POJ 1635 Subway tree systems

来源:互联网 发布:碧柔蓝管防晒黑吗 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 02:54

题目:Some major cities have subway systems in the form of a tree, i.e. between any pair of stations, there is one and only one way of going by subway. Moreover, most of these cities have a unique central station. Imagine you are a tourist in one of these cities and you want to explore all of the subway system. You start at the central station and pick a subway line at random and jump aboard the subway car. Every time you arrive at a station, you pick one of the subway lines you have not yet travelled on. If there is none left to explore at your current station, you take the subway line back on which you first came to the station, until you eventually have travelled along all of the lines twice,once for each direction. At that point you are back at the central station. Afterwards, all you remember of the order of your exploration is whether you went further away from the central station or back towards it at any given time, i.e. you could encode your tour as a binary string, where 0 encodes taking a subway line getting you one station further away from the central station, and 1 encodes getting you one station closer to the central station. 




//284K  32MS#include<iostream>#include<string>#include<vector>#include<algorithm>using namespace std;struct obj{short int len;short int depth;obj():len(0),depth(0){};};bool judge(string s1,string s2);//判断s1、s2是否为同一棵树的深度优先遍历void transfor(string samp, vector<obj>& ret);//把str变成上面讲的所有子树原数个数和深度的结构数组bool test_equ(vector<obj>& obj1,vector<obj>& obj2);//判断两个排序后的数组是否为完全相同bool cmp(const obj &a ,const obj &b)//重载比较函数,因为要对结构体排序{if(a.len < b.len)return true;if(a.len==b.len && a.depth<b.depth)return true;return false;}int main(){const string result[2]={"different","same"};int num;string s1,s2;vector<obj> s12int,s22int;cin>>num;while(num--){s1.clear();s2.clear();s12int.clear();s22int.clear();cin>>s1>>s2;cout<<result[judge(s1,s2)]<<endl;}//system("pause");return 1;}bool judge(string s1,string s2){if(s1.size() != s2.size())return false;vector<obj> s12int,s22int;s12int = vector<obj>(s1.size()); transfor(s1,s12int);s22int = vector<obj>(s2.size()); transfor(s2,s22int);sort(s12int.begin(),s12int.end(),cmp);sort(s22int.begin(),s22int.end(),cmp);return test_equ(s12int,s22int);}void transfor(string samp, vector<obj>& ret){int len = samp.size(),sum,dep=0;if(len != ret.size())return;for(int i=0;i<len;i++){if(samp[i] == '1'){dep--;ret[i].depth = dep;}else{dep++;ret[i].depth = dep;}}for(int i=0;i<len;i++){if(samp[i]=='1'){ret[i].len = 0;continue;}sum=0;for(int j=i;j<len;j++){if(samp[j]=='1'){sum++;}else{sum--;}if(sum==0){ret[i].len = j-i+1;//可以优化,前面判断一些ret[]之后可以知道某些ret[]可以不计算break;}}//for(j)}//for(i)}//end of funbool obj_equ(obj t1,obj t2){if((t1.depth == t2.depth) && (t1.len == t2.len))return true;return false;}bool test_equ(vector<obj>& obj1,vector<obj>& obj2){int len = obj1.size();for(int i=0;i<len;i++){if(obj_equ(obj1[i],obj2[i]) == false)return false;}return true;}





#include <iostream>  #include <vector>  #include <string> #include <algorithm>using namespace std;     string min_pre(string str){      vector<string> box;      string ret = "";      int equal = 0, st = 0;      for(int i = 0; i < str.size(); i++){           if(str[i] == '0')    equal++;           else    equal--;           if(equal == 0){                if(i - 1 > st + 1){                    box.push_back("0" + min_pre(str.substr(st + 1,i - 1 - st)) + "1");                }else box.push_back("01");                st = i + 1;           }      }      sort(box.begin(), box.end());      for(int i = 0; i < box.size(); i++)   ret += box[i];      return ret;} int main() {    int t;    cin >> t;    while (t--) {      string tree1, tree2;      cin >> tree1 >> tree2;     if (min_pre(tree1) == min_pre(tree2))        cout << "same" << endl;      else        cout << "different" << endl;    }    return 0;  }