(args)
Constructor call

new array-component-class[] { e,}
Array creation

#{ e1 : e2,}
Map creation

#@classname@{ e1 : e2,}
Map creation with specific subclass

:[ e ]Lambda expression definition Basic expressions Only property references (property), indexes ([e]), and variable references (#variable) can be passed as top-level expressions to setValue. For indexes, getValue is called on e, and then the result is used as the property “name” (which might be a String or any other kind of object) to set in the current target object. Variable and property references are set more directly.

