
来源:互联网 发布:led图文编辑软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 02:02



C++程序员通常采用RAII(Resource Acquisition Is Initialization)机制来管理内存资源:在类的构造函数中申请资源,在析构函数中释放资源。我们必须保证malloc分配的内存最终能被free,new创建的对象能在正确的时机被delete,并且时刻警惕使用野指针导致的崩溃。相信所有C/C++的coder都被内存泄漏和野指针崩溃问题折磨过。







template <class T>class QWeakPointer{    typedef T *QWeakPointer:: *RestrictedBool;    typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData Data;public:    typedef T element_type;    typedef T value_type;    typedef value_type *pointer;    typedef const value_type *const_pointer;    typedef value_type &reference;    typedef const value_type &const_reference;    typedef qptrdiff difference_type;    inline bool isNull() const { return d == Q_NULLPTR || d->strongref.load() == 0 || value == Q_NULLPTR; }    inline operator RestrictedBool() const { return isNull() ? Q_NULLPTR : &QWeakPointer::value; }    inline bool operator !() const { return isNull(); }    inline T *data() const { return d == Q_NULLPTR || d->strongref.load() == 0 ? Q_NULLPTR : value; }    inline QWeakPointer() Q_DECL_NOTHROW : d(Q_NULLPTR), value(Q_NULLPTR) { }    inline ~QWeakPointer() { if (d && !d->weakref.deref()) delete d; }#ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT    // special constructor that is enabled only if X derives from QObject#if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 0)    template <class X>    QT_DEPRECATED inline QWeakPointer(X *ptr) : d(ptr ? Data::getAndRef(ptr) : Q_NULLPTR), value(ptr)    { }#endif#endif#if QT_DEPRECATED_SINCE(5, 0)    template <class X>    QT_DEPRECATED inline QWeakPointer &operator=(X *ptr)    { return *this = QWeakPointer(ptr); }#endif    QWeakPointer(const QWeakPointer &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW : d(other.d), value(other.value)    { if (d) d->weakref.ref(); }#ifdef Q_COMPILER_RVALUE_REFS    QWeakPointer(QWeakPointer &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW        : d(other.d), value(other.value)    {        other.d = Q_NULLPTR;        other.value = Q_NULLPTR;    }    QWeakPointer &operator=(QWeakPointer &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW    { QWeakPointer moved(std::move(other)); swap(moved); return *this; }#endif    QWeakPointer &operator=(const QWeakPointer &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW    {        QWeakPointer copy(other);        swap(copy);        return *this;    }    void swap(QWeakPointer &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW    {        qSwap(this->d, other.d);        qSwap(this->value, other.value);    }    inline QWeakPointer(const QSharedPointer<T> &o) : d(o.d), value(o.data())    { if (d) d->weakref.ref();}    inline QWeakPointer &operator=(const QSharedPointer<T> &o)    {        internalSet(o.d, o.value);        return *this;    }    template <class X>    inline QWeakPointer(const QWeakPointer<X> &o) : d(Q_NULLPTR), value(Q_NULLPTR)    { *this = o; }    template <class X>    inline QWeakPointer &operator=(const QWeakPointer<X> &o)    {        // conversion between X and T could require access to the virtual table        // so force the operation to go through QSharedPointer        *this = o.toStrongRef();        return *this;    }    template <class X>    inline bool operator==(const QWeakPointer<X> &o) const    { return d == o.d && value == static_cast<const T *>(o.value); }    template <class X>    inline bool operator!=(const QWeakPointer<X> &o) const    { return !(*this == o); }    template <class X>    inline QWeakPointer(const QSharedPointer<X> &o) : d(Q_NULLPTR), value(Q_NULLPTR)    { *this = o; }    template <class X>    inline QWeakPointer &operator=(const QSharedPointer<X> &o)    {        QSHAREDPOINTER_VERIFY_AUTO_CAST(T, X); // if you get an error in this line, the cast is invalid        internalSet(o.d, o.data());        return *this;    }    template <class X>    inline bool operator==(const QSharedPointer<X> &o) const    { return d == o.d; }    template <class X>    inline bool operator!=(const QSharedPointer<X> &o) const    { return !(*this == o); }    inline void clear() { *this = QWeakPointer(); }    inline QSharedPointer<T> toStrongRef() const { return QSharedPointer<T>(*this); }    // std::weak_ptr compatibility:    inline QSharedPointer<T> lock() const { return toStrongRef(); }#if defined(QWEAKPOINTER_ENABLE_ARROW)    inline T *operator->() const { return data(); }#endifprivate:#if defined(Q_NO_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS)public:#else    template <class X> friend class QSharedPointer;    template <class X> friend class QPointer;#endif    template <class X>    inline QWeakPointer &assign(X *ptr)    { return *this = QWeakPointer<X>(ptr, true); }#ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT    template <class X>    inline QWeakPointer(X *ptr, bool) : d(ptr ? Data::getAndRef(ptr) : Q_NULLPTR), value(ptr)    { }#endif    inline void internalSet(Data *o, T *actual)    {        if (d == o) return;        if (o)            o->weakref.ref();        if (d && !d->weakref.deref())            delete d;        d = o;        value = actual;    }    Data *d;    T *value;};

