
来源:互联网 发布:程序员团队名称大全 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 20:57



#include<iostream>#include<array>#include<stack>using namespace std;//把塔x顶部的n个碟子移到塔y//用塔Z做中转地void towerOfHanoi(int n, int x, int y, int z){if (n > 0){towerOfHanoi(n - 1, x, z, y);cout << "Move top disk for tower " << x << " to top of tower " << y << endl;towerOfHanoi(n - 1, z, y, x);}return;}//用栈实现汉诺塔的问题template<class T>void changeLength1D(T*&a, int oldLength, int newLength){//更改长度if (newLength < 0){throw("wrong ");}T* temp = new T[newLength];int number = min(oldLength, newLength);copy(a, a + number, temp);delete[] a;a = temp;}template<class T>class arrayStack :public stack<T>{public:arrayStack(int initialCapacity = 10);~arrayStack() { delete[] stack; };bool empty()const { return stackTop == -1; }int size()const { return stackTop + 1; }T& top(){if (stackTop == -1){throw ("wrong");}return stack[stackTop];}void pop(){if (stackTop == -1){throw("empty");}stack[stackTop--].~T();}void push(const T& theElement);private:int stackTop;int arrayLength;T* stack;};template<class T>arrayStack<T>::arrayStack(int initialCapacity){//structure funsif (initialCapacity < 1){//ostringstream s;//s << "Initial capacity = " << initialCapacity << " Must be > 0 ";//throw(s.str());}arrayLength = initialCapacity;stack = new T[arrayLength];stackTop = -1;}template<class T>void arrayStack<T>::push(const T& theElement){if (stackTop == arrayLength - 1){changeLength1D(stack, arrayLength, 2 * arrayLength);arrayLength *= 2;}stack[++stackTop] = theElement;}arrayStack<int>tower[4];void moveAndShow(int, int, int, int);void showState(){int d = tower[3].size();for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)cout << tower[3].top() << endl;}void towerOfHanoi(int n){for (int d = n; d > 0; d--){tower[1].push(d);}moveAndShow(n, 1, 2, 3);}void moveAndShow(int n, int x, int y, int z){//把塔x顶部的n个碟子移到塔y,显示移动后的布局//用塔Z做中转站if (n > 0){moveAndShow(n - 1, x, z, y);int d = tower[x].top();tower[x].pop();tower[y].push(d);showState();moveAndShow(n - 1, z, y, x);}}int main(){int a = 2;towerOfHanoi(2);//栈实现cout << endl;towerOfHanoi(2, 1, 2, 3);//递归函数实现return 0;}