
来源:互联网 发布:java math 生成随机数 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 17:25


  1. 从输入的数据点集合中随机选择一个点作为第一个聚类中心
  2. 对于数据集中的每一个点x,计算它与最近聚类中心(指已选择的聚类中心)的距离D(x)
  3. 选择一个新的数据点作为新的聚类中心,选择的原则是:D(x)较大的点,被选取作为聚类中心的概率较大
  4. 重复2和3直到k个聚类中心被选出来


  1. 先从我们的数据库随机挑个随机点当“种子点”
  2. 对于每个点,我们都计算其和最近的一个“种子点”的距离D(x)并保存在一个数组里,然后把这些距离加起来得到Sum(D(x))。
  3. 然后,再取一个随机值,用权重的方式来取计算下一个“种子点”。这个算法的实现是,先取一个能落在Sum(D(x))中的随机值Random然后用Random -= D(x),直到其<=0,此时的点就是下一个“种子点”。
    • 这个Random 可以这么取: Random = Sum(D(x)) * 乘以0至1之间的一个小数
    • 之所以取一个能落在Sum(D(x))中是值是因为,Random是随机的,那么他有更大的机率落在D(x)值较大的区域里。如下图,Random有更大的机率落在D(x3)中。
    • Random -= D(x) 的意义在于找出 当前Random到底落在了哪个区间。

从上图可以看出,假设Random落在D(x3)这个区间内,“然后用Random -= D(x),直到其<=0”此时找到的点就是D(x3),就是这步的中心点。

  1. 重复2和3直到k个聚类中心被选出来
  2. 利用这k个初始的聚类中心来运行标准的k-means算法
from math import pi, sin, cosfrom collections import namedtuplefrom random import random, choicefrom copy import copytry:    import psyco    psyco.full()except ImportError:    passFLOAT_MAX = 1e100class Point:    __slots__ = ["x", "y", "group"]    def __init__(self, x=0.0, y=0.0, group=0):        self.x, self.y, = x, y, groupdef generate_points(npoints, radius):    points = [Point() for _ in xrange(npoints)]    # note: this is not a uniform 2-d distribution    for p in points:        r = random() * radius        ang = random() * 2 * pi        p.x = r * cos(ang)        p.y = r * sin(ang)    return pointsdef nearest_cluster_center(point, cluster_centers):    """Distance and index of the closest cluster center"""    def sqr_distance_2D(a, b):        return (a.x - b.x) ** 2  +  (a.y - b.y) ** 2    min_index =    min_dist = FLOAT_MAX    for i, cc in enumerate(cluster_centers):        d = sqr_distance_2D(cc, point)        if min_dist > d:            min_dist = d            min_index = i    return (min_index, min_dist)def kpp(points, cluster_centers):    cluster_centers[0] = copy(choice(points))    d = [0.0 for _ in xrange(len(points))]    for i in xrange(1, len(cluster_centers)):        sum = 0        for j, p in enumerate(points):            d[j] = nearest_cluster_center(p, cluster_centers[:i])[1]            sum += d[j]        sum *= random()        for j, di in enumerate(d):            sum -= di            if sum > 0:                continue            cluster_centers[i] = copy(points[j])            break    for p in points: = nearest_cluster_center(p, cluster_centers)[0]def lloyd(points, nclusters):    cluster_centers = [Point() for _ in xrange(nclusters)]    # call k++ init    kpp(points, cluster_centers)    lenpts10 = len(points) >> 10    changed = 0    while True:        # group element for centroids are used as counters        for cc in cluster_centers:            cc.x = 0            cc.y = 0   = 0        for p in points:            cluster_centers[].group += 1            cluster_centers[].x += p.x            cluster_centers[].y += p.y        for cc in cluster_centers:            cc.x /=            cc.y /=        # find closest centroid of each PointPtr        changed = 0        for p in points:            min_i = nearest_cluster_center(p, cluster_centers)[0]            if min_i !=                changed += 1       = min_i        # stop when 99.9% of points are good        if changed <= lenpts10:            break    for i, cc in enumerate(cluster_centers): = i    return cluster_centersdef print_eps(points, cluster_centers, W=400, H=400):    Color = namedtuple("Color", "r g b");    colors = []    for i in xrange(len(cluster_centers)):        colors.append(Color((3 * (i + 1) % 11) / 11.0,                            (7 * i % 11) / 11.0,                            (9 * i % 11) / 11.0))    max_x = max_y = -FLOAT_MAX    min_x = min_y = FLOAT_MAX    for p in points:        if max_x < p.x: max_x = p.x        if min_x > p.x: min_x = p.x        if max_y < p.y: max_y = p.y        if min_y > p.y: min_y = p.y    scale = min(W / (max_x - min_x),                H / (max_y - min_y))    cx = (max_x + min_x) / 2    cy = (max_y + min_y) / 2    print "%%!PS-Adobe-3.0\n%%%%BoundingBox: -5 -5 %d %d" % (W + 10, H + 10)    print ("/l {rlineto} def /m {rmoveto} def\n" +           "/c { .25 sub exch .25 sub exch .5 0 360 arc fill } def\n" +           "/s { moveto -2 0 m 2 2 l 2 -2 l -2 -2 l closepath " +           "   gsave 1 setgray fill grestore gsave 3 setlinewidth" +           " 1 setgray stroke grestore 0 setgray stroke }def")    for i, cc in enumerate(cluster_centers):        print ("%g %g %g setrgbcolor" %               (colors[i].r, colors[i].g, colors[i].b))        for p in points:            if != i:                continue            print ("%.3f %.3f c" % ((p.x - cx) * scale + W / 2,                                    (p.y - cy) * scale + H / 2))        print ("\n0 setgray %g %g s" % ((cc.x - cx) * scale + W / 2,                                        (cc.y - cy) * scale + H / 2))    print "\n%%%%EOF"npoints = 30000k = 7 # # clusterspoints = generate_points(npoints, 10)cluster_centers = lloyd(points, k)#print_eps(points, cluster_centers)
import matplotlib.pyplot as pltx1=[p.x for p in points]y1=[p.y for p in points]s=[ for p in points]c=[(*30 for p in points]x2=[cluster_centers[i].x for i in range(7)]y2=[cluster_centers[i].y for i in range(7)]fig1=plt.figure(1,figsize=(10,10))ax1=fig1.add_subplot(111)ax1.scatter(x1,y1,s,c)ax1.scatter(x2,y2,s=30,c='r')


x2=[cluster_centers[i].x for i in range(7)]y2=[cluster_centers[i].y for i in range(7)]
[3.043193729843852, -3.1455444087351316, -0.027387910603946075, -3.1373251505957964, 6.293835167173367, -6.354970289219109, 3.2213924574115036]