深度学习-Overfitting-数据增强Data Augmentation

来源:互联网 发布:超时空战士优化排期 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/05 13:15


  1. 人工增加训练集的大小. 通过平移, 翻转, 加噪声等方法从已有数据中创造出一批”新”的数据.也就是Data Augmentation

  2. Regularization. 数据量比较小会导致模型过拟合, 使得训练误差很小而测试误差特别大. 通过在Loss Function 后面加上正则项可以抑制过拟合的产生. 缺点是引入了一个需要手动调整的hyper-parameter. 详见 https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Regularization_(mathematics)

  3. Dropout. 这也是一种正则化手段. 不过跟以上不同的是它通过随机将部分神经元的输出置零来实现. 详见 http://www.cs.toronto.edu/~hinton/absps/JMLRdropout.pdf

  4. Unsupervised Pre-training. 用Auto-Encoder或者RBM的卷积形式一层一层地做无监督预训练, 最后加上分类层做有监督的Fine-Tuning. 参考 http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=

  5. 海康威视研究院ImageNet2016竞赛经验分享,其中包括数据增广方法Label shuffle::https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/23249000


数据增强变换(Data Augmentation Transformation)

1 随机裁剪random crop;Random Crop:采用随机图像差值方式,对图像进行裁剪、缩放;包括Scale Jittering方法(VGG及ResNet模型使用)或者尺度和长宽比增强变换;2 旋转 | 反射变换(Rotation/reflection)。镜像变换(random mirror): 随机旋转图像一定角度; 改变图像内容的朝向;3 翻转变换(flip): 沿着水平或者垂直方向翻转图像;4 缩放变换(zoom),random resize (scale augmentation): 按照一定的比例放大或者缩小图像;5 平移变换(shift): 在图像平面上对图像以一定方式进行平移;6 可以采用随机或人为定义的方式指定平移范围和平移步长, 沿水平或竖直方向进行平移. 改变图像内容的位置;7 尺度变换(scale): 对图像按照指定的尺度因子, 进行放大或缩小; 或者参照SIFT特征提取思想, 利用指定的尺度因子对图像滤波构造尺度空间. 改变图像内容的大小或模糊程度;8 对比度变换(contrast): 在图像的HSV颜色空间,改变饱和度S和V亮度分量,保持色调H不变. 对每个像素的S和V分量进行指数运算(指数因子在0.254之间), 增加光照变化;9  噪声扰动(noise): 对图像的每个像素RGB进行随机扰动, 常用的噪声模式是椒盐噪声和高斯噪声;10 颜色变换(color): 在训练集像素值的RGB颜色空间进行PCA, 得到RGB空间的3个主方向向量;11 RGB转到HSV空间,然后改变SV而保持H不变的方法,就是改变光照而不改变色调。 对每个像素的S和V分量进行指数运算;12 Color Jittering:对颜色的数据增强:图像亮度、饱和度、对比度变化(此处对色彩抖动的理解不知是否得当);13 PCA Jittering:首先按照RGB三个颜色通道计算均值和标准差,再在整个训练集上计算协方差矩阵,进行特征分解,得到特征向量和特征值,用来做PCA Jittering;14 


