
来源:互联网 发布:php curl 存储cookie 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 05:39

前一篇文章《sensor_msgs/LaserScan Message》说道hokuyo_node包发布的数据有inf和nan这两种数据,由于李太白同学需要用这些距离数据进行相关研究,但是不知道inf和nan这两种数据是在什么情况下得出来的,百度了下发现没有hokuyo_node包的代码分析,只有怎么应用这个包。好吧,看来又到了写博客的时间了。既然没有,自己写个吧。

1 hokuyo URG04-LX 简介



1.1 产品规格:


1.2 参考质量

上面的图来自hokuyo urg-04lx雷达的说明文档,文档里有对方向进行了说明:


2 hokuyo_node package 代码分析

2.1 hokuyo.h


  //! A struct for returning configuration from the Hokuyo  struct LaserConfig  {    //! Start angle for the laser scan [rad].  0 is forward and angles are measured clockwise when viewing hokuyo from the top.    float min_angle;  // 扫描的起始角度位置,如-2.07,    //! Stop angle for the laser scan [rad].   0 is forward and angles are measured clockwise when viewing hokuyo from the top.    float max_angle;    //! Scan resolution [rad].    float ang_increment;    //! Scan resoltuion [s]    float time_increment;    //! Time between scans    float scan_time;    //! Minimum range [m]    float min_range;    //! Maximum range [m]    float max_range;    //! Range Resolution [m]    float range_res;  };...  //! A struct for returning laser readings from the Hokuyo  struct LaserScan  {    //! Array of ranges    std::vector<float> ranges; //储存距离数据的数组    //! Array of intensities    std::vector<float> intensities;      //! Self reported time stamp in nanoseconds    uint64_t self_time_stamp;    //! System time when first range was measured in nanoseconds    uint64_t system_time_stamp;    //! Configuration of scan    LaserConfig config;  };

2.2 hokuyo_node.cpp


  int publishScan(const hokuyo::LaserScan &scan)  {    //ROS_DEBUG("publishScan");    scan_msg_.angle_min = scan.config.min_angle;    scan_msg_.angle_max = scan.config.max_angle;    scan_msg_.angle_increment = scan.config.ang_increment;    scan_msg_.time_increment = scan.config.time_increment;    scan_msg_.scan_time = scan.config.scan_time;    scan_msg_.range_min = scan.config.min_range;    scan_msg_.range_max = scan.config.max_range;    scan_msg_.ranges = scan.ranges;    scan_msg_.intensities = scan.intensities;    scan_msg_.header.stamp = ros::Time().fromNSec((uint64_t)scan.system_time_stamp) + ros::Duration(driver_.config_.time_offset);    scan_msg_.header.frame_id = driver_.config_.frame_id;      desired_freq_ = (1. / scan.config.scan_time);    scan_pub_.publish(scan_msg_);    //ROS_DEBUG("publishScan done");    return(0);  }

这个文件主要负责ROS的格式化与通讯,做了一些配置上的检查(如 如果参数服务器中设置的最小角度小于该雷达的最小角度,程序对将雷达的最小角度复制给该参数)。

2.3 hokuyo.cpp



void  //将雷达设置成SCIP2模式的方法hokuyo::Laser::setToSCIP2(){if (!portOpen())    HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::Exception, "Port not open.");const char * cmd = "SCIP2.0";char buf[100];laserWrite(cmd);  laserWrite("\n");laserReadline(buf, 100, 1000);ROS_DEBUG("Laser comm protocol changed to %s \n", buf);//printf ("Laser comm protocol changed to %s \n", buf);}

