
来源:互联网 发布:下载程序的软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 18:56

Delaunay 三角网的优点是结构良好, 数据结构简单, 数据冗余度小, 存储效率高, 与不规则的地面特征和谐一致,可以表示线性特征和迭加任意形状的区域边界, 易于更新,可适应各种分布密度的数据等; 它的局限性是, 算法实现比较复杂和困难, 但现在已经有了较多成熟的实现算法。 Delaunay 三角网是Voronoi图的伴生图形, 它们两个是被普遍接受和采用的分析研究区域离散数据的有力工具。它是通过连接具有公共顶点的三个V n多边形的生长中心而生成的, 这个公共顶点就是形成的Delaunay三角形外接圆的圆心

详细代码:源代码下载网址点击打开链接 http://download.csdn.net/download/liuchuang_mfc/10148721

#pragma once// Description: Delaunay class to triangluate points set in 2D. // TODO: The procedure uses Double List for holding data, it can be optimized by using another data structure such as DAG, Quad-edge, etc.// INCLUDES ///////////////////////////////////////////////#include "math.h"// DEFINES ////////////////////////////////////////////////#define MAX_VERTEX_NUM 4092#ifdef SINGLE#define REAL float#else#define REAL double#endif#include <vector>// TYPES //////////////////////////////////////////////////typedef struct VERTEX2D_TYP{REAL x;REAL y;} VERTEX2D, *VERTEX2D_PTR;typedef struct EDGE_TYP{VERTEX2D v1;VERTEX2D v2;} EDGE, *EDGE_PTR;typedef struct TRIANGLE_TYP{int i1; // vertex indexint i2;int i3;TRIANGLE_TYP* pNext;TRIANGLE_TYP* pPrev;} TRIANGLE, *TRIANGLE_PTR;typedef struct MESH_TYP{int vertex_num;int triangle_num;VERTEX2D_PTR pVerArr; // point to outer vertices arraryTRIANGLE_PTR pTriArr; // point to outer triangles arrary} MESH, *MESH_PTR;// PROTOTYPES ///////////////////////////////////////////// Delaunay triangulation functionsvoid InitMesh(MESH_PTR pMesh, int ver_num);void UnInitMesh(MESH_PTR pMesh);void AddBoundingBox(MESH_PTR pMesh);void RemoveBoundingBox(MESH_PTR pMesh);;void IncrementalDelaunay(MESH_PTR pMesh);void Insert(MESH_PTR pMesh, int ver_index);bool FlipTest(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pTestTri);REAL InCircle(VERTEX2D_PTR pa, VERTEX2D_PTR pb, VERTEX2D_PTR pp, VERTEX2D_PTR  pd);REAL InTriangle(MESH_PTR pMesh, VERTEX2D_PTR pVer, TRIANGLE_PTR pTri);void InsertInTriangle(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pTargetTri, int ver_index);void InsertOnEdge(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pTargetTri, int ver_index);// Helper functionsvoid RemoveTriangleNode(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pTri);TRIANGLE_PTR AddTriangleNode(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pPrevTri, int i1, int i2, int i3);// I/O functionsvoid Input(char* pFile, MESH_PTR pMesh);void Output(char* pFile, MESH_PTR pMesh);// GLOBALS ////////////////////////////////////////////////// The format of input file should be as follows:// The First Line: amount of vertices (the amount of vertices/points needed to be triangulated)// Other Lines: x y z (the vertices/points coordinates, z should be 0 for 2D)// E.g. // 4// -1 -1 0// -1 1 0// 1 1 0// 1 -1 0void Input(char* pFile, MESH_PTR pMesh){FILE* fp = fopen(pFile, "r");if (!fp){fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s open failed\n", pFile);exit(1);}//int face;int amount;//fscanf( fp, "%d", &face);fscanf(fp, "%d", &amount);if (amount < 3){fprintf(stderr, "Error:vertex amount should be greater than 2, but it is %d \n", amount);exit(1);}InitMesh(pMesh, amount);REAL x, y, z;for (int j = 3; j < amount + 3; ++j){fscanf(fp, "%lg %lg %lg", &x, &y, &z);((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + j))->x = x;((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + j))->y = y;}fclose(fp);}// Algorithm IncrementalDelaunay(V)// Input: 由n个点组成的二维点集V// Output: Delaunay三角剖分DT//1.add a appropriate triangle boudingbox to contain V ( such as: we can use triangle abc, a=(0, 3M), b=(-3M,-3M), c=(3M, 0), M=Max({|x1|,|x2|,|x3|,...