QWeakPointer数据成员除了保存的模板参数类型指针T* value外,还有一个Data *d;

typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData Data;

ExternalRefCountData 从名字来看,就知道是额外的引用计数数据

转到ExternalRefCountData 的定义处:

    struct ExternalRefCountData    {        typedef void (*DestroyerFn)(ExternalRefCountData *);        QBasicAtomicInt weakref;        QBasicAtomicInt strongref;        DestroyerFn destroyer;        inline ExternalRefCountData(DestroyerFn d)            : destroyer(d)        {            strongref.store(1);            weakref.store(1);        }        inline ExternalRefCountData(Qt::Initialization) { }        ~ExternalRefCountData() { Q_ASSERT(!weakref.load()); Q_ASSERT(strongref.load() <= 0); }        void destroy() { destroyer(this); }#ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT        Q_CORE_EXPORT static ExternalRefCountData *getAndRef(const QObject *);        Q_CORE_EXPORT void setQObjectShared(const QObject *, bool enable);        Q_CORE_EXPORT void checkQObjectShared(const QObject *);#endif        inline void checkQObjectShared(...) { }        inline void setQObjectShared(...) { }        inline void operator delete(void *ptr) { ::operator delete(ptr); }        inline void operator delete(void *, void *) { }    };

ExternalRefCountData 是一个结构体,数据成员有一个弱引用计数weakref,一个强引用计数strongref,一个销毁函数指针destroyer



inline QWeakPointer() Q_DECL_NOTHROW : d(Q_NULLPTR), value(Q_NULLPTR) { }


Private:    template <class X>    inline QWeakPointer(X *ptr, bool) : d(ptr ? Data::getAndRef(ptr) : Q_NULLPTR), value(ptr)    { }
QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData *QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData::getAndRef(const QObject *obj){    Q_ASSERT(obj);    QObjectPrivate *d = QObjectPrivate::get(const_cast<QObject *>(obj));    Q_ASSERT_X(!d->wasDeleted, "QWeakPointer", "Detected QWeakPointer creation in a QObject being deleted");    ExternalRefCountData *that = d->sharedRefcount.load();    if (that) {        that->weakref.ref();        return that;    }    // we can create the refcount data because it doesn't exist    ExternalRefCountData *x = new ExternalRefCountData(Qt::Uninitialized);    x->strongref.store(-1);    x->weakref.store(2);  // the QWeakPointer that called us plus the QObject itself    if (!d->sharedRefcount.testAndSetRelease(0, x)) {        delete x;        x = d->sharedRefcount.loadAcquire();        x->weakref.ref();    }    return x;}

getAndRef的参数obj必须是QObject *类型的,这就是说这个方法保存的指针,只能是QObject及其派生类指针,后面我们会知道这个方法为QPointer带参构造函数服务,所以QPointer定义为只能保存QObject及其派生类指针。
QObject的私有数据类QObjectPrivate中保存了一个ExternalRefCountData 指针,如果为空就新建一个,初始化强引用计数strongref为-1,弱引用计数为2(这个方法用于QWeakPointer的构造函数中,所以新构造的QWeakPointer算一个,QObject本身算一个),如果为非空就将weakref弱引用计数+1,最终都返回这个引用计数数据结构体指针。

