
来源:互联网 发布:九阴绝学金身升级数据 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/09 11:11

集合(normal)Time Limit:2000MS  Memory Limit:65536KTotal Submit:563 Accepted:182


给定两个集合A、B,集合内的任一元素x满足1 ≤ x ≤ 109,并且每个集合的元素个数不大于105。我们希望求出A、B之间的关系。 任 务 :给定两个集合的描述,判断它们满足下列关系的哪一种: A是B的一个真子集,输出“A is a proper subset of B” B是A的一个真子集,输出“B is a proper subset of A” A和B是同一个集合,输出“A equals B” A和B的交集为空,输出“A and B are disjoint” 上述情况都不是,输出“I'm confused!” 





Sample Input

样例12 55 272 55 27样例23 9 24 19952 9 24样例33 1 2 34 1 2 3 4样例43 1 2 33 4 5 6样例52 1 22 2 3

Sample Output

样例1A equals B样例2B is a proper subset of A样例3A is a proper subset of B样例4A and B are disjoint样例5I'm confused!

const max=1580089;//开大一点,不然效率会很低var f:array[0..max] of longint; a:array[0..1200000]of longint; ans,an,bn,j:longint;function locate(x:longint):longint;var i:longint;begin i:=x mod max; while (f[i]<>0)and(f[i]<>x)do inc(i);//确定位置存放f[-] f[i]:=x;end;procedure ok(x:longint);var i:longint;begin i:=x mod max; while (f[i]<>0)and(f[i]<>x) do i:=i+1;//寻找f[-] if f[i]=x then inc(ans);//判断啦,根据题意end;begin read(an); for j:=1 to an do  begin   read(a[j]);   locate(a[j]);  end; read(bn);  for j:=1 to bn do   begin    read(a[j]);    ok(a[j]);//我的想法是存入一个数组,另一个用来比较   end;  if (an=bn)and(ans=an)and(ans=bn)then write('A equals B')else//利用an,bn的长度和ans的大小可以直接判断  if (an<bn)and(ans=an)then write('A is a proper subset of B')else  if (an>bn)and(ans=bn)then write('B is a proper subset of A')else  if (ans=0) then write('A and B are disjoint') else  write('I''m confused!');//记得打'!!!!end.