} U {|y1|,|y2|,|y3|,...}))//2.initialize DT(a,b,c) as triangle abc//3.for i <- 1 to n //do (Insert(DT(a,b,c,v1,v2,...,vi-1), vi))   //4.remove the boundingbox and relative triangle which cotains any vertex of triangle abc from DT(a,b,c,v1,v2,...,vn) and return DT(v1,v2,...,vn).void IncrementalDelaunay(MESH_PTR pMesh){// Add a appropriate triangle boudingbox to contain VAddBoundingBox(pMesh);// Get a vertex/point vi from V and Insert(vi)for (int i = 3; i < pMesh->vertex_num + 3; i++){Insert(pMesh, i);}// Remove the bounding boxRemoveBoundingBox(pMesh);}// The format of output file should be as follows:// triangle index// x1 y1 (the coordinate of first vertex of triangle)// x2 y2 (the coordinate of second vertex of triangle)// x3 y3 (the coordinate of third vertex of triangle)void Output(char* pFile, MESH_PTR pMesh, std::vector<std::pair<float, float>>& outData){FILE* fp = fopen(pFile, "w");if (!fp){fprintf(stderr, "Error:%s open failed\n", pFile);UnInitMesh(pMesh);exit(1);}TRIANGLE_PTR pTri = pMesh->pTriArr;int* pi;int vertex_index;int tri_index = 0;while (pTri != NULL){fprintf(fp, "Triangle: %d\n", ++tri_index);pi = &(pTri->i1);for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++){vertex_index = *pi++;fprintf(fp, "%lg %lg\n", ((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + vertex_index))->x, ((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + vertex_index))->y);outData.push_back(std::pair<float, float>(((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + vertex_index))->x, ((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + vertex_index))->y));}pTri = pTri->pNext;}fclose(fp);UnInitMesh(pMesh);}// Allocate memory to store vertices and trianglesvoid InitMesh(MESH_PTR pMesh, int ver_num){// Allocate memory for vertex arraypMesh->pVerArr = (VERTEX2D_PTR)malloc((ver_num + 3) * sizeof(VERTEX2D));if (pMesh->pVerArr == NULL){fprintf(stderr, "Error:Allocate memory for mesh failed\n");exit(1);}pMesh->vertex_num = ver_num;}// Deallocate memoryvoid UnInitMesh(MESH_PTR pMesh){// free verticesif (pMesh->pVerArr != NULL)free(pMesh->pVerArr);// free trianglesTRIANGLE_PTR pTri = pMesh->pTriArr;TRIANGLE_PTR pTemp = NULL;while (pTri != NULL){pTemp = pTri->pNext;free(pTri);pTri = pTemp;}}void AddBoundingBox(MESH_PTR pMesh){REAL max = 0;REAL max_x = 0;REAL max_y = 0;REAL t;for (int i = 3; i < pMesh->vertex_num + 3; i++){t = fabs(((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + i))->x);if (max_x < t){max_x = t;}t = fabs(((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + i))->y);if (max_y < t){max_y = t;}}max = max_x > max_y ? max_x : max_y;//TRIANGLE box;//box.v1 = VERTEX2D(0, 3*max);//box.v2 = VERTEX2D(-3*max, 3*max);//box.v3 = VERTEX2D(3*max, 0);VERTEX2D v1 = { 0, 4 * max };VERTEX2D v2 = { -4 * max, -4 * max };VERTEX2D v3 = { 4 * max, 0 };// Assign to Vertex