
来源:互联网 发布:中国出口印度的数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/30 05:22






  1. 导入包
    compile 'com.j256.ormlite:ormlite-core:4.41'compile 'com.j256.ormlite:ormlite-android:4.41'
  2. 创建基类DataBaseHelper
  3. 创建基类BaseDao类
  4. 创建数据源实体Item
  5. 创建操作数据库表格的Dao类



public class DatabaseHelper extends OrmLiteSqliteOpenHelper {public ArrayList<Class> tableList=new ArrayList<Class>();    private static final String DATABASE_NAME = "Qiao.db";    private static final int DATABASE_VERSION = 1;    public DatabaseHelper(Context context){        //tableList=list;    super(context, DATABASE_NAME, null, DATABASE_VERSION);    InitTables();    }    private void InitTables() {// TODO Auto-generated method stub    tableList.add(ContactPersonItem.class);    tableList.add(AddrListItem.class);  (添加数据表格)    }/**       * 创建SQLite数据库       */      @Override    public void onCreate(SQLiteDatabase sqliteDatabase, ConnectionSource connectionSource) {        try {         for (int i = 0; i < tableList.size(); i++) {TableUtils.createTable(connectionSource, tableList.get(i));}            //TableUtils.createTable(connectionSource, PointFull.class);          } catch (SQLException e) {            Log.e(DatabaseHelper.class.getName(), "Unable to create datbases", e);        }      }    /**       * 更新SQLite数据库       */      @Override    public void onUpgrade(              SQLiteDatabase sqliteDatabase,            ConnectionSource connectionSource,            int oldVer,              int newVer) {          try {        for (int i = 0; i < tableList.size(); i++) {TableUtils.dropTable(connectionSource, tableList.get(i), true);}           // TableUtils.dropTable(connectionSource, PointFullItem.class, true);            onCreate(sqliteDatabase, connectionSource);          } catch (SQLException e) {            Log.e(DatabaseHelper.class.getName(),                    "Unable to upgrade database from version " + oldVer + " to new "                            + newVer, e);        }      }    /**      * Close the database connections and clear any cached DAOs.      */      @Override    public void close() {          super.close();      }  }  