此外提下QObject的析构函数中有关对这个ExternalRefCountData 的操作:

QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData *sharedRefcount = d->sharedRefcount.load();if (sharedRefcount) {    if (sharedRefcount->strongref.load() > 0) {        qWarning("QObject: shared QObject was deleted directly. The program is malformed and may crash.");        // but continue deleting, it's too late to stop anyway    }    // indicate to all QWeakPointers that this QObject has now been deleted    sharedRefcount->strongref.store(0);    if (!sharedRefcount->weakref.deref())        delete sharedRefcount;}



QWeakPointer(const QWeakPointer &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW : d(other.d), value(other.value){ if (d) d->weakref.ref(); }

QWeakPointer的析构函数,弱引用计数-1,如果减为0则delete掉d ,并不会delete掉value

inline ~QWeakPointer() { if (d && !d->weakref.deref()) delete d; }


inline T *data() const { return d == Q_NULLPTR || d->strongref.load() == 0 ? Q_NULLPTR : value; }


template <class X> friend class QSharedPointer;template <class X> friend class QPointer;




template <class T>class QPointer{    Q_STATIC_ASSERT_X(!QtPrivate::is_pointer<T>::value, "QPointer's template type must not be a pointer type");    template<typename U>    struct TypeSelector    {        typedef QObject Type;    };    template<typename U>    struct TypeSelector<const U>    {        typedef const QObject Type;    };    typedef typename TypeSelector<T>::Type QObjectType;    QWeakPointer<QObjectType> wp;public:    inline QPointer() { }    inline QPointer(T *p) : wp(p, true) { }    // compiler-generated copy/move ctor/assignment operators are fine!    // compiler-generated dtor is fine!#ifdef Q_QDOC    // Stop qdoc from complaining about missing function    ~QPointer();#endif    inline void swap(QPointer &other) { wp.swap(other.wp); }    inline QPointer<T> &operator=(T* p)    { wp.assign(static_cast<QObjectType*>(p)); return *this; }    inline T* data() const    { return static_cast<T*>( wp.data()); }    inline T* operator->() const    { return data(); }    inline T& operator*() const    { return *data(); }    inline operator T*() const    { return data(); }    inline bool isNull() const    { return wp.isNull(); }    inline void clear()    { wp.clear(); }};template <class T> Q_DECLARE_TYPEINFO_BODY(QPointer<T>, Q_MOVABLE_TYPE);template <class T>inline bool operator==(const T *o, const QPointer<T> &p){ return o == p.operator->(); }template<class T>inline bool operator==(const QPointer<T> &p, const T *o){ return p.operator->() == o; }template <class T>inline bool operator==(T *o, const QPointer<T> &p){ return o == p.operator->(); }template<class T>inline bool operator==(const QPointer<T> &p, T *o){ return p.operator->() == o; }template<class T>inline bool operator==(const QPointer<T> &p1, const QPointer<T> &p2){ return p1.operator->() == p2.operator->(); }template <class T>inline bool operator!=(const T *o, const QPointer<T> &p){ return o != p.operator->(); }template<class T>inline bool operator!= (const QPointer<T> &p, const T *o){ return p.operator->() != o; }template <class T>inline bool operator!=(T *o, const QPointer<T> &p){ return o != p.operator->(); }template<class T>inline bool operator!= (const QPointer<T> &p, T *o){ return p.operator->() != o; }template<class T>inline bool operator!= (const QPointer<T> &p1, const QPointer<T> &p2){ return p1.operator->() != p2.operator->() ; }

QPointer类中的数据成员之有一个QWeakPointer<QObjectType> wp;



inline QPointer(T *p) : wp(p, true) { }




#include <QPointer>bool func(){    QLabel* label = new QLabel;    QPointer<QLabel> p1(label); // new ExternalRefCountData, weakref = 2, strongref = -1    if (1){        QPointer<QLabel> p2(p1); // weakref = 3    }    // weakref = 2    delete label; // weakref = 0, strongref = 0, delete ExternalRefCountData    if (p1){ // strongref == 0, p1 == NULL        p1->setText("test");        return true;    }    if (label){        label->setText("test"); // crash    }    return false;}