array*(pMesh->pVerArr) = v1;*(pMesh->pVerArr + 1) = v2;*(pMesh->pVerArr + 2) = v3;// add the Triangle boundingboxAddTriangleNode(pMesh, NULL, 0, 1, 2);}void RemoveBoundingBox(MESH_PTR pMesh){int statify[3] = { 0,0,0 };int vertex_index;int* pi;int k = 1;// Remove the first triangle-boundingbox//pMesh->pTriArr = pMesh->pTriArr->pNext;//pMesh->pTriArr->pPrev = NULL; // as headTRIANGLE_PTR pTri = pMesh->pTriArr;TRIANGLE_PTR pNext = NULL;while (pTri != NULL){pNext = pTri->pNext;statify[0] = 0;statify[1] = 0;statify[2] = 0;pi = &(pTri->i1);for (int j = 0, k = 1; j < 3; j++, k *= 2){vertex_index = *pi++;if (vertex_index == 0 || vertex_index == 1 || vertex_index == 2) // bounding box vertex{statify[j] = k;}}switch (statify[0] | statify[1] | statify[2]){case 0: // no statifybreak;case 1:case 2:case 4: // 1 statify, remove 1 triangle, 1 vertexRemoveTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri);break;case 3:case 5:case 6: // 2 statify, remove 1 triangle, 2 verticesRemoveTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri);break;case 7: // 3 statify, remove 1 triangle, 3 verticesRemoveTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri);break;default:break;}// go to next itempTri = pNext;}}// Return a positive value if the points pa, pb, and// pc occur in counterclockwise order; a negative// value if they occur in clockwise order; and zero// if they are collinear. The result is also a rough// approximation of twice the signed area of the// triangle defined by the three points.REAL CounterClockWise(VERTEX2D_PTR pa, VERTEX2D_PTR pb, VERTEX2D_PTR pc){return ((pb->x - pa->x)*(pc->y - pb->y) - (pc->x - pb->x)*(pb->y - pa->y));}// Adjust if the point lies in the triangle abcREAL InTriangle(MESH_PTR pMesh, VERTEX2D_PTR pVer, TRIANGLE_PTR pTri){int vertex_index;VERTEX2D_PTR pV1, pV2, pV3;vertex_index = pTri->i1;pV1 = (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + vertex_index);vertex_index = pTri->i2;pV2 = (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + vertex_index);vertex_index = pTri->i3;pV3 = (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + vertex_index);REAL ccw1 = CounterClockWise(pV1, pV2, pVer);REAL ccw2 = CounterClockWise(pV2, pV3, pVer);REAL ccw3 = CounterClockWise(pV3, pV1, pVer);REAL r = -1;if (ccw1 > 0 && ccw2 > 0 && ccw3 > 0){r = 1;}else if (ccw1*ccw2*ccw3 == 0 && (ccw1*ccw2 > 0 || ccw1*ccw3 > 0 || ccw2*ccw3 > 0)){r = 0;}return r;}// Algorithm Insert(DT(a,b,c,v1,v2,...,vi-1), vi)// 1.find the triangle vavbvc which contains vi // FindTriangle()// 2.if (vi located at the interior of vavbvc)  // 3.    then add triangle vavbvi, vbvcvi and vcvavi into DT // UpdateDT()// FlipTest(DT, va, vb, vi)// FlipTest(DT, vb, vc, vi)// FlipTest(DT, vc, va, vi)// 4.else if (vi located at one edge (E.g. edge vavb) of vavbvc) // 5.    