delphi FMX图像的直方图统计增强

来源:互联网 发布:双缝实验 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 04:23
//直方图统计增强 3x3procedure tongji(b : TBitmap);var   b_read : TBitmap;   //增强的参数  c   k0,k1,k2,e : single ;   //均值  和  方差  c   mg,ug,m3,u3 : single ;   x, y , I: Integer;   wdata , rdata : TBitmapData ;   p0,p,p1,pw: PByteArray;   temp : array [0..8] of Byte;   //次数   c   n : array [0..255] of Integer;   //概率   p   np : array [0..255] of single;begin   b_read := TBitmap.Create;   b_read.Assign(b);   //初始化参数   全图的均值 和方差   c   k0 := 0.4;   k1 := 0.001;   k2 := 0.4;   e := 5.0;   mg := 0;   ug := 0;   //初始化数组 c   for I := 0 to 255 do   begin     n[i] := 0;   end;   if  b.Map( TMapAccess.ReadWrite, wdata)and b_read.Map( TMapAccess.Read,rdata)  then   begin        //统计出现的次数  t        for y := 0 to rdata.Height - 1 do        begin            p := rdata.GetScanline(y);            for x := 0 to rdata.Width - 1 do            begin               n[p[x*4]] := n[p[x*4]]+1;            end;        end;        //计算概率    p        for I := 0 to 255 do        begin            np[i] := n[i]/b.Width/b.Height;        end;        //算出均值    j        for I := 0 to 255 do        begin            mg := mg + i*np[i];        end;        //算出方差    f        for I := 0 to 255 do        begin            ug := ug + power((i-mg),2)*np[i];        end;        //开始遍历图片  小窗口 3x3        for y := 1 to rdata.Height - 2 do        begin            p0:= rdata.GetScanline(y-1);            p := rdata.GetScanline(y);            p1:= rdata.GetScanline(y+1);            pw := wdata.GetScanline(y);            //3x3            for x := 1 to rdata.Width - 2 do            begin               //初始化局部均值和方差  c               m3 := 0;               u3 := 0;               temp[0] := p0[x*4-4];               temp[1] := p0[x*4];               temp[2] := p0[x*4+4];               temp[3] := p[x*4-4];               temp[4] := p[x*4];               temp[5] := p[x*4+4];               temp[6] := p1[x*4-4];               temp[7] := p1[x*4];               temp[8] := p1[x*4+4];               //局部均值    j               for I := 0 to 8 do               begin                   m3 := m3+temp[i]/9;               end;               //局部方差    f               for I := 0 to 8 do               begin                   u3 := u3+power((temp[i]-m3),2)/9;               end;              //判断是否增强  p               if (m3<=k0*mg)and(k1*ug<=u3)and(u3<=k2*ug) then               begin                 pw[x*4] :=  round(p[x*4]*e);                 pw[x*4+1] := pw[x*4];                 pw[x*4+2] := pw[x*4];               end;            end;        end;        b.Unmap(wdata);        b_read.Unmap(rdata);   end;end;