上述函数展现了QPointer在带参构造,拷贝构造,析构,指针被delete时的动作,调用的结果既不会return true也不会return false,而是在label->setText时崩溃掉,这就是野指针的危害。



template <class T> class QSharedPointer{    typedef T *QSharedPointer:: *RestrictedBool;    typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountData Data;public:    typedef T Type;    typedef T element_type;    typedef T value_type;    typedef value_type *pointer;    typedef const value_type *const_pointer;    typedef value_type &reference;    typedef const value_type &const_reference;    typedef qptrdiff difference_type;    inline T *data() const { return value; }    inline bool isNull() const { return !data(); }    inline operator RestrictedBool() const { return isNull() ? Q_NULLPTR : &QSharedPointer::value; }    inline bool operator !() const { return isNull(); }    inline T &operator*() const { return *data(); }    inline T *operator->() const { return data(); }    QSharedPointer() Q_DECL_NOTHROW : value(Q_NULLPTR), d(Q_NULLPTR) {}    ~QSharedPointer() { deref(); }    inline explicit QSharedPointer(T *ptr) : value(ptr) // noexcept    { internalConstruct(ptr, QtSharedPointer::NormalDeleter()); }    template <typename Deleter>    inline QSharedPointer(T *ptr, Deleter deleter) : value(ptr) // throws    { internalConstruct(ptr, deleter); }    QSharedPointer(const QSharedPointer &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW : value(other.value), d(other.d)    { if (d) ref(); }    QSharedPointer &operator=(const QSharedPointer &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW    {        QSharedPointer copy(other);        swap(copy);        return *this;    }#ifdef Q_COMPILER_RVALUE_REFS    QSharedPointer(QSharedPointer &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW        : value(other.value), d(other.d)    {        other.d = Q_NULLPTR;        other.value = Q_NULLPTR;    }    QSharedPointer &operator=(QSharedPointer &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW    {        QSharedPointer moved(std::move(other));        swap(moved);        return *this;    }    template <class X>    QSharedPointer(QSharedPointer<X> &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW        : value(other.value), d(other.d)    {        other.d = Q_NULLPTR;        other.value = Q_NULLPTR;    }    template <class X>    QSharedPointer &operator=(QSharedPointer<X> &&other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW    {        QSharedPointer moved(std::move(other));        swap(moved);        return *this;    }#endif    template <class X>    inline QSharedPointer(const QSharedPointer<X> &other) : value(other.value), d(other.d)    { if (d) ref(); }    template <class X>    inline QSharedPointer &operator=(const QSharedPointer<X> &other)    {        QSharedPointer copy(other);        swap(copy);        return *this;    }    template <class X>    inline QSharedPointer(const QWeakPointer<X> &other) : value(Q_NULLPTR), d(Q_NULLPTR)    { *this = other; }    template <class X>    inline QSharedPointer<T> &operator=(const QWeakPointer<X> &other)    { internalSet(other.d, other.value); return *this; }    inline void swap(QSharedPointer &other)    { this->internalSwap(other); }    inline void reset() { clear(); }    inline void reset(T *t)    { QSharedPointer copy(t); swap(copy); }    template <typename Deleter>    inline void reset(T *t, Deleter deleter)    { QSharedPointer copy(t, deleter); swap(copy); }    template <class X>    QSharedPointer<X> staticCast() const    {        return qSharedPointerCast<X, T>(*this);    }    template <class X>    QSharedPointer<X> dynamicCast() const    {        return qSharedPointerDynamicCast<X, T>(*this);    }    template <class X>    QSharedPointer<X> constCast() const    {        return qSharedPointerConstCast<X, T>(*this);    }#ifndef QT_NO_QOBJECT    template <class X>    QSharedPointer<X> objectCast() const    {        return qSharedPointerObjectCast<X, T>(*this);    }#endif    inline void clear() { QSharedPointer copy; swap(copy); }    QWeakPointer<T> toWeakRef() const;#if defined(Q_COMPILER_RVALUE_REFS) && defined(Q_COMPILER_VARIADIC_TEMPLATES)    template <typename... Args>    static QSharedPointer create(Args && ...arguments)    {        typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T> Private;# ifdef QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS        typename Private::DestroyerFn destroy = &Private::safetyCheckDeleter;# else        typename Private::DestroyerFn destroy = &Private::deleter;# endif        QSharedPointer result(Qt::Uninitialized);        result.d = Private::create(&result.value, destroy);        // now