then add triangle vavivc, vivbvc, vavdvi and vivdvb into DT (here, d is the third vertex of triangle which contains edge vavb) // UpdateDT()// FlipTest(DT, va, vd, vi)// FlipTest(DT, vc, va, vi)// FlipTest(DT, vd, vb, vi)// FlipTest(DT, vb, vc, vi)// 6.return DT(a,b,c,v1,v2,...,vi)void Insert(MESH_PTR pMesh, int ver_index){VERTEX2D_PTR pVer = (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + ver_index);TRIANGLE_PTR pTargetTri = NULL;TRIANGLE_PTR pEqualTri1 = NULL;TRIANGLE_PTR pEqualTri2 = NULL;int j = 0;TRIANGLE_PTR pTri = pMesh->pTriArr;while (pTri != NULL){REAL r = InTriangle(pMesh, pVer, pTri);if (r > 0) // should be in triangle{pTargetTri = pTri;}else if (r == 0) // should be on edge{if (j == 0){pEqualTri1 = pTri;j++;}else{pEqualTri2 = pTri;}}pTri = pTri->pNext;}if (pEqualTri1 != NULL && pEqualTri2 != NULL){InsertOnEdge(pMesh, pEqualTri1, ver_index);InsertOnEdge(pMesh, pEqualTri2, ver_index);}else{InsertInTriangle(pMesh, pTargetTri, ver_index);}}void InsertInTriangle(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pTargetTri, int ver_index){int index_a, index_b, index_c;TRIANGLE_PTR pTri = NULL;TRIANGLE_PTR pNewTri = NULL;pTri = pTargetTri;if (pTri == NULL){return;}// Inset p into target triangleindex_a = pTri->i1;index_b = pTri->i2;index_c = pTri->i3;// Insert edge pa, pb, pcfor (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){// allocate memoryif (i == 0){pNewTri = AddTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri, index_a, index_b, ver_index);}else if (i == 1){pNewTri = AddTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri, index_b, index_c, ver_index);}else{pNewTri = AddTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri, index_c, index_a, ver_index);}// go to next itemif (pNewTri != NULL){pTri = pNewTri;}else{pTri = pTri;}}// Get the three sub-trianglespTri = pTargetTri;TRIANGLE_PTR pTestTri[3];for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){pTestTri[i] = pTri->pNext;pTri = pTri->pNext;}// remove the Target TriangleRemoveTriangleNode(pMesh, pTargetTri);for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){// Flip testFlipTest(pMesh, pTestTri[i]);}}void InsertOnEdge(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pTargetTri, int ver_index){int index_a, index_b, index_c;TRIANGLE_PTR pTri = NULL;TRIANGLE_PTR pNewTri = NULL;pTri = pTargetTri;if (pTri == NULL){return;}// Inset p into target triangleindex_a = pTri->i1;index_b = pTri->i2;index_c = pTri->i3;// Insert edge pa, pb, pcfor (int i = 0; i < 3; i++){// allocate memoryif (i == 0){pNewTri = AddTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri, index_a, index_b, ver_index);}else if (i == 1){pNewTri = AddTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri, index_b, index_c, ver_index);}else{pNewTri = AddTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri, index_c, index_a, ver_index);}// go to next itemif (pNewTri != NULL){pTri = pNewTri;}else{pTri = pTri;}}// Get the two sub-trianglespTri = pTargetTri;TRIANGLE_PTR pTestTri[2];for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){pTestTri[i] = pTri->pNext;pTri = pTri->pNext;}// remove the Target TriangleRemoveTriangleNode(pMesh, pTargetTri);for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++){// Flip testFlipTest(pMesh, pTestTri[i]);}}// Precondition: the triangle satisfies CCW order// Algorithm FlipTest(DT(a,b,c,v1,v2,...,vi), va, vb, vi)// 1.find the third vertex (vd) of triangle which contains edge vavb // FindThirdVertex()// 2.if(vi is in circumcircle of abd)  // InCircle()// 3.    