
来源:互联网 发布:linux 建立多级目录 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/28 14:57
  1. 集合
    a. 去重
    b. 关系测试,交集、差集、并集、对此差集等
list_1 = set([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6])list_2 = set([4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10])# 交集print(list_1.intersection(list_2))print(list_1 & list_2)# 并集print(list_1.union(list_2))print(list_1 | list_2)# 差集print(list_1.difference(list_2))print(list_1 - list_2)# 反向差集print(list_1.symmetric_difference(list_2))print(list_1 ^ list_2)# 子集、父集list_3 = set([2, 3, 4])print(list_3.issubset(list_1))print(list_1.issuperset(list_3))print(list_1.pop())     # 随机删除# print(list_1.clear())   # 删除集合print(list_1.remove(2))    # 删除,如果不存在则报错,建议用discard方法print(list_1.discard(3))    # 删除几个成员,输入成员存在则删除,无则不删除,不报错print(list_1.copy())    # 拷贝print(list_1.difference_update(list_2))     # set in list_1 , not in list_2print(list_2.intersection_update(list_3))   # set in list_2 and in list_3print(list_3.add(1222))     # 增加单个元素print(list_3.symmetric_difference_update([1, 11]))      # 增加多个元素print(list_3.isdisjoint(list_1))    # 判断2个集合是否有交集,无返回true,有则返回falseprint(list_3)# 循环for i in list_3:    print(i)
  1. 元组
    只读列表,只有count, index 2 个方法
    作用:如果一些数据不想被人修改, 可以存成元组,比如身份证列表
tuple1 = (1, 2, 3)print(tuple1.index(1))print(tuple1.count(2))


0 1
  1. 字典:key:value
    1. 无顺序
    2. 去重
    3. 查询速度快,比列表快
    4. 比列表占用内存大
person = {    'name': 'joy',    'age': 18,    'job': 'tester',    'salary': 100000}print('字典的方法'.center(30, '-'))person['en_name'] =  'QA'   # 如果键有值则更新键的值,没有值则新建键和值person['name'] = 'Kate'print(person)person_cp = person.copy()  # 复制dictprint(person.clear())   # 删除字典,返回Noneperson_cp.pop('name')   # 删除键的值,需要输入键print(person_cp)person_cp.popitem()   # 随机删除键的值,无传参print(person_cp)print(person_cp.keys())     # 获取dict的键print(person_cp.get('age'))     # 获取某个键的值,如果无则返回Noneprint(person_cp['age'])     # 获取某个键的值,如果无则报错,故一般用dict.get()方法print(person_cp.values())   # 返回字典的值print(dict.fromkeys('a', 1))    # 返回新的字典的键和值print(dict.fromkeys(['a', 'b', 111], 1))    # 返回新的字典的键和值c = dict.fromkeys(['a', 'b', 111], [1, {'name': 'joy'}, 888])   # 返回新的字典的键和值print(c)c['a'][1]['name'] = 'wendy'     # 与浅copy一致print(c)print(person_cp.items())  # 返回字典dict的(key,value)元组对的列表print(person_cp)new_person = {    'age': 88,    'company': 'Mopon',    1: 'test',    4: 12}person_cp.update(new_person)    # 2个合并,如果键相同,则更新到字典person_cp中,如果键不同则新建print(person_cp)person_cp.setdefault('height', 172)     # 在dict中查找键,未找到则新建,找到了键值不变person_cp.setdefault('age', 72)print(person_cp)print('循环'.center(30, '-'))# 循环for i in person_cp:         # 效率更高,速度快    print(i, person_cp[i])for k, v in person_cp.items():  # 占用内存,速度慢    print(k, v)
  1. 文件操作
# 文件修改f_old = open('yes', 'r+', encoding='utf-8')f_new = open('yes.bak', 'w', encoding='utf-8')for line in f_old:    if '我2在踢足球.' in line:        line = line.replace('我2在踢足球.', '我2在踢足球.1231231231')    f_new.write(line)f_new.close()f_old.close()# 文件操作f = open('yes', 'r+', encoding='utf-8')     # 读写权限,先读后写# for i in f.readlines():#     print(i)# print( # 读取整个文件# print(f.readline()) # 一行一行读# print(f.readlines())    # 读取全部,为listf.close()f_write = open('yes_1', 'w+', encoding='utf-8')     # 写读权限。先写后读,新建文件再写print(f_write.write('11111111111111111123123123'))
# 进度条import sysfrom time import sleepfor i in range(100):    sys.stdout.write('#')    sys.stdout.flush()    sleep(0.5)
  1. 字符编码
    1. python2
      1. 默认ASCII
      2. 如果有声明#--coding:utf-8--,则py文件就支持utf-8编码,也支持中文
    2. python3
      1. 默认为utf-8,支持Unicode
      2. gbk <-> Unicode <-> utf-8
  2. 函数(def)
    1. 减少重复代码
    2. 使程序可以扩展
    3. 使程序变动易维护
def hello():    #函数名    print('hello world!')hello() # 调用函数hello()def test(x, y):    print(x)    print(y)x = 1y = 2# 关键参数不能写在位置参数前面的test(x, y)  # 位置调用,与形参一一对应test(y=y, x=x)  # 关键字调用,与形参顺序无关# test(x=3, 3)    # 执行报错# test(3, x=2)    # 执行报错,x传了多个值test(x=3, 2)    # z正常,第一个是x值,第二个为y位置的值# 默认参数特点:调用函数的时候,默认参数非必须传递# 用途:1. 默认安装, 2 连接数据库port 等,主要用于默认参数def test1(x, y=2):    print(x)    print(y)test1(1)test1(1, 3)# 参数组,参数组一定放在最后# 传元组,接收N个位置参数,转换成元组def test2(*args):    print(args)    print(args[1])test2(1, 3, 4)test2(*[1, 2, 3])def test3(x, *args):    print(x)    print(args)test3(1, 2, 3, 6)# 传字典# 把N个关键字参数,转换成字典的方式def test4(**kwargs):    print(kwargs)    print(kwargs['name'])test4(name='pofoo', age=11)test4(**{'name': 'pofour', 'age': 11})def test5(name, **kwargs):    print(name)    print(kwargs)test5('pofour', username='pofourr', age=111)# test5('pofour', name='pofourr', age=111)  # 报错,有2个name,def test6(name, age=18, **kwargs):    print(name, age, kwargs)test6('pofour', user='pofoo', sex='m')test6('pofour', user='pofoo', age=13)   # age关键字调用test6('pofour', user='pofoo', age=13, sex='m')   # age关键字调用def test7(name, age=18, *args, **kwargs):    print(name)    print(age)    print(args)    print(kwargs)test7('test', sex='m', work='it')
  1. 全局变量和局部变量
goods_name = 'iphone x' def change_goods(name):    print('befor goods name is ', name)    name = 'mac pro'    print('after name is ', name)change_goods(goods_name)print(goods_name)


