Win.ini 介绍

来源:互联网 发布:数据挖掘算法书籍推荐 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/01 09:14
The Microsoft Windows 3.x and 9x initialization file located in the C:\Windows directory. The win.ini file is used to load various settings each time Windows boots; for example, the communications drivers, wallpaper, screensaver, languages, fonts, etc. are loaded each time the win.ini is initialized. If this file becomes corrupt or bad, Windows will either not load, or have several errors as it loads. Users looking to view or edit the system.ini file can use the sysedit or msconfig utilities.Windows XP does still look at a few entries in the win.ini, which is why it may still be present after upgrading to Windows XP. However, if you've installed a new copy of Windows XP the win.ini file will be blank or very stripped down. Later versions of Windows including Windows NT 4.0, 2000, Vista, 7, and later no longer have a win.ini. Instead of storing these settings in this file, they are stored in the system registry.
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