Fiori 代码规范2---代码结构详解2

来源:互联网 发布:我的世界商店js制作 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 12:33

2.3    view

There are 4 view types: XML view, JS view, HTML view and JSON view.

Usually we use XML view in the projects. In the XML view, we create the view bycomponent labels.

In the labels we can set properties value to modify the view. We use sap.m librarydefault , and for other libraries, we will define alias and user in the viewwith colon:

2.3.1    Layout & Pages

Forthe page layout, there are usually types:

Basicview(Single page) or Master-Detail view.

i.    sap.m.App : for Single page app

ii.    sap.m.SplitApp : for Master-Detail page app

For morelayout and page, please check ,Layout & Pages section.

2.3.2    Model

There  are 4 model types:

•    JSON Model
•    OData Model
•    Resource Model (only used for i18n right now)
•    XML Model (not used)

ODataModels& JSONModels can also be added to the manifest.json file (that’s how youcan use them in your whole application)

We canset default model without alias for a view. If we have more than one model inthe view, we must give alias for different models. We can bind the model datato the view in the following way:

{modelName>/ fieldName}

a)    JSON model :

i.    instantiate a JSON model and set the model to the view in the controller.

b)    ODataModel : we can use 2 ways to declare the ODataModel:

i.    configure datasources in manifest.json file, for table/ list/ smart form we can bind the entitySet to the view component directly.

ii.    add the following code in init function of Component.js

c)    Resource Model :

Resource Model is for i18n multiplelanguages. 

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