///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////void hokuyo::Laser::reset ()   //向雷达发送TM2,使雷达复位{if (!portOpen())    HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::Exception, "Port not open.");        laserFlush();        try        {          sendCmd("TM2", 1000);        }        catch (hokuyo::Exception &e)        {} // Ignore. If the laser was scanning TM2 would fail        try        {          sendCmd("RS", 1000);          last_time_ = 0; // RS resets the hokuyo clock.          wrapped_ = 0; // RS resets the hokuyo clock.        }        catch (hokuyo::Exception &e)        {} // Ignore. If the command coincided with a scan we might get garbage.        laserFlush();        sendCmd("RS", 1000); // This one should just work.}

inthokuyo::Laser::laserOn() {  int res = sendCmd("BM",1000);  if (res == 1)    HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::Exception, "Unable to control laser due to malfunction.");  return res;}



voidhokuyo::Laser::readData(hokuyo::LaserScan& scan, bool has_intensity, int timeout){  scan.ranges.clear();  scan.intensities.clear();  int data_size = 3;  if (has_intensity)    data_size = 6;  char buf[100];  int ind = 0;  scan.self_time_stamp = readTime(timeout);  int bytes;  int range;  float intensity;  for (;;)  {    bytes = laserReadline(&buf[ind], 100 - ind, timeout);        if (bytes == 1)          // This is \n\n so we should be done      return;        if (!checkSum(&buf[ind], bytes))      HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::CorruptedDataException, "Checksum failed on data read.");        bytes += ind - 2;        // Read as many ranges as we can get    if(dmax_ > 20000){ // Check error codes for the UTM 30LX (it is the only one with the long max range and has different error codes)      for (int j = 0; j < bytes - (bytes % data_size); j+=data_size)      {if (scan.ranges.size() < MAX_READINGS){  range = (((buf[j]-0x30) << 12) | ((buf[j+1]-0x30) << 6) | (buf[j+2]-0x30));    switch (range) // See the SCIP2.0 reference on page 12, Table 4  {    case 1: // No Object in Range       scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());      break;    case 2: // Object is too near (Internal Error)      scan.ranges.push_back(-std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());      break;    case 3: // Measurement Error (May be due to interference)      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 4: // Object out of range (at the near end)      ///< @todo, Should this be an Infinity Instead?      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 5: // Other errors      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    default:      scan.ranges.push_back(((float)range)/1000.0);  }  if (has_intensity)  {    intensity = (((buf[j+3]-0x30) << 12) | ((buf[j+4]-0x30) << 6) | (buf[j+5]-0x30));    scan.intensities.push_back(intensity);  }}else{  HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::CorruptedDataException, "Got more readings than expected");}      }    } else { // Check error codes for all other lasers (URG-04LX UBG-04LX-F01 UHG-08LX)      for (int j = 0; j < bytes - (bytes % data_size); j+=data_size)      {if (scan.ranges.size() < MAX_READINGS){  range = (((buf[j]-0x30) << 12) | ((buf[j+1]-0x30) << 6) | (buf[j+2]-0x30));    switch (range) // See the SCIP2.0 reference on page 12, Table 3  {    case 0: // Detected object is possibly at 22m      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());      break;    case 1: // Reflected light has low intensity      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 2: // Reflected light has low intensity      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 6: // Detected object is possibly at 5.7m      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity());      break;    case 7: // Distance data on the preceding and succeeding steps have errors      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 8: // Intensity difference of two waves      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 9: // The same step had error in the last two scan      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 10: // Others      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 11: // Others      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 12: // Others      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 13: // Others      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 14: // Others      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 15: // Others      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 16: // Others      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 17: // Others      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 18: // Error reading due to strong reflective object      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    case 19: // Non-Measurable step      scan.ranges.push_back(std::numeric_limits<float>::quiet_NaN());      break;    default:      scan.ranges.push_back(((float)range)/1000.0);  }  if (has_intensity)  {    intensity = (((buf[j+3]-0x30) << 12) | ((buf[j+4]-0x30) << 6) | (buf[j+5]-0x30));    scan.intensities.push_back(intensity);  }}else{  HOKUYO_EXCEPT(hokuyo::CorruptedDataException, "Got more readings than expected");}      }    }    // Shuffle remaining bytes to front of buffer to get them on the next loop    ind = 0;    for (int j = bytes - (bytes % data_size); j < bytes ; j++)      buf[ind++] = buf[j];  }}



