TensorRT Samples: CharRNN

来源:互联网 发布:硬盘磁头坏了恢复数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 18:02
关于TensorRT的介绍可以参考: http://blog.csdn.net/fengbingchun/article/details/78469551    

以下是参考TensorRT 2.1.2中的sampleCharRNN.cpp文件改写的测试代码,文件(charrnn.cpp)内容如下:

#include <assert.h>#include <string>#include <string.h>#include <fstream>#include <iostream>#include <tuple>#include <map>#include <sstream>#include <vector>#include <algorithm>#include <NvInfer.h>#include <NvUtils.h>#include <cuda_runtime_api.h>#include "common.hpp"// reference: TensorRT-2.1.2/samples/sampleMNIST/sampleCharRNN.cpp// demonstrates how to generate a simple RNN based on the charRNN network using the PTB datasetnamespace {// Information describing the network:// int: layer count, batch size, hidden size, seq size, data size, output size// string: input blob name, hidden in blob name, cell in blob name, output blob name, hidden out blob name, cell out blob nametypedef std::tuple<int, int, int, int, int, int, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string, std::string> NET_INFO;// These mappings came from training with tensorflow 0.12.1static std::map<char, int> char_to_id{{'#', 40},    { '$', 31}, { '\'', 28}, { '&', 35}, { '*', 49},    { '-', 32}, { '/', 48}, { '.', 27}, { '1', 37},    { '0', 36}, { '3', 39}, { '2', 41}, { '5', 43},    { '4', 47}, { '7', 45}, { '6', 46}, { '9', 38},    { '8', 42}, { '<', 22}, { '>', 23}, { '\0', 24},    { 'N', 26}, { '\\', 44}, { ' ', 0}, { 'a', 3},    { 'c', 13}, { 'b', 20}, { 'e', 1}, { 'd', 12},    { 'g', 18}, { 'f', 15}, { 'i', 6}, { 'h', 9},    { 'k', 17}, { 'j', 30}, { 'm', 14}, { 'l', 10},    { 'o', 5}, { 'n', 4}, { 'q', 33}, { 'p', 16},    { 's', 7}, { 'r', 8}, { 'u', 11}, { 't', 2},    { 'w', 21}, { 'v', 25}, { 'y', 19}, { 'x', 29},    { 'z', 34}};// A mapping from index to character.static std::vector<char> id_to_char{{' ', 'e', 't', 'a',    'n', 'o', 'i', 's', 'r', 'h', 'l', 'u', 'd', 'c',    'm', 'f', 'p', 'k', 'g', 'y', 'b', 'w', '<', '>',    '\0', 'v', 'N', '.', '\'', 'x', 'j', '$', '-', 'q',    'z', '&', '0', '1', '9', '3', '#', '2', '8', '5',    '\\', '7', '6', '4', '/', '*'}};// Our weight files are in a very simple space delimited format.std::map<std::string, nvinfer1::Weights> loadWeights(const std::string& file){    std::map<std::string, nvinfer1::Weights> weightMap;    std::ifstream input(file);    if (!input.is_open()) { fprintf(stderr, "Unable to load weight file: %s\n", file.c_str()); return weightMap;}    int32_t count;    input >> count;    if (count <= 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid weight map file: %d\n", count); return weightMap; }    while (count--) {        nvinfer1::Weights wt{nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, nullptr, 0};        uint32_t type, size;        std::string name;        input >> name >> std::dec >> type >> size;        wt.type = static_cast<nvinfer1::DataType>(type);        if (wt.type == nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT) {            uint32_t *val = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(malloc(sizeof(val) * size));            for (uint32_t x = 0, y = size; x < y; ++x) {                input >> std::hex >> val[x];            }            wt.values = val;        } else if (wt.type == nvinfer1::DataType::kHALF) {            uint16_t *val = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(malloc(sizeof(val) * size));            for (uint32_t x = 0, y = size; x < y; ++x) {                input >> std::hex >> val[x];            }            wt.values = val;        }        wt.count = size;        weightMap[name] = wt;    }    return weightMap;}// Reshape plugin