public abstract class BaseDao<T, Integer> {    protected DatabaseHelper mDatabaseHelper;    protected Context mContext;    public BaseDao(Context context) {        mContext = context;        getHelper();    }    public <D extends Dao<T, ?>, T> D getHelpergetDao(Class<T> clazz) throws SQLException {        return getHelper().getDao(clazz);    }    public ConnectionSource getHelpergetConnectionSource()    {        return getHelper().getConnectionSource();    }    public DatabaseHelper getHelper() {        if (mDatabaseHelper == null) {            try {                mDatabaseHelper = OpenHelperManager.getHelper(mContext, DatabaseHelper.class);            } catch (Exception e) {                System.err.println(e);            }        }        return mDatabaseHelper;    }    public abstract String FileName();    public abstract Dao<T, Integer> getDao() throws SQLException;    public abstract void ClearTable() throws SQLException;    public int save(T t) throws SQLException {        return getDao().create(t);    }    public T SaveOrUpdate(T t) throws SQLException {        return (T) getDao().createOrUpdate(t);    }    public List<T> queryForMatching(T t) throws SQLException    {        return getDao().queryForMatching(t);    }    public T saveAndGetValue(T t) throws SQLException {        int result=getDao().create(t);        return t;    }    public List<T> query(PreparedQuery<T> preparedQuery) throws SQLException {        Dao<T, Integer> dao = getDao();        return dao.query(preparedQuery);    }    public List<T> query(String attributeName, String attributeValue) throws SQLException {        QueryBuilder<T, Integer> queryBuilder = getDao().queryBuilder();        queryBuilder.where().eq(attributeName, attributeValue);        PreparedQuery<T> preparedQuery = queryBuilder.prepare();        return query(preparedQuery);    }    public List<T> query(String[] attributeNames, String[] attributeValues) throws SQLException{        if (attributeNames.length != attributeValues.length) {            //throw new InvalidParamsException("params size is not equal");        }        QueryBuilder<T, Integer> queryBuilder = getDao().queryBuilder();        Where<T, Integer> wheres = queryBuilder.where();        for (int i = 0; i < attributeNames.length; i++) {            wheres.eq(attributeNames[i], attributeValues[i]);        }        PreparedQuery<T> preparedQuery = queryBuilder.prepare();        return query(preparedQuery);    }    public List<T> queryAll() throws SQLException {        // QueryBuilder<T, Integer> queryBuilder = getDao().queryBuilder();        // PreparedQuery<T> preparedQuery = queryBuilder.prepare();        // return query(preparedQuery);        Dao<T, Integer> dao = getDao();        return dao.queryForAll();    }    public T queryById(String idName, String idValue) throws SQLException {        List<T> lst = query(idName, idValue);        if (null != lst && !lst.isEmpty()) {            return lst.get(0);        } else {            return null;        }    }    public List<T> queryByIds(String idName, String idValue) throws SQLException {        List<T> lst = query(idName, idValue);        if (null != lst && !lst.isEmpty()) {            return lst;        } else {            return null;        }    }    public int delete(PreparedDelete<T> preparedDelete) throws SQLException {        Dao<T, Integer> dao = getDao();        return dao.delete(preparedDelete);    }    public int delete(T t) throws SQLException {        Dao<T, Integer> dao = getDao();        return dao.delete(t);    }    public int delete(List<T> lst) throws SQLException {        Dao<T, Integer> dao = getDao();        return dao.delete(lst);    }    public int delete(String[] attributeNames, String[] attributeValues) throws SQLException    {        List<T> lst = query(attributeNames, attributeValues);        if (null != lst && !lst.isEmpty()) {            return delete(lst);        }        return 0;    }    public int deleteById(String idName, String idValue) throws SQLException    {        T t = queryById(idName, idValue);        if (null != t) {            return delete(t);        }        return 0;    }    public int update(T t) throws SQLException {        Dao<T, Integer> dao = getDao();        return dao.update(t);    }    public boolean isTableExsits() throws SQLException {        return getDao().isTableExists();    }    public long countOf() throws SQLException {        return getDao().countOf();    }    public List<T> query(Map<String, Object> map) throws SQLException {        QueryBuilder<T, Integer> queryBuilder = getDao().queryBuilder();        if (!map.isEmpty()) {            Where<T, Integer> wheres = queryBuilder.where();            Set<String> keys = map.keySet();            ArrayList<String> keyss = new ArrayList<String>();            keyss.addAll(keys);            for (int i = 0; i < keyss.size(); i++) {                if (i == 0) {                    wheres.eq(keyss.get(i), map.get(keyss.get(i)));                } else {                    wheres.and().eq(keyss.get(i), map.get(keyss.get(i)));                }            }        }        PreparedQuery<T> preparedQuery = queryBuilder.prepare();        return query(preparedQuery);    }    public List<T> query(Map<String, Object> map, Map<String, Object> lowMap,                         Map<String, Object> highMap) throws SQLException {        QueryBuilder<T, Integer> queryBuilder = getDao().queryBuilder();        Where<T, Integer> wheres = queryBuilder.where();        if (!map.isEmpty()) {            Set<String> keys = map.keySet();            ArrayList<String> keyss = new ArrayList<String>();            keyss.addAll(keys);            for (int i = 0; i < keyss.size(); i++) {                if (i == 0) {                    wheres.eq(keyss.get(i), map.get(keyss.get(i)));                } else {                    wheres.and().eq(keyss.get(i), map.get(keyss.get(i)));                }            }        }        if (!lowMap.isEmpty()) {            Set<String> keys = lowMap.keySet();            ArrayList<String> keyss = new ArrayList<String>();            keyss.addAll(keys);            for (int i = 0; i < keyss.size(); i++) {                if(map.isEmpty()){                    wheres.gt(keyss.get(i), lowMap.get(keyss.get(i)));                }else{                    wheres.and().gt(keyss.get(i), lowMap.get(keyss.get(i)));                }            }        }        if (!highMap.isEmpty()) {            Set<String> keys = highMap.keySet();            ArrayList<String> keyss = new ArrayList<String>();            keyss.addAll(keys);            for (int i = 0; i < keyss.size(); i++) {                wheres.and().lt(keyss.get(i), highMap.get(keyss.get(i)));            }        }        PreparedQuery<T> preparedQuery = queryBuilder.prepare();        return query(preparedQuery);    }}

public class AddrListItem {private static final long serialVersionUID = -554466990987104L;@DatabaseField(allowGeneratedIdInsert = true, generatedId = true)private int ID;@DatabaseField(defaultValue = "")private String addr;@DatabaseField(defaultValue = "")private double lat;@DatabaseField(defaultValue = "")private double lng;public AddrListItem() {}public AddrListItem(String name,double lat,double lng) {super();this.addr = name;this.lat = lat;this.lng = lng;}public static long getSerialVersionUID() {return serialVersionUID;}public String getAddr() {return addr;}public void setAddr(String addr) {this.addr = addr;}public double getLat() {return lat;}public void setLat(double lat) {this.lat = lat;}public double getLng() {return lng;}public void setLng(double lng) {this.lng = lng;}public int getID() {return ID;}public void setID(int ID) {this.ID = ID;}}


public class AddrListDao extends BaseDao<AddrListItem, Integer> {    public AddrListDao(Context context) {        super(context);    }    @Override    public Dao<AddrListItem, Integer> getDao() throws SQLException {        return getHelpergetDao(AddrListItem.class);    }    @Override    public void ClearTable() throws SQLException {        TableUtils.clearTable(getHelpergetConnectionSource(), AddrListItem.class);        // TODO Auto-generated method stub    }    @Override    public String FileName() {        // TODO Auto-generated method stub        return "地址搜索历史记录";    }}



//存数据库AddrListItem addrListItem = new AddrListItem();addrListItem.setAddr(toAddr);addrListItem.setLat(stopLat);addrListItem.setLng(stopLng);AddrListDao addrListDao = new AddrListDao(HomeActivity.this);try {//if(addrListDao.countOf()>5){//addrListDao.ClearTable();//}addrListDao.save(addrListItem);} catch (SQLException e) {e.printStackTrace();}


private void LoadListView(){PhoneListao phoneListao=new PhoneListao(getActivity());try {//mdao.ClearTable();清除数据库表格contactList.clear();contactList=phoneListao.queryAll();} catch (SQLException e) {//e.printStackTrace();}}