befor goods name is  iphone xafter name is  mac proiphone x
  1. 返回值return
    函数在执行过程中只要遇到return语句,就会停止执行并返回结果,so 也可以理解为 return 语句代表着函数的结束
def add(x, y):    return x + y    # 返回 x + ya = add(3, 6)   # add函数返回值x+y赋给aprint(a)


  1. 递归
    1. 必须有一个明确的结束条件
    2. 每次进入更深一层递归时,问题规模相比上次递归都应有所减少
    3. 递归效率不高,递归层次过多会导致栈溢出(在计算机中,函数调用是通过栈(stack)这种数据结构实现的,每当进入一个函数调用,栈就会加一层栈帧,每当函数返回,栈就会减一层栈帧。由于栈的大小不是无限的,所以,递归调用的次数过多,会导致栈溢出)
def calc(x):    print(x)    if int(x/2) == 0:        return x    return calc(int(x/2))calc(10)


  1. 高阶函数:
def add(x,y,f):    return f(x) + f(y)res = add(8,-6,abs)print(res)


  1. 作业:工资管理系统
def select_info(username):  # 查询用户信息    with open('info.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f:        for line in f:            get_user = line.split(' ')[0]            get_salary = line.split(' ')[1].strip()            if get_user == username:                print('{user}的工资是:{salary}'.format(user=username, salary=get_salary))def alter_info(alter_data):     # 修改用户信息    with open('info.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f, \            open('info_bak.txt', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f_bak:        alter_name = alter_data.split(' ')[0]        # alter_salary = alter_data.split(' ')[-1]        for line in f:            if alter_name in line:                line = line.replace(line, alter_data)                line = line + '\n'            f_bak.write(line)    replace_file()    print('修改成功!')def add_info(add_data):     # 增加用户信息    with open('info.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f, \            open('info_bak.txt', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f_bak:        for line in f:            f_bak.write(line)        f_bak.write('\n' + add_data)    replace_file()    print('增加成功!')def replace_file():     # 将新保存的数据的文件数据复制到旧文件中    with open('info.txt', 'w+', encoding='utf-8') as f, \            open('info_bak.txt', 'r+', encoding='utf-8') as f_bak:        for line in f_bak:            f.write(line)print('欢迎来到工资管理系统'.center(50, '-'))print('1. 查询员工工资')print('2. 修改员工工资')print('3. 增加新员工记录')print('4. 退出')while True:    input_data = input('>>:')    if input_data.isdigit():        input_data = int(input_data)        if input_data == 1:            username = input('请输入要查询的员工姓名:')            select_info(username)        elif input_data == 2:            alter_data = input('请输入要修改的员工姓名和工资,用空格分隔:')            alter_info(alter_data)        elif input_data == 3:            add_data = input('请输入要增加的员工的姓名和工资,用空格分隔:')            add_info(add_data)        elif input_data == 4:            print('再见!')            exit()