12、TensorFlow 图像处理

来源:互联网 发布:国家电网总部 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 13:34


图像在存储时并不是直接记录这些矩阵中的数字,而是记录经过压缩编码之后的结果。所以要将一张图像还原成一个三维矩阵,需要解码的过程。OpenCV 中的 imreadimwrite 就是一个解码和编码的过程。TensorFLow 中提供了相应的编码和解码的函数。

# 图像解码函数tf.image.decode_image(    contents,    channels=None,    name=None)# 参数contents: 0-D string. The encoded image bytes.channels: An optional int. Defaults to 0. Number of color channels for the decoded image.# 返回值Tensor with type uint8 with shape [height, width, num_channels] for BMP, JPEG, and PNG images and shape [num_frames, height, width, 3] for GIF images. # 图像编码函数tf.image.encode_jpeg()tf.image.encode_png()


# 1、缩放tf.image.resize_images(    images,    size,    method=ResizeMethod.BILINEAR,    align_corners=False)# 参数images: 4-D Tensor of shape [batch, height, width, channels] or 3-D Tensor of shape [height, width, channels].size: A 1-D int32 Tensor of 2 elements: new_height, new_width. The new size for the images.method can be one of:ResizeMethod.BILINEAR: 双线性插值法,默认ResizeMethod.NEAREST_NEIGHBOR: 最近邻法ResizeMethod.BICUBIC: 双三线性插值法ResizeMethod.AREA: 面积插值法# 返回值(float)If images was 4-D, a 4-D float Tensor of shape [batch, new_height, new_width, channels]. If images was 3-D, a 3-D float Tensor of shape [new_height, new_width, channels].# 2、裁剪(居中)或补零(四周均匀)tf.image.resize_image_with_crop_or_pad(    image,    target_height,    target_width)# 参数image: 4-D Tensor of shape [batch, height, width, channels] or 3-D Tensor of shape [height, width, channels].# 返回值Cropped and/or padded image. If images was 4-D, a 4-D float Tensor of shape [batch, new_height, new_width, channels]. If images was 3-D, a 3-D float Tensor of shape [new_height, new_width, channels]# 3、按比例居中裁剪tf.image.central_crop(    image,    central_fraction)# 4、对输入图像做剪裁并通过插值方法调整尺寸tf.image.crop_and_resizecrop_and_resize(    image,    boxes,    box_ind,    crop_size,    method='bilinear',    extrapolation_value=0,    name=None)# 5、沿着给定的 bbox 坐标进行裁剪tf.image.crop_to_bounding_box(    image,    offset_height,    offset_width,    target_height,    target_width)# 参数image: 4-D Tensor of shape [batch, height, width, channels] or 3-D Tensor of shape [height, width, channels].bbox: the top-left corner of the returned image is at offset_height, offset_width in image, and its lower-right corner is at offset_height + target_height, offset_width + target_width.# 返回值If image was 4-D, a 4-D float Tensor of shape [batch, target_height, target_width, channels] If image was 3-D, a 3-D float Tensor of shape [target_height, target_width, channels]# 6、沿着原图像补零到指定高度(target_height)和宽度(target_width)tf.image.pad_to_bounding_boxpad_to_bounding_box(    image,    offset_height,    offset_width,    target_height,    target_width)# 工作原理Adds offset_height rows of zeros on top, offset_width columns of zeros on the left, and then pads the image on the bottom and right with zeros until it has dimensions target_height, target_width.# 参数image: 4-D Tensor of shape [batch, height, width, channels] or 3-D Tensor of shape [height, width, channels].offset_height: Number of rows of zeros to add on top.offset_width: Number of columns of zeros to add on the left.target_height: Height of output image.target_width: Width of output image.# 返回值If image was 4-D, a 4-D float Tensor of shape [batch, target_height, target_width, channels] If image was 3-D, a 3-D float Tensor of shape [target_height, target_width, channels]