to feed RNN into FC layer correctly.class Reshape : public nvinfer1::IPlugin {public:Reshape(size_t size) : mSize(size) {} Reshape(const void*buf, size_t size)    {        assert(size == sizeof(mSize));        mSize = *static_cast<const size_t*>(buf);    }int getNbOutputs() const override {return 1; }int initialize() override {return 0; }void terminate() override {}size_t getWorkspaceSize(int) const override { return 0;}int enqueue(int batchSize, const void*const * inputs, void** outputs, void* workspace, cudaStream_t stream)    {       cudaMemcpyAsync(static_cast<float*>(outputs[0]),                   static_cast<const float*>(inputs[0]),                   sizeof(float) * mSize * batchSize, cudaMemcpyDefault, stream);        return 0;    }size_t getSerializationSize() override    {        return sizeof(mSize);    }void serialize(void* buffer) override    {        (*static_cast<size_t*>(buffer)) = mSize;    }void configure(const nvinfer1::Dims*, int, const nvinfer1::Dims*, int, int)override { }    // The RNN outputs in {L, N, C}, but FC layer needs {C, 1, 1}, so we can convert RNN    // output to {L*N, C, 1, 1} and TensorRT will handle the rest.nvinfer1::Dims getOutputDimensions(int index, const nvinfer1::Dims* inputs, int nbInputDims) override{        assert(nbInputDims == 1 && index == 0 && inputs[index].nbDims == 3);return nvinfer1::DimsNCHW(inputs[index].d[1] * inputs[index].d[0], inputs[index].d[2], 1, 1);}private:    size_t mSize{0};};class PluginFactory : public nvinfer1::IPluginFactory{public:// deserialization plugin implementationnvinfer1::IPlugin* createPlugin(const char* layerName, const void* serialData, size_t serialLength) override{        assert(!strncmp(layerName, "reshape", 7));        if (!mPlugin) mPlugin = new Reshape(serialData, serialLength);        return mPlugin;    }    void destroyPlugin()    {        if (mPlugin) delete mPlugin;        mPlugin = nullptr;    }private:    Reshape *mPlugin{nullptr};}; // PluginFactory// TensorFlow weight parameters for BasicLSTMCellnvinfer1::Weights convertRNNWeights(nvinfer1::Weights input, const NET_INFO& info){    float* ptr = static_cast<float*>(malloc(sizeof(float)*input.count));    int indir[4]{ 1, 2, 0, 3 };    int order[5]{ 0, 1, 4, 2, 3};    int dims[5]{std::get<0>(info), 2, 4, std::get<2>(info), std::get<2>(info)};    nvinfer1::utils::reshapeWeights(input, dims, order, ptr, 5);    nvinfer1::utils::transposeSubBuffers(ptr, nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, std::get<0>(info) * 2, std::get<2>(info) * std::get<2>(info), 4);    int subMatrix = std::get<2>(info) * std::get<2>(info);    int layerOffset = 8 * subMatrix;    for (int z = 0; z < std::get<0>(info); ++z) {        nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers(ptr + z * layerOffset, indir, 4, subMatrix * sizeof(float));        nvinfer1::utils::reorderSubBuffers(ptr + z * layerOffset + 4 * subMatrix, indir, 4, subMatrix * sizeof(float));    }    return nvinfer1::Weights{input.type, ptr, input.count};}// TensorFlow bias parameters for BasicLSTMCellnvinfer1::Weights convertRNNBias(nvinfer1::Weights input, const NET_INFO& info){    float* ptr = static_cast<float*>(malloc(sizeof(float)*input.count*2));    std::fill(ptr, ptr + input.count*2, 0);    const float* iptr = static_cast<const float*>(input.values);    int indir[4]{ 1, 2, 0, 3 };    for (int z = 0, y = 0; z < std::get<0>(info); ++z)        for (int x = 0; x < 4; ++x, ++y)            std::copy(iptr + y * std::get<2>(info) , iptr + (y + 1) * std::get<2>(info), ptr + (z * 8 + indir[x]) * std::get<2>(info));    return nvinfer1::Weights{input.type, ptr, input.count*2};}// The fully connected weights