initialize the data        new (result.data()) T(std::forward<Args>(arguments)...);        result.d->setQObjectShared(result.value, true);# ifdef QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS        internalSafetyCheckAdd(result.d, result.value);# endif        result.enableSharedFromThis(result.data());        return result;    }#else    static inline QSharedPointer create()    {        typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T> Private;# ifdef QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS        typename Private::DestroyerFn destroy = &Private::safetyCheckDeleter;# else        typename Private::DestroyerFn destroy = &Private::deleter;# endif        QSharedPointer result(Qt::Uninitialized);        result.d = Private::create(&result.value, destroy);        // now initialize the data        new (result.data()) T();# ifdef QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS        internalSafetyCheckAdd(result.d, result.value);# endif        result.d->setQObjectShared(result.value, true);        result.enableSharedFromThis(result.data());        return result;    }    template <typename Arg>    static inline QSharedPointer create(const Arg &arg)    {        typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithContiguousData<T> Private;# ifdef QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS        typename Private::DestroyerFn destroy = &Private::safetyCheckDeleter;# else        typename Private::DestroyerFn destroy = &Private::deleter;# endif        QSharedPointer result(Qt::Uninitialized);        result.d = Private::create(&result.value, destroy);        // now initialize the data        new (result.data()) T(arg);# ifdef QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS        internalSafetyCheckAdd(result.d, result.value);# endif        result.d->setQObjectShared(result.value, true);        return result;    }#endifprivate:    explicit QSharedPointer(Qt::Initialization) {}    void deref() Q_DECL_NOTHROW    { deref(d); }    static void deref(Data *d) Q_DECL_NOTHROW    {        if (!d) return;        if (!d->strongref.deref()) {            d->destroy();        }        if (!d->weakref.deref())            delete d;    }    template <class X>    inline void enableSharedFromThis(const QEnableSharedFromThis<X> *ptr)    {        ptr->initializeFromSharedPointer(constCast<typename QtPrivate::remove_cv<T>::type>());    }    inline void enableSharedFromThis(...) {}    template <typename Deleter>    inline void internalConstruct(T *ptr, Deleter deleter)    {        if (!ptr) {            d = Q_NULLPTR;            return;        }        typedef QtSharedPointer::ExternalRefCountWithCustomDeleter<T, Deleter> Private;# ifdef QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS        typename Private::DestroyerFn actualDeleter = &Private::safetyCheckDeleter;# else        typename Private::DestroyerFn actualDeleter = &Private::deleter;# endif        d = Private::create(ptr, deleter, actualDeleter);#ifdef QT_SHAREDPOINTER_TRACK_POINTERS        internalSafetyCheckAdd(d, ptr);#endif        d->setQObjectShared(ptr, true);        enableSharedFromThis(ptr);    }    void internalSwap(QSharedPointer &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW    {        qSwap(d, other.d);        qSwap(this->value, other.value);    }#if defined(Q_NO_TEMPLATE_FRIENDS)public:#else    template <class X> friend class QSharedPointer;    template <class X> friend class QWeakPointer;    template <class X, class Y> friend QSharedPointer<X> QtSharedPointer::copyAndSetPointer(X * ptr, const QSharedPointer<Y> &src);#endif    void ref() const Q_DECL_NOTHROW { d->weakref.ref(); d->strongref.ref(); }    inline void internalSet(Data *o, T *actual)    {        if (o) {            // increase the strongref, but never up from zero            // or less (-1 is used by QWeakPointer on untracked QObject)            int tmp = o->strongref.load();            while (tmp > 0) {                // try to increment from "tmp" to "tmp + 1"                if (o->strongref.testAndSetRelaxed(tmp, tmp + 1))                    break;   // succeeded                tmp = o->strongref.load();  // failed, try again            }            if (tmp > 0) {                o->weakref.ref();            } else {                o->checkQObjectShared(actual);                o = Q_NULLPTR;            }        }        qSwap(d, o);        qSwap(this->value, actual);        if (!d || d->strongref.load() == 0)            this->value = Q_NULLPTR;        // dereference saved data        deref(o);    }    Type *value;    Data *d;};