then remove edge vavb, add new edge vivd into DT // UpdateDT()//  FlipTest(DT, va, vd, vi)//  FlipTest(DT, vd, vb, vi)bool FlipTest(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pTestTri){bool flipped = false;int index_a = pTestTri->i1;int index_b = pTestTri->i2;int index_p = pTestTri->i3;int statify[3] = { 0,0,0 };int vertex_index;int* pi;int k = 1;// find the triangle which has edge consists of start and endTRIANGLE_PTR pTri = pMesh->pTriArr;int index_d = -1;while (pTri != NULL){statify[0] = 0;statify[1] = 0;statify[2] = 0;pi = &(pTri->i1);for (int j = 0, k = 1; j < 3; j++, k *= 2){vertex_index = *pi++;if (vertex_index == index_a || vertex_index == index_b){statify[j] = k;}}switch (statify[0] | statify[1] | statify[2]){case 3:if (CounterClockWise((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_a), (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_b), (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + pTri->i3)) < 0){index_d = pTri->i3;}break;case 5:if (CounterClockWise((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_a), (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_b), (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + pTri->i2)) < 0){index_d = pTri->i2;}break;case 6:if (CounterClockWise((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_a), (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_b), (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + pTri->i1)) < 0){index_d = pTri->i1;}break;default:break;}if (index_d != -1){VERTEX2D_PTR pa = (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_a);VERTEX2D_PTR pb = (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_b);VERTEX2D_PTR pd = (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_d);VERTEX2D_PTR pp = (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + index_p);if (InCircle(pa, pb, pp, pd) < 0) // not local Delaunay{flipped = true;// add new triangle adp,  dbp, remove abp, abd.// allocate memory for adpTRIANGLE_PTR pT1 = AddTriangleNode(pMesh, pTestTri, pTestTri->i1, index_d, pTestTri->i3);// allocate memory for dbpTRIANGLE_PTR pT2 = AddTriangleNode(pMesh, pT1, index_d, pTestTri->i2, index_p);// remove abpRemoveTriangleNode(pMesh, pTestTri);// remove abdRemoveTriangleNode(pMesh, pTri);FlipTest(pMesh, pT1); // pNewTestTri satisfies CCW orderFlipTest(pMesh, pT2); // pNewTestTri2  satisfies CCW orderbreak;}}// go to next itempTri = pTri->pNext;}return flipped;}// In circle test, use vector cross productREAL InCircle(VERTEX2D_PTR pa, VERTEX2D_PTR pb, VERTEX2D_PTR pp, VERTEX2D_PTR  pd){REAL det;REAL alift, blift, plift, bdxpdy, pdxbdy, pdxady, adxpdy, adxbdy, bdxady;REAL adx = pa->x - pd->x;REAL ady = pa->y - pd->y;REAL bdx = pb->x - pd->x;REAL bdy = pb->y - pd->y;REAL pdx = pp->x - pd->x;REAL pdy = pp->y - pd->y;bdxpdy = bdx * pdy;pdxbdy = pdx * bdy;alift = adx * adx + ady * ady;pdxady = pdx * ady;adxpdy = adx * pdy;blift = bdx * bdx + bdy * bdy;adxbdy = adx * bdy;bdxady = bdx * ady;plift = pdx * pdx + pdy * pdy;det = alift * (bdxpdy - pdxbdy)+ blift * (pdxady - adxpdy)+ plift * (adxbdy - bdxady);return -det;}// Remove a node from the triangle list and deallocate the memoryvoid RemoveTriangleNode(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pTri){if (pTri == NULL){return;}// remove from the triangle listif (pTri->pPrev != NULL){pTri->pPrev->pNext = pTri->pNext;}else // remove the