29、Android 微信分享checkArgs fail, thumbData is invalid

来源:互联网 发布:装备dbc数据txt下载 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/08 06:38



checkArgs fail, thumbData is invalid  出现这样的一个错误提示。


经过百度一番:原来微信对缩略图的大小进行了限制。超过32K 就会报参数错误!

 final boolean checkArgs() {
        if(this.getType() != 8 || this.thumbData != null && this.thumbData.length != 0) {            if(this.getType() == 36 && (this.thumbData == null || this.thumbData.length > 131072)) {                Log.e("MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage", "checkArgs fail, thumbData should not be null or exceed 128kb");                return false;            } else if(this.getType() != 36 && this.thumbData != null && this.thumbData.length > '耀') {                Log.e("MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage", "checkArgs fail, thumbData is invalid");                return false;            } else if(this.title != null && this.title.length() > 512) {                Log.e("MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage", "checkArgs fail, title is invalid");                return false;            } else if(this.description != null && this.description.length() > 1024) {                Log.e("MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage", "checkArgs fail, description is invalid");                return false;            } else if(this.mediaObject == null) {                Log.e("MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage", "checkArgs fail, mediaObject is null");                return false;            } else if(this.mediaTagName != null && this.mediaTagName.length() > 64) {                Log.e("MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage", "checkArgs fail, mediaTagName is too long");                return false;            } else if(this.messageAction != null && this.messageAction.length() > 2048) {                Log.e("MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage", "checkArgs fail, messageAction is too long");                return false;            } else if(this.messageExt != null && this.messageExt.length() > 2048) {                Log.e("MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage", "checkArgs fail, messageExt is too long");                return false;            } else {                return this.mediaObject.checkArgs();            }        } else {            Log.e("MicroMsg.SDK.WXMediaMessage", "checkArgs fail, thumbData should not be null when send emoji");            return false;        }    }



 public static byte[] bmpToByteArray(final Bitmap bmp, final boolean needRecycle) {        ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();        bmp.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.PNG, 100, output);        if (needRecycle) {            bmp.recycle();        }        byte[] result = output.toByteArray();        try {            output.close();        } catch (Exception e) {            e.printStackTrace();        }        return result;    }

使用这个方法:注意要是还是不行 ----》 将100 调小!!! 至10 试试

 localBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100,                    localByteArrayOutputStream);
public static byte[] bmpToByteArray(final Bitmap bmp, final boolean needRecycle) {        int i;        int j;        if (bmp.getHeight() > bmp.getWidth()) {            i = bmp.getWidth();            j = bmp.getWidth();        }  else {            i = bmp.getHeight();            j = bmp.getHeight();        }        Bitmap localBitmap = Bitmap.createBitmap(i, j, Bitmap.Config.RGB_565);        Canvas localCanvas =  new Canvas(localBitmap);        while ( true) {            localCanvas.drawBitmap(bmp,  new Rect(0, 0, i, j),  new Rect(0, 0,i, j),  null);            if (needRecycle)                bmp.recycle();            ByteArrayOutputStream localByteArrayOutputStream =  new ByteArrayOutputStream();            localBitmap.compress(Bitmap.CompressFormat.JPEG, 100,                    localByteArrayOutputStream);            localBitmap.recycle();            byte[] arrayOfByte = localByteArrayOutputStream.toByteArray();            try {                localByteArrayOutputStream.close();                return arrayOfByte;            }  catch (Exception e) {                // F.out(e);            }            i = bmp.getHeight();            j = bmp.getHeight();        }    }