Intelligence Math Part2

来源:互联网 发布:大数据 adhoc 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:39

Part2 SVM

What will we do?

我们将构建一个支持向量机(Support Vector Machine),通过梯度下降优化算法找到能够最大间隔化两类数据的最优超平面(最大间隔分类器)

What are some use cases for SVMs?

-分类,回归(时序序列预测等), 异常检测, 聚类等

Other Examples

  • Learning to use Scikit-learn’s SVM function to classify images
  • Pulse classification, more useful dataset

How does an SVM compare to other ML algorithms?

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  1. 以经验来看, 对于含有较少异常值的小数据量,SVMs更加适合。
  2. 其它算法(Random forests, deep neural networks, etc.)需要更多的数据,但是训练出的模型鲁棒性都较好。
  3. 选择什么样的分类器取决于数据集以及该问题的复杂度。
  4. 如果选择一个复杂的模型(比如neural networks), performance相对于简单的model仅仅提高了 0.1(or small),那么还是选简单的比较好(时间还是很重要的)。

What is a Support Vector Machine?

SVM 是一个监督学习式的机器学习算法,既适用于分类问题,也适用于回归问题。但是通常应用于分类。给定两类或多类有标签的样本数据(labeled classes of data),它作为一个判别式的分类器(discriminative classifier),表现为构造一个最优的超平面(optimal hyperplane),能够将多个不同类别的样本间隔出来,也称为最大间隔分类器(max margin classifier)。新的样本进入分类器,通过learning algorithm被映射到相同的特征空间(feature space ),然后根据样本点落在超平面的哪一边进行分类。

What are Support Vectors?

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支持向量(support vectors) 是离超平面最近的数据点, 决定了超平面的形成。如果将其去除,将会直接影响到分隔超平面的位置。支持向量被认为是数据中最重要的因素,也是构建SVM的至关重要的因素。

Whats a hyperplane?

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比如,一个n维空间的超平面就是一个n-1维的flat subset, 将空间划分一半。

Linear vs nonlinear classification?

有时候我们的数据是线性可分的。这意味着对于拥有M个特征的N个类别样本,我们可以学习一个线性的函数映射,比如 y=mx+b,或者甚至一个多维的超平面,比如 y=x+z+b+q。不管有多少特征,我们都可以通过线性函数学习到合适的映射的关系。
但有时并不是(非线性可分), 像二次或多次映射。幸运的是,SVMs可以使用一种称为核技巧(kernel trick)的技术实现非线性的分类。

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Let’s define our loss function (what to minimize) and our objective function (what to optimize)

Loss function

Hinge loss - 训练svm分类器的损失函数, 用于最大间隔分类器。

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c - loss function, x - the sample, y - the true label, f(x) - the predicted label.

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Objective Function

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How do we minimize our loss/optimize for our objective (i.e learn)?

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更新权重 (misclassified)

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  • Learning rate too high? The algorithm might overshoot the optimal point.
  • Learning rate too low? Could take too long to converge. Or never converge.

正则化项控制着获得一个较低的训练误差以及较低的测试误差,测试误差用来评价分类器的泛化能力(对没有见过的数据), 这里代码我们选择1/epochs 作为正则化项的值,所以随着epochs的增多,正则参数会降低。

  • Regularizer too high? overfit (large testing error)
  • Regularizer too low? underfit (large training error)

更新权重 (correctly classified)

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# code1import numpy as npfrom matplotlib import pyplot as plt#Step 1 - Define our data#Input data - Of the form [X value, Y value, Bias term]X = np.array([    [-2,4,-1],    [4,1,-1],    [1, 6, -1],    [2, 4, -1],    [6, 2, -1],])#Associated output labels - First 2 examples are labeled '-1' and last 3 are labeled '+1'y = np.array([-1,-1,1,1,1])#lets plot these examples on a 2D graph!#for each examplefor d, sample in enumerate(X):    # Plot the negative samples (the first 2)    if d < 2:        plt.scatter(sample[0], sample[1], s=120, marker='_', linewidths=2)    # Plot the positive samples (the last 3)    else:        plt.scatter(sample[0], sample[1], s=120, marker='+', linewidths=2)# Print a possible hyperplane, that is seperating the two classes.#we'll two points and draw the line between them (naive guess)plt.plot([-2,6],[6,0.5])


# code2def svm_sgd_plot(X, Y):    # Initialize our SVMs weight vector with zeros(3 values)    w = np.zeros(len(X[0]))    eta = 1  # the learning rate    epochs = 10000  # hwo many iterations to train for    errors = []  # store misclassifications so we can plot how they change over time    #training part, gradient descent part    for epoch in range(1, epochs):        error = 0        for i, x in enumerate(X):            #misclassification            if(Y[i]*[i], w)) < 1:                #misclassified update for ours weights, the regularizer=1/epoch                w = w - eta*(2*(1/epoch)*w - (X[i]*Y[i]))                error = 1            else:                #correct classification                w = w - eta*(2*(1/epoch)*w)        errors.append(error)    # lets plor the rate of classification errors during training for our SVM    plt.plot(errors, '|')    plt.ylim(0.5, 1.5)    plt.axes().set_yticklabels([])    plt.xlabel('Epoch')    plt.ylabel('Misclassified')    return ww = svm_sgd_plot(X, y)for d, sample in enumerate(X):    if d<2:        plt.scatter(sample[0], sample[1], s=120, marker='_', linewidths=2)    else:        plt.scatter(sample[0], sample[1], s=120, marker='+', linewidths=2)# Add our test samplesplt.scatter(2, 2, s=120, marker='_', linewidths=2, color='yellow')plt.scatter(4, 3, s=120, marker='+', linewidths=2, color='blue')# Print the hyperplane calculated by svm_sgd()x2 = [w[0], w[1], -w[1], w[0]]x3 = [w[0], w[1], w[1], -w[0]]x2x3 = np.array([x2, x3])X, Y, U, V = zip(*x2x3)print(x2x3)print(X, Y, U, V)ax = plt.gca()ax.quiver(X, Y, U, V, scale=1, color='blue')

