k-最近邻聚类k-Nearest Neighbor

来源:互联网 发布:微信一秒语音制作软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 16:30

这里只给出k-最近邻聚类k-Nearest Neighbor的实现过程,算法的原理请自行搜索,代码如下:

clc;clear;%读取数据文件,生成点矩阵fileID = fopen('D:\matlabFile\KNN\KNN.txt'); C=textscan(fileID,'%f %f'); fclose(fileID); %显示数组结果 %celldisp(C); %将cell类型转换为矩阵类型,这里只假设原数据为二维属性,且是二维的坐标点 CC_init=cat(2,C{1},C{2});%用来保存初始加载的值 CC=CC_init;  %set key parameter:k k=3; % store all points that satisfy the condition k, construct every two % points to edge edges_all=zeros(2,2,1); %edges count count=1; %4-D matrix to store edges edges=zeros(2,2,k,1); %keep this code safe if size(CC>k+1)     for i=1:size(CC,1)         %extract one point         p=CC(i,:);         CC_temp=CC;         CC_temp(i,:)=[];         % find the nearest k points         points=FindNearNeighbor(k,p,CC_temp);         % merge two points to edge         edge_temp=zeros(2,2,1);         for j=1:size(points,1)             edge=[p;points(j,:)];             edge=sortrows(edge);             edge_temp(:,:,j)=edge;             edges_all(:,:,count)=edge;                count=count+1;         end                    edges(:,:,:,i)=edge_temp;     end end % delete common edge flag=1; while flag     for i=1:size(edges_all,3)-1         %remeber all same edge serial numbers         serial_num=zeros(1,1);         %extract first edge         a=edges_all(:,:,i);         % cmopare first edge with the rest edges         for j=i+1:size(edges_all,3)             %extract second edge             b=edges_all(:,:,j);             if isequal(a,b)                 serial_num=cat(1,serial_num,j);             end         end         %delete all common edges         serial_num(1,:)=[];         if length(serial_num)>=1             edges_all(:,:,serial_num)=[];             break;         end     end     if i==size(edges_all,3)-1         flag=0;     end end %plot all edgesfor i=1:size(edges_all,3)    edge=edges_all(:,:,i);    plot(edge(:,1),edge(:,2));    hold onend
function result=FindNearNeighbor(k,p,points)%store points that satisfy the k condition, first column store distance%between p and one of points,second column store the serial number of the%pointdis_p=zeros(1,2);for i=1:size(points,1)    %extract one point    point=points(i,:);    %compute the distance    dis=sqrt((p(1,1)-point(1,1))^2+(p(1,2)-point(1,2))^2);    dis_p(i,:)=[dis,i];end% sort dis_p set follow first columndis_p=sortrows(dis_p,1);dis_satisfy=dis_p(1:k,:);%return the satisfied pointsresult=points(dis_satisfy(:,2),:);end
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