inline explicit QSharedPointer(T *ptr) : value(ptr) // noexcept{ internalConstruct(ptr, QtSharedPointer::NormalDeleter()); }template <typename Deleter>inline QSharedPointer(T *ptr, Deleter deleter) : value(ptr) // throws{ internalConstruct(ptr, deleter); }


static void deref(Data *d) Q_DECL_NOTHROW{    if (!d) return;    if (!d->strongref.deref()) {        d->destroy();    }    if (!d->weakref.deref())        delete d;}


class A : public QObject{public:    A() {qDebug("A");}    ~A() {qDebug("~A");}    QSharedPointer<B> pb;};class B : public QObject{public:    B() {qDebug("B");}    ~B() {qDebug("~B");}    QSharedPointer<A> pa;};void test(){    QSharedPointer<A> a(new A);    QSharedPointer<B> b(new B);    a->pb = b;    b->pa = a;}




template <typename T, typename Cleanup = QScopedPointerDeleter<T> >class QScopedPointer{    typedef T *QScopedPointer:: *RestrictedBool;public:    explicit inline QScopedPointer(T *p = Q_NULLPTR) : d(p)    {    }    inline ~QScopedPointer()    {        T *oldD = this->d;        Cleanup::cleanup(oldD);    }    inline T &operator*() const    {        Q_ASSERT(d);        return *d;    }    inline T *operator->() const    {        Q_ASSERT(d);        return d;    }    inline bool operator!() const    {        return !d;    }#if defined(Q_QDOC)    inline operator bool() const    {        return isNull() ? Q_NULLPTR : &QScopedPointer::d;    }#else    inline operator RestrictedBool() const    {        return isNull() ? Q_NULLPTR : &QScopedPointer::d;    }#endif    inline T *data() const    {        return d;    }    inline bool isNull() const    {        return !d;    }    inline void reset(T *other = Q_NULLPTR)    {        if (d == other)            return;        T *oldD = d;        d = other;        Cleanup::cleanup(oldD);    }    inline T *take()    {        T *oldD = d;        d = Q_NULLPTR;        return oldD;    }    void swap(QScopedPointer<T, Cleanup> &other) Q_DECL_NOTHROW    {        qSwap(d, other.d);    }    typedef T *pointer;protected:    T *d;private:    Q_DISABLE_COPY(QScopedPointer)};



  • QScopedPointerDeleter:delete,这是默认的
  • QScopedPointerArrayDeleter:delete [],这是QScopedArrayPointer默认的
  • QScopedPointerPodDeleter:free
  • QScopedPointerDeleteLater:deletelater


int func1(){    char* data = (char*)malloc(1024);    int i = 0,j = 1;    if (i){        free(data);        data = NULL;        return 1;    }    if (j){        free(data);        data = NULL;        return 2;    }    free(data);    data = NULL;    return 3;}int func2(){    char* data = (char*)malloc(1024);    int i = 0,j = 1;    int ret = 0;    if (i){        ret = 1;        goto FINAL;    }    if (j){        ret = 2;        goto FINAL;    }    ret = 3;FINAL:    free(data);    data = NULL;    return ret;}int func3(){    char* data = (char*)malloc(1024);    int i = 0,j = 1;    int ret = 0;    do {        if (i){            ret = 1;            break;        }        if (j){            ret = 2;            break;        }        ret = 3;    }while (0);    free(data);    data = NULL;    return ret;}int func4(){    char* data = (char*)malloc(1024);    QScopedPointer<char, QScopedPointerPodDeleter> p(data);    int i = 0,j = 1;    if (i){        return 1;    }    if (j){        return 2;    }    return 3;}