# -*- coding:utf-8 -*-"""数据增强   1. 翻转变换 flip   2. 随机修剪 random crop   3. 色彩抖动 color jittering   4. 平移变换 shift   5. 尺度变换 scale   6. 对比度变换 contrast   7. 噪声扰动 noise   8. 旋转变换/反射变换 Rotation/reflection"""from PIL import Image, ImageEnhance, ImageOps, ImageFileimport numpy as npimport randomimport threading, os, timeimport logginglogger = logging.getLogger(__name__)ImageFile.LOAD_TRUNCATED_IMAGES = Trueclass DataAugmentation:    """    包含数据增强的八种方式    """    def __init__(self):        pass    @staticmethod    def openImage(image):        return Image.open(image, mode="r")    @staticmethod    def randomRotation(image, mode=Image.BICUBIC):        """         对图像进行随机任意角度(0~360度)旋转        :param mode 邻近插值,双线性插值,双三次B样条插值(default)        :param image PIL的图像image        :return: 旋转转之后的图像        """        random_angle = np.random.randint(1, 360)        return image.rotate(random_angle, mode)    @staticmethod    def randomCrop(image):        """        对图像随意剪切,考虑到图像大小范围(68,68),使用一个一个大于(36*36)的窗口进行截图        :param image: PIL的图像image        :return: 剪切之后的图像        """        image_width = image.size[0]        image_height = image.size[1]        crop_win_size = np.random.randint(40, 68)        random_region = (            (image_width - crop_win_size) >> 1, (image_height - crop_win_size) >> 1, (image_width + crop_win_size) >> 1,            (image_height + crop_win_size) >> 1)        return image.crop(random_region)    @staticmethod    def randomColor(image):        """        对图像进行颜色抖动        :param image: PIL的图像image        :return: 有颜色色差的图像image        """        random_factor = np.random.randint(0, 31) / 10.  # 随机因子        color_image = ImageEnhance.Color(image).enhance(random_factor)  # 调整图像的饱和度        random_factor = np.random.randint(10, 21) / 10.  # 随机因子        brightness_image = ImageEnhance.Brightness(color_image).enhance(random_factor)  # 调整图像的亮度        random_factor = np.random.randint(10, 21) / 10.  # 随机因1子        contrast_image = ImageEnhance.Contrast(brightness_image).enhance(random_factor)  # 调整图像对比度        random_factor = np.random.randint(0, 31) / 10.  # 随机因子        return ImageEnhance.Sharpness(contrast_image).enhance(random_factor)  # 调整图像锐度    @staticmethod    def randomGaussian(image, mean=0.2, sigma=0.3):        """         对图像进行高斯噪声处理        :param image:        :return:        """        def gaussianNoisy(im, mean=0.2, sigma=0.3):            """            对图像做高斯噪音处理            :param im: 单通道图像            :param mean: 偏移量            :param sigma: 标准差            :return:            """            for _i in range(len(im)):                im[_i] += random.gauss(mean, sigma)            return im        # 将图像转化成数组        img = np.asarray(image)        img.flags.writeable = True  # 将数组改为读写模式        width, height = img.shape[:2]        img_r = gaussianNoisy(img[:, :, 0].flatten(), mean, sigma)        img_g = gaussianNoisy(img[:, :, 1].flatten(), mean, sigma)        img_b = gaussianNoisy(img[:, :, 2].flatten(), mean, sigma)        img[:, :, 0] = img_r.reshape([width, height])        img[:, :, 1] = img_g.reshape([width, height])        img[:, :, 2] = img_b.reshape([width, height])        return Image.fromarray(np.uint8(img))    @staticmethod    def saveImage(image, path):        image.save(path)def makeDir(path):    try:        if not os.path.exists(path):            if not os.path.isfile(path):                # os.mkdir(path)                os.makedirs(path)            return 0        else:            return 1    except Exception, e:        print str(e)        return -2def imageOps(func_name, image, des_path, file_name, times=5):    funcMap = {"randomRotation": DataAugmentation.randomRotation,               "randomCrop": DataAugmentation.randomCrop,               "randomColor": DataAugmentation.randomColor,               "randomGaussian": DataAugmentation.randomGaussian               }    if funcMap.get(func_name) is None:        logger.error("%s is not exist", func_name)        return -1    for _i in range(0, times, 1):        new_image = funcMap[func_name](image)        DataAugmentation.saveImage(new_image, os.path.join(des_path, func_name + str(_i) + file_name))opsList = {"randomRotation", "randomCrop", "randomColor", "randomGaussian"}def threadOPS(path, new_path):    """    多线程处理事务    :param src_path: 资源文件    :param des_path: 目的地文件    :return:    """    if os.path.isdir(path):        img_names = os.listdir(path)    else:        img_names = [path]    for img_name in img_names:        print img_name        tmp_img_name = os.path.join(path, img_name)        if os.path.isdir(tmp_img_name):            if makeDir(os.path.join(new_path, img_name)) != -1:                threadOPS(tmp_img_name, os.path.join(new_path, img_name))            else:                print 'create new dir failure'                return -1                # os.removedirs(tmp_img_name)        elif tmp_img_name.split('.')[1] != "DS_Store":            # 读取文件并进行操作            image = DataAugmentation.openImage(tmp_img_name)            threadImage = [0] * 5            _index = 0            for ops_name in opsList:                threadImage[_index] = threading.Thread(target=imageOps,                                                       args=(ops_name, image, new_path, img_name,))                threadImage[_index].start()                _index += 1                time.sleep(0.2)if __name__ == '__main__':    threadOPS("/home/pic-image/train/12306train",              "/home/pic-image/train/12306train3")