head, need to reset the root node{pMesh->pTriArr = pTri->pNext;}if (pTri->pNext != NULL){pTri->pNext->pPrev = pTri->pPrev;}// deallocate memoryfree(pTri);}// Create a new node and add it into triangle listTRIANGLE_PTR AddTriangleNode(MESH_PTR pMesh, TRIANGLE_PTR pPrevTri, int i1, int i2, int i3){// test if 3 vertices are co-linearif (CounterClockWise((VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + i1), (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + i2), (VERTEX2D_PTR)(pMesh->pVerArr + i3)) == 0){return NULL;}// allocate memoryTRIANGLE_PTR pNewTestTri = (TRIANGLE_PTR)malloc(sizeof(TRIANGLE));pNewTestTri->i1 = i1;pNewTestTri->i2 = i2;pNewTestTri->i3 = i3;// insert after prev triangleif (pPrevTri == NULL) // add root{pMesh->pTriArr = pNewTestTri;pNewTestTri->pNext = NULL;pNewTestTri->pPrev = NULL;}else{pNewTestTri->pNext = pPrevTri->pNext;pNewTestTri->pPrev = pPrevTri;if (pPrevTri->pNext != NULL){pPrevTri->pNext->pPrev = pNewTestTri;}pPrevTri->pNext = pNewTestTri;}return pNewTestTri;}

// ConsoleApplication4.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。//#include "stdafx.h"#include "stdafx.h"#include <GL/glut.h> #include "delaunay.h"#include "windows.h" // for time statisticsstd::vector<std::pair<float, float>> outData;void init(void){glClearColor(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0);//设置背景颜色为黑色glShadeModel(GL_SMOOTH);//设置为光滑明暗模式}void myDisplay(void){glEnable(GL_CULL_FACE);glPolygonMode(GL_FRONT, GL_LINE);glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT);// 将缓存清除为预先的设置值,即黑色//glTranslatef(0.8, 0.0, 0.0);//平移函数,暂时可以不用// glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);//开始画三角形// glColor3f(1.0, 0.0, 0.0);//设置第一个顶点为红色// glVertex2f(-1.0, -1.0);//设置第一个顶点的坐标// glColor3f(0.0, 1.0, 0.0);//设置第二个顶点为绿色// glVertex2f(0.0, -1.0);//设置第二个顶点的坐标// glColor3f(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);//设置第三个顶点为蓝色// glVertex2f(-0.5, 1.0);//设置第三个顶点的坐标// glEnd();//三角形结束glPushMatrix();glScalef(100.0f, 100.0f, 100.0f);glBegin(GL_TRIANGLES);//开始画三角形for (auto v: outData){glVertex2f(v.first,v.second);//设置第一个顶点的坐标}glEnd();glPopMatrix();glFlush();//强制OpenGL函数在有限时间内运行}void myReshape(GLsizei w, GLsizei h){glViewport(0, 0, w, h);//设置视口glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION);//指明当前矩阵为GL_PROJECTIONglLoadIdentity();//将当前矩阵置换为单位阵// if (w <= h)// gluOrtho2D(-1.0, 1.5, -1.5, 1.5*(GLfloat)h / (GLfloat)w);//定义二维正视投影矩阵// elsegluOrtho2D(-w/2, w/2, -h/2, h/2);glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW);//指明当前矩阵为GL_MODELVIEW}int main(int argc, char ** argv){/*初始化*/glutInit(&argc, argv);glutInitDisplayMode(GLUT_SINGLE | GLUT_RGB);//单缓冲、RGB模式glutInitWindowSize(800, 600);glutInitWindowPosition(200, 200);glutCreateWindow("三角形");//窗口标题MESH mesh;double last_time, this_time;//int ver_num;//int tri_num;Input("D:/搜狗高速下载/DelaunayTriangulation/DelaunayTriangulation/input_points.txt", &mesh);last_time = GetTickCount();IncrementalDelaunay(&mesh);//Sleep(1000);this_time = GetTickCount();printf("Elapsed Time for Incremental Delaunay: %lg ms", this_time - last_time);Output("output_triangles.txt", &mesh, outData);init();/*绘制与显示*/glutReshapeFunc(myReshape);//窗口大小发生改变时采取的行为glutDisplayFunc(myDisplay);//显示绘制图形glutMainLoop();//循环return(0);}