# 1、(随机)上下翻转tf.image.flip_up_down(image)tf.image.random_flip_up_down(image,seed=None)# 2、(随机)左右翻转tf.image.flip_left_right(image)tf.image.random_flip_left_right(image,seed=None)# 3、沿对角线翻转:交换图像的第一维和第二维tf.image.transpose_image(image)# 参数image: 3-D tensor of shape [height, width, channels]# 返回值A 3-D tensor of the same type and shape as image# 4、将图像逆时针旋转 90*k 度tf.image.rot90(image, k=1)# 参数image: A 3-D tensor of shape [height, width, channels].k: A scalar integer. The number of times the image is rotated by 90 degrees.name: A name for this operation (optional).# 返回值A rotated 3-D tensor of the same type and shape as image.# 5、Rotate image(s) by the passed angle(s) in radians(弧度)tf.contrib.image.rotate(    images,    angles,    interpolation='NEAREST')# 参数images: A tensor of shape (num_images, num_rows, num_columns, num_channels) (NHWC), (num_rows, num_columns, num_channels) (HWC), or (num_rows, num_columns) (HW).angles: A scalar angle to rotate all images by, or (if images has rank 4) a vector of length num_images, with an angle for each image in the batch.interpolation: Interpolation mode. Supported values: "NEAREST", "BILINEAR".# 返回值Image(s) with the same type and shape as images, rotated by the given angle(s). Empty space due to the rotation will be filled with zeros. 


# 1、调整 RGB 图像或灰度图的亮度# delta is the amount to add to the pixel values, should be in [0,1)tf.image.adjust_brightness(    image,    delta)# 2、调整 RGB 图像的色相, delta must be in the interval [-1, 1]tf.image.adjust_hue(    image,    delta,    name=None)# 3、调整 RGB 图像或灰度图的对比度tf.image.adjust_contrast(    images,    contrast_factor)# 4、调整 RGB 图像的饱和度tf.image.adjust_saturation(    image,    saturation_factor,    name=None)# 5、在输入图像上执行伽马校正tf.image.adjust_gamma(    image,    gamma=1,    gain=1)# 6、在[-max_delta, max_delta]的范围内随机调整图像的亮度,0 的时候就是原始图像tf.image.random_brightness(    image,    max_delta,    seed=None)# 7、在[-max_delta, max_delta]的范围内随机调整图像的色相# max_delta must be in the interval [0, 0.5]tf.image.random_hue(    image,    max_delta,    seed=None)# 8、在[lower, upper] 的范围随机调整图像的对比度tf.image.random_contrast(    image,    lower,    upper,    seed=None)# 9、在[lower, upper] 的范围随机调整图像的饱和度tf.image.random_saturation(    image,    lower,    upper,    seed=None)# 10、图像色彩空间转换tf.image.rgb_to_grayscale()tf.image.grayscale_to_rgb()tf.image.hsv_to_rgb()tf.image.rgb_to_hsv()  # 必须先转换为实数(float32)图像# 11、图像数据类型转换,eg: 转成 uint8-->float32, 除 255 转成 [0,1)tf.image.convert_image_dtype(    image,    dtype,    saturate=False,    name=None)# 12、图像标准化处理(均值为0,方差为1)tf.image.per_image_standardization(image)


# 1、Draw bounding boxes on a batch of imagesdraw_bounding_boxes(    images,    boxes,    name=None)# 参数images: A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: float32, half. 4-D with shape [batch, height, width, depth]. A batch of images.boxes: A Tensor of type float32. 3-D with shape [batch, num_bounding_boxes, 4] containing bounding boxes.# 返回值A Tensor. Has the same type as images. 4-D with the same shape as images. The batch of input images with bounding boxes drawn on the images.# 数据类型和维度注意事项images 要求为实数,所以需要先将图像矩阵转化为实数类型,并增加一个 batch 维度 1,eg:batched = tf.expand_dims(    tf.image.convert_image_dtype(images, tf.float32),    axis=0)# 坐标系顺序和相对坐标注意事项The coordinates of the each bounding box in boxes are encoded as [y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max]. The bounding box coordinates are floats in [0.0, 1.0] relative to the width and height of the underlying image.For example, if an image is 100 x 200 pixels and the bounding box is [0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 0.9], the bottom left and upper right coordinates of the bounding box will be (10, 40) to (50, 180).# 2、非极大值抑制tf.image.non_max_suppression(    boxes,    scores,    max_output_size,    iou_threshold=0.5,    name=None)# 3、Generate a single randomly distorted bounding box for an imagetf.image.sample_distorted_bounding_box(    image_size,    bounding_boxes,    seed=None,    seed2=None,    min_object_covered=None,    aspect_ratio_range=None,    area_range=None,    max_attempts=None,    use_image_if_no_bounding_boxes=None,    name=None)