import cv2import mathimport numpy as npimport os# pdb仅仅用于调试,不用管它import pdb#旋转图像的函数def rotate_image(src, angle, scale=1.):    w = src.shape[1]    h = src.shape[0]    # 角度变弧度    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians    # now calculate new image width and height    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5, nh*0.5), angle, scale)    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined    # with the rotation    rot_move = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5, (nh-h)*0.5,0]))    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation    # part of the transform    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]    # 仿射变换    return cv2.warpAffine(src, rot_mat, (int(math.ceil(nw)), int(math.ceil(nh))), flags=cv2.INTER_LANCZOS4)//对应修改xml文件def rotate_xml(src, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle, scale=1.):    w = src.shape[1]    h = src.shape[0]    rangle = np.deg2rad(angle)  # angle in radians    # now calculate new image width and height    # 获取旋转后图像的长和宽    nw = (abs(np.sin(rangle)*h) + abs(np.cos(rangle)*w))*scale    nh = (abs(np.cos(rangle)*h) + abs(np.sin(rangle)*w))*scale    # ask OpenCV for the rotation matrix    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D((nw*0.5, nh*0.5), angle, scale)    # calculate the move from the old center to the new center combined    # with the rotation    rot_move = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(nw-w)*0.5, (nh-h)*0.5,0]))    # the move only affects the translation, so update the translation    # part of the transform    rot_mat[0,2] += rot_move[0]    rot_mat[1,2] += rot_move[1]    # rot_mat是最终的旋转矩阵    # 获取原始矩形的四个中点,然后将这四个点转换到旋转后的坐标系下    point1 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(xmin+xmax)/2, ymin, 1]))    point2 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([xmax, (ymin+ymax)/2, 1]))    point3 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([(xmin+xmax)/2, ymax, 1]))    point4 = np.dot(rot_mat, np.array([xmin, (ymin+ymax)/2, 1]))    # 合并np.array    concat = np.vstack((point1, point2, point3, point4))    # 改变array类型    concat = concat.astype(np.int32)    print concat    rx, ry, rw, rh = cv2.boundingRect(concat)    return rx, ry, rw, rh# 使图像旋转60,90,120,150,210,240,300度for angle in (60, 90, 120, 150, 210, 240, 300):    # 指向图片所在的文件夹    for i in os.listdir("/home/username/image"):        # 分离文件名与后缀        a, b = os.path.splitext(i)        # 如果后缀名是“.jpg”就旋转图像        if b == ".jpg":            img_path = os.path.join("/home/username/image", i)            img = cv2.imread(img_path)            rotated_img = rotate_image(img, angle)            # 写入图像            cv2.imwrite("/home/yourname/rotate/" + a + "_" + str(angle) +"d.jpg", rotated_img)            print "log: [%sd] %s is processed." % (angle, i)        else:            xml_path = os.path.join("/home/username/xml", i)            img_path = "/home/guoyana/varied_pose/" + a + ".jpg"            src = cv2.imread(img_path)            tree = ET.parse(xml_path)            root = tree.getroot()            for box in root.iter('bndbox'):                xmin = float(box.find('xmin').text)                ymin = float(box.find('ymin').text)                xmax = float(box.find('xmax').text)                ymax = float(box.find('ymax').text)                x, y, w, h = rotate_xml(src, xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, angle)                # 改变xml中的人脸坐标值                box.find('xmin').text = str(x)                box.find('ymin').text = str(y)                box.find('ymax').text = str(x+w)                box.find('ymax').text = str(y+h)                box.set('updated', 'yes')            # 写入新的xml            tree.write("/home/username/xml/" + a + "_" + str(angle) +".xml")            print "[%s] %s is processed." % (angle, i)