from tensorflow are transposed compared to the order that tensorRT expects them to be in.nvinfer1::Weights transposeFCWeights(nvinfer1::Weights input, const NET_INFO& info){    float* ptr = static_cast<float*>(malloc(sizeof(float)*input.count));    const float* iptr = static_cast<const float*>(input.values);    assert(input.count == std::get<2>(info) * std::get<5>(info));    for (int z = 0; z < std::get<2>(info); ++z)        for (int x = 0; x < std::get<5>(info); ++x)            ptr[x * std::get<2>(info) + z] = iptr[z * std::get<5>(info) + x];    return nvinfer1::Weights{input.type, ptr, input.count};}int APIToModel(std::map<std::string, nvinfer1::Weights> &weightMap, nvinfer1::IHostMemory** modelStream, const NET_INFO& info, Logger logger){    // create the builder    nvinfer1::IBuilder* builder = nvinfer1::createInferBuilder(logger);    // create the model to populate the network, then set the outputs and create an engine    nvinfer1::INetworkDefinition* network = builder->createNetwork();    auto data = network->addInput(std::get<6>(info).c_str(), nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, nvinfer1::DimsCHW{ std::get<3>(info), std::get<1>(info), std::get<4>(info)});    CHECK(data != nullptr);    auto hiddenIn = network->addInput(std::get<7>(info).c_str(), nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, nvinfer1::DimsCHW{ std::get<0>(info), std::get<1>(info), std::get<2>(info)});    CHECK(hiddenIn != nullptr);    auto cellIn = network->addInput(std::get<8>(info).c_str(), nvinfer1::DataType::kFLOAT, nvinfer1::DimsCHW{ std::get<0>(info), std::get<1>(info), std::get<2>(info)});    CHECK(cellIn != nullptr);    // Create an RNN layer w/ 2 layers and 512 hidden states    auto tfwts = weightMap["rnnweight"];    nvinfer1::Weights rnnwts = convertRNNWeights(tfwts, info);    auto tfbias = weightMap["rnnbias"];    nvinfer1::Weights rnnbias = convertRNNBias(tfbias, info);    auto rnn = network->addRNN(*data, std::get<0>(info), std::get<2>(info), std::get<3>(info),            nvinfer1::RNNOperation::kLSTM, nvinfer1::RNNInputMode::kLINEAR, nvinfer1::RNNDirection::kUNIDIRECTION, rnnwts, rnnbias);    CHECK(rnn != nullptr);    rnn->getOutput(0)->setName("RNN output");    rnn->setHiddenState(*hiddenIn);    if (rnn->getOperation() == nvinfer1::RNNOperation::kLSTM)        rnn->setCellState(*cellIn);        Reshape reshape(std::get<3>(info) * std::get<1>(info) * std::get<2>(info));    nvinfer1::ITensor *ptr = rnn->getOutput(0);    auto plugin = network->addPlugin(&ptr, 1, reshape);    plugin->setName("reshape");    // Add a second fully connected layer with 50 outputs.    auto tffcwts = weightMap["rnnfcw"];    auto wts = transposeFCWeights(tffcwts, info);    auto bias = weightMap["rnnfcb"];    auto fc = network->addFullyConnected(*plugin->getOutput(0), std::get<5>(info), wts, bias);    CHECK(fc != nullptr);    fc->getOutput(0)->setName("FC output");    // Add a softmax layer to determine the probability.    auto prob = network->addSoftMax(*fc->getOutput(0));    CHECK(prob != nullptr);    prob->getOutput(0)->setName(std::get<9>(info).c_str());    network->markOutput(*prob->getOutput(0));    rnn->getOutput(1)->setName(std::get<10>(info).c_str());    network->markOutput(*rnn->getOutput(1));    if (rnn->getOperation() == nvinfer1::RNNOperation::kLSTM) {        rnn->getOutput(2)->setName(std::get<11>(info).c_str());        network->markOutput(*rnn->getOutput(2));    }    // Build the engine    builder->setMaxBatchSize(1);    builder->setMaxWorkspaceSize(1 << 25);    // Store the transformed weights in the weight map so the memory can be properly released later.    