
来源:互联网 发布:win7模仿mac主题2017 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/16 08:15
ceph-deploy的mon 命令用于管理mon守护进程其入口函数在E:\ceph-deploy-master\ceph-deploy-master\ceph_deploy\mon.py 中的make函数@priority(30)def make(parser):    """    Ceph MON Daemon management    """    parser.formatter_class = ToggleRawTextHelpFormatter    mon_parser = parser.add_subparsers(dest='subcommand')    mon_parser.required = True    mon_add = mon_parser.add_parser(        'add',        help=('R|Add a monitor to an existing cluster:\n'              '\tceph-deploy mon add node1\n'              'Or:\n'              '\tceph-deploy mon add --address node1\n'              'If the section for the monitor exists and defines a `mon addr` that\n'              'will be used, otherwise it will fallback by resolving the hostname to an\n'              'IP. If `--address` is used it will override all other options.')    )    mon_destroy = mon_parser.add_parser(        'destroy',        help='Completely remove Ceph MON from remote host(s)'    )    mon_destroy.add_argument(        'mon',        nargs='+',    )    parser.set_defaults(        func=mon,    )make函数为mon 添加各种参数,并指定默认的处理函数是mondef mon(args):    if args.subcommand == 'create':        mon_create(args)    elif args.subcommand == 'add':        mon_add(args)    elif args.subcommand == 'destroy':        mon_destroy(args)    elif args.subcommand == 'create-initial':        mon_create_initial(args)    else:        LOG.error('subcommand %s not implemented', args.subcommand)可以看动作mon 总共支持4个子命令,分别是create/add/destroy/create-initial首先看看create命令def mon_create(args):#获取配置文件    cfg = conf.ceph.load(args)    if not args.mon:@如果没有指定mon,则从配置文件中mon_initial_members 作为mon        args.mon = get_mon_initial_members(args, error_on_empty=True, _cfg=cfg)    if args.keyrings:        monitor_keyring = concatenate_keyrings(args)    else:#获取ceph.mon.keyring 文件的路径        keyring_path = '{cluster}.mon.keyring'.format(cluster=args.cluster)        try:#读取ceph.mon.keyring文件            monitor_keyring = files.read_file(keyring_path)        except IOError:            LOG.warning('keyring (%s) not found, creating a new one' % keyring_path)            new_mon_keyring(args)            monitor_keyring = files.read_file(keyring_path)    LOG.debug(        'Deploying mon, cluster %s hosts %s',        args.cluster,        ' '.join(args.mon),        )    errors = 0    for (name, host) in mon_hosts(args.mon):        try:            # TODO add_bootstrap_peer_hint            LOG.debug('detecting platform for host %s ...', name)#获取是哪个发行版,并通过callbacks 检测发行版是否安装了ceph            distro = hosts.get(                host,                username=args.username,                callbacks=[packages.ceph_is_installed]            )            LOG.info('distro info: %s %s %s', distro.name, distro.release, distro.codename)            rlogger = logging.getLogger(name)            # ensure remote hostname is good to go            hostname_is_compatible(distro.conn, rlogger, name)            rlogger.debug('deploying mon to %s', name)#调用发行版的mon模块的create函数来新建mon            distro.mon.create(distro, args, monitor_keyring)            # tell me the status of the deployed mon#等待2s后检查前面新建的mon的状态            time.sleep(2)  # give some room to start            mon_status(distro.conn, rlogger, name, args)#获取错误日志写到rlogger            catch_mon_errors(distro.conn, rlogger, name, cfg, args)            distro.conn.exit()        except RuntimeError as e:            LOG.error(e)            errors += 1    if errors:        raise exc.GenericError('Failed to create %d monitors' % errors)我们以suse为例看看mon.create。路径为E:\ceph-deploy-master\ceph-deploy-master\ceph_deploy\hosts\common.pydef mon_create(distro, args, monitor_keyring):    hostname = distro.conn.remote_module.shortname()    logger = distro.conn.logger    logger.debug('remote hostname: %s' % hostname)    path = paths.mon.path(args.cluster, hostname)    uid = distro.conn.remote_module.path_getuid(constants.base_path)    gid = distro.conn.remote_module.path_getgid(constants.base_path)    done_path = paths.mon.done(args.cluster, hostname)    init_path = paths.mon.init(args.cluster, hostname, distro.init)    conf_data = conf.ceph.load_raw(args)    # write the configuration file    distro.conn.remote_module.write_conf(        args.cluster,        conf_data,        args.overwrite_conf,    )    # if the mon path does not exist, create it    distro.conn.remote_module.create_mon_path(path, uid, gid)    logger.debug('checking for done path: %s' % done_path)    if not distro.conn.remote_module.path_exists(done_path):        logger.debug('done path does not exist: %s' % done_path)        if not distro.conn.remote_module.path_exists(paths.mon.constants.tmp_path):            logger.info('creating tmp path: %s' % paths.mon.constants.tmp_path)            distro.conn.remote_module.makedir(paths.mon.constants.tmp_path)        keyring = paths.mon.keyring(args.cluster, hostname)        logger.info('creating keyring file: %s' % keyring)        distro.conn.remote_module.write_monitor_keyring(            keyring,            monitor_keyring,            uid, gid,        )        user_args = []        if uid != 0:            user_args = user_args + [ '--setuser', str(uid) ]        if gid != 0:            user_args = user_args + [ '--setgroup', str(gid) ]# 重点是通过ceph-mon 这个命令来创建ceph mon        remoto.process.run(            distro.conn,            [                'ceph-mon',                '--cluster', args.cluster,                '--mkfs',                '-i', hostname,                '--keyring', keyring,            ] + user_args        )        logger.info('unlinking keyring file %s' % keyring)        distro.conn.remote_module.unlink(keyring)    # create the done file    distro.conn.remote_module.create_done_path(done_path, uid, gid)    # create init path    distro.conn.remote_module.create_init_path(init_path, uid, gid)#启动mon    # start mon service    start_mon_service(distro, args.cluster, hostname)
