去掉table的默认样式 reset.css

来源:互联网 发布:21端口打开 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/14 06:10
table{    width:100%;    text-align:center;/*文本居中*/    border-collapse:collapse; /*表格的边框合并,如果相邻,则共用一个边框*/    border-spacing:0; /*设置行与单元格边框的间距。当表格边框独立(即border-collapse:separate;)此属性才起作用*/}table td{    word-break: break-all; /*允许在字内换行,即单词可分*/    word-wrap:break-word;/*允许长单词或URL地址换行*/    border-right:1px solid #939598;    border-bottom:1px solid #939598;     font:500 14px Arial;}

下面推荐使用 reset.css 清除默认样式,解决不同浏览器的兼容性问题。

Yahoo! YUI 3 CSS Reset – Full Version (1.64KB)

/** * YUI 3.5.0 - reset.css (http://developer.yahoo.com/yui/3/cssreset/) * http://cssreset.com * Copyright 2012 Yahoo! Inc. All rights reserved. * http://yuilibrary.com/license/ *//*    TODO will need to remove settings on HTML since we can't namespace it.    TODO with the prefix, should I group by selector or property for weight savings?*/html{    color:#000;    background:#FFF;}/*    TODO remove settings on BODY since we can't namespace it.*//*    TODO test putting a class on HEAD.        - Fails on FF.*/body,div,dl,dt,dd,ul,ol,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,code,form,fieldset,legend,input,textarea,p,blockquote,th,td {    margin:0;    padding:0;}table {    border-collapse:collapse;    border-spacing:0;}fieldset,img {    border:0;}/*    TODO think about hanlding inheritence differently, maybe letting IE6 fail a bit...*/address,caption,cite,code,dfn,em,strong,th,var {    font-style:normal;    font-weight:normal;}ol,ul {    list-style:none;}caption,th {    text-align:left;}h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6 {    font-size:100%;    font-weight:normal;}q:before,q:after {    content:'';}abbr,acronym {    border:0;    font-variant:normal;}/* to preserve line-height and selector appearance */sup {    vertical-align:text-top;}sub {    vertical-align:text-bottom;}input,textarea,select {    font-family:inherit;    font-size:inherit;    font-weight:inherit;}/*to enable resizing for IE*/input,textarea,select {    *font-size:100%;}/*because legend doesn't inherit in IE */legend {    color:#000;}/* YUI CSS Detection Stamp */yui3-css-stamp.cssreset { display: none; }

reset.css 参考资料

  1. 百度百科 重置浏览器标签的样式表

  2. 来,让我们谈一谈 Normalize.css(本文译自Normalize.css官网: http://nicolasgallagher.com/about-normalize-css/)

  3. HTML5 css reset(按需取用)

  4. 目前比较全的CSS重设(reset)方法总结