weightMap["rnnweight2"] = rnnwts;    weightMap["rnnbias2"] = rnnbias;    weightMap["rnnfcw2"] = wts;    auto engine = builder->buildCudaEngine(*network);    CHECK(engine != nullptr);    // we don't need the network any more    network->destroy();    // serialize the engine, then close everything down    (*modelStream) = engine->serialize();    engine->destroy();    builder->destroy();    return 0;}void stepOnce(float** data, void** buffers, int* sizes, int* indices,        int numBindings, cudaStream_t& stream, nvinfer1::IExecutionContext &context){    for (int z = 0, w = numBindings/2; z < w; ++z)        cudaMemcpyAsync(buffers[indices[z]], data[z], sizes[z] * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, stream);    // Execute asynchronously    context.enqueue(1, buffers, stream, nullptr);    // DMA the input from the GPU    for (int z = numBindings/2, w = numBindings; z < w; ++z)        cudaMemcpyAsync(data[z], buffers[indices[z]], sizes[z] * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream);    // Copy Ct/Ht to the Ct-1/Ht-1 slots.    cudaMemcpyAsync(data[1], buffers[indices[4]], sizes[1] * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream);    cudaMemcpyAsync(data[2], buffers[indices[5]], sizes[2] * sizeof(float), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, stream);}bool doInference(nvinfer1::IExecutionContext& context, const std::string& input, const std::string& expected, std::map<std::string, nvinfer1::Weights>&weightMap, const NET_INFO& info){    const nvinfer1::ICudaEngine& engine = context.getEngine();    // We have 6 outputs for LSTM, this needs to be changed to 4 for any other RNN type    static const int numBindings = 6;    assert(engine.getNbBindings() == numBindings);    void* buffers[numBindings];    float* data[numBindings];    std::fill(buffers, buffers + numBindings, nullptr);    std::fill(data, data + numBindings, nullptr);    const char* names[numBindings] = {std::get<6>(info).c_str(), std::get<7>(info).c_str(), std::get<8>(info).c_str(),                                    std::get<9>(info).c_str(), std::get<10>(info).c_str(), std::get<11>(info).c_str() };    int indices[numBindings];    std::fill(indices, indices + numBindings, -1);    int sizes[numBindings] = { std::get<3>(info) * std::get<1>(info) * std::get<4>(info),                                std::get<0>(info) * std::get<1>(info) * std::get<2>(info),                                std::get<0>(info) * std::get<1>(info) * std::get<2>(info),                                std::get<5>(info),                                std::get<0>(info) * std::get<1>(info) * std::get<2>(info),                                std::get<0>(info) * std::get<1>(info) * std::get<2>(info) };    for (int x = 0; x < numBindings; ++x) {        // In order to bind the buffers, we need to know the names of the input and output tensors.        // note that indices are guaranteed to be less than IEngine::getNbBindings()        indices[x] = engine.getBindingIndex(names[x]);        if (indices[x] == -1) continue;        // create GPU buffers and a stream        assert(indices[x] < numBindings);        cudaMalloc(&buffers[indices[x]], sizes[x] * sizeof(float));        data[x] = new float[sizes[x]];    }    cudaStream_t stream;    cudaStreamCreate(&stream);    // Initialize input/hidden/cell state to zero    for (int x = 0; x < numBindings; ++x) std::fill(data[x], data[x] + sizes[x], 0.0f);    auto embed = weightMap["embed"];    std::string genstr;    assert(std::get<1>(info) == 1 && "This code assumes batch size is equal to 1.");    // Seed the RNN with the input.    for (auto &a : input) {        std::copy(reinterpret_cast<const float*>(embed.values) + char_to_id[a]*std::get<4>(info),                reinterpret_cast<const float*>(embed.values) + char_to_id[a]*std::get<4>(info) + std::get<4>(info),                data[0]);        stepOnce(data, buffers, sizes, indices, 6, stream, context);        cudaStreamSynchronize(stream);        genstr.push_back(a);    }    // Now that we have gone through the initial sequence, lets make sure that we get the sequence out that    // we are expecting.    for (size_t x = 0, y = expected.size(); x < y; ++x) {        std::copy(reinterpret_cast<const float*>(embed.values) + char_to_id[*genstr.rbegin()]*std::get<4>(info),                reinterpret_cast<const float*>(embed.values) + char_to_id[*genstr.rbegin()]*std::get<4>(info) + std::get<4>(info),                data[0]);        stepOnce(data, buffers, sizes, indices, 6, stream, context);        cudaStreamSynchronize(stream);float* probabilities = reinterpret_cast<float*>(data[indices[3]]);ptrdiff_t idx = std::max_element(probabilities, probabilities + sizes[3]) - probabilities;        genstr.push_back(id_to_char[idx]);    }    fprintf(stdout, "Received: %s\n", genstr.c_str() + input.size());    // release the stream and the buffers    cudaStreamDestroy(stream);    for (int x = 0; x < numBindings; ++x) {        cudaFree(buffers[indices[x]]);        if (data[x]) delete [] data[x];    }    return genstr == (input + expected);}} // namespaceint test_charrnn(){    const NET_INFO info(2, 1, 512, 1, 512, 50, "data", "hiddenIn", "cellIn", "prob", "hiddenOut", "cellOut");    Logger logger; // multiple instances of IRuntime and/or IBuilder must all use the same logger    // create a model using the API directly and serialize it to a stream    nvinfer1::IHostMemory* modelStream{ nullptr };    std::map<std::string, nvinfer1::Weights> weightMap = loadWeights("models/char-rnn.wts");    APIToModel(weightMap, &modelStream, info, logger);    const std::vector<std::string> in_strs {"customer serv", "business plans", "help", "slightly under", "market",                            "holiday cards", "bring it", "what time", "the owner thinks", "money can be use"};    const std::vector<std::string> out_strs { "es and the", " to be a", "en and", "iting the company", "ing and",                        " the company", " company said it will", "d and the company", "ist with the", "d to be a"};    CHECK(in_strs.size() == out_strs.size());    PluginFactory pluginFactory;    nvinfer1::IRuntime* runtime = nvinfer1::createInferRuntime(logger);    nvinfer1::ICudaEngine* engine = runtime->deserializeCudaEngine(modelStream->data(), modelStream->size(), &pluginFactory);    nvinfer1::IExecutionContext* context = engine->createExecutionContext();    for (int num = 0; num < in_strs.size(); ++num) {        bool pass {false};        fprintf(stdout, "RNN Warmup: %s, Expect: %s\n", in_strs[num].c_str(), out_strs[num].c_str());        pass = doInference(*context, in_strs[num], out_strs[num], weightMap, info);        if (!pass) fprintf(stderr, "Failure!\n");    }    if (modelStream) modelStream->destroy();    for (auto& mem : weightMap) {        free((void*)(mem.second.values));    }    // destroy the engine    context->destroy();    engine->destroy();    runtime->destroy();    pluginFactory.destroyPlugin();    return 0;}


在Linux下通过CMake编译TensorRT_Test中的测试代码步骤:1. 将终端定位到CUDA_Test/prj/linux_tensorrt_cmake,依次执行如下命令:$ mkdir build$ cd build$ cmake ..$ make (生成TensorRT_Test执行文件)$ ln -s ../../../test_data/models  ./ (将models目录软链接到build目录下)$ ln -s ../../../test_data/images  ./ (将images目录软链接到build目录下)$ ./TensorRT_Test2. 对于有需要用OpenCV参与的读取图像的操作,需要先将对应文件中的图像路径修改为Linux支持的路径格式

GitHub: https://github.com/fengbingchun/CUDA_Test
