
来源:互联网 发布:左小祖咒 火葬场 知乎 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/06 07:11


       卷积神经网络可以用于分类和回归任务,做分类任务时最后一个全连接层的输出维度为类别数,接着Softmax层采用Softmax Loss计算损失函数,而如果做回归任务,最后一个全连接层的输出维度则是要回归的坐标值的个数,采用的是欧几里何损失Euclidean Loss。

1、 首先在整个人脸图像(红色方框)上训练一个网络来对人脸特征点坐标进行粗回归,实际采用的网络其输入大小为39*39的人脸区域灰度图,预测时可以得到特征点的大概位置,第一层分为三波,分别是对五个点、左右眼和鼻子、鼻子和嘴巴。
2、 设计另一个回归网络,以人脸特征点(取得是level1训练之后得到的特征点)周围的局部区域图像(level2和level3中的黄色区域)作为输入进行训练,实际采用的网络为其输入大小为15*15的特征点局部区域灰度图,以预测到更加准确的特征点位置。这里level3比level2定义的输入区域要小一点。



执行leve1.py 生成第一阶段需要的hdf5数据源


#!/usr/bin/env python2.7# coding: utf-8import osimport timeimport mathfrom os.path import join, existsimport cv2import numpy as npimport h5pyfrom utils_common import shuffle_in_unison_scary, logger, createDir, processImagefrom utils_common import getDataFromTxtfrom utils import show_landmark,flip,rotateTRAIN = '/home/tom/PycharmProjects/pythonPro/deep_landmark/cnn-face-data'OUTPUT = '/home/tom/PycharmProjects/pythonPro/deep_landmark/dataset1/train'if not exists(OUTPUT):    os.mkdir(OUTPUT)assert(exists(TRAIN) and exists(OUTPUT))def generate_hdf5(ftxt, output, fname, argument=False):    data = getDataFromTxt(ftxt)    F_imgs = []    F_landmarks = []    EN_imgs = []    EN_landmarks = []    NM_imgs = []    NM_landmarks = []    for (imgPath, bbox, landmarkGt) in data:        img = cv2.imread(imgPath, cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)        assert(img is not None)        logger("process %s" % imgPath)        # F        f_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, -0.05, 1.05)        f_face = img[int(round(f_bbox.top)):int(round(f_bbox.bottom+1)),int(round(f_bbox.left)):int(round(f_bbox.right+1))]        ## data argument        if argument and np.random.rand() > -1:            ### flip            face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(f_face, landmarkGt)            face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (39, 39))            F_imgs.append(face_flipped.reshape((1, 39, 39)))            F_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped.reshape(10))            ### rotation            """            if np.random.rand() > 0.5:                face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated = rotate(img, f_bbox, \                    bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt), 5)                landmark_rotated = bbox.projectLandmark(landmark_rotated)                face_rotated_by_alpha = cv2.resize(face_rotated_by_alpha, (39, 39))                F_imgs.append(face_rotated_by_alpha.reshape((1, 39, 39)))                F_landmarks.append(landmark_rotated.reshape(10))                ### flip with rotation                face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated)                face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (39, 39))                F_imgs.append(face_flipped.reshape((1, 39, 39)))                F_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped.reshape(10))            ### rotation            if np.random.rand() > 0.5:                face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated = rotate(img, f_bbox, \                    bbox.reprojectLandmark(landmarkGt), -5)                landmark_rotated = bbox.projectLandmark(landmark_rotated)                face_rotated_by_alpha = cv2.resize(face_rotated_by_alpha, (39, 39))                F_imgs.append(face_rotated_by_alpha.reshape((1, 39, 39)))                F_landmarks.append(landmark_rotated.reshape(10))                ### flip with rotation                face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(face_rotated_by_alpha, landmark_rotated)                face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (39, 39))                F_imgs.append(face_flipped.reshape((1, 39, 39)))                F_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped.reshape(10))            """        f_face = cv2.resize(f_face, (39, 39))        en_face = f_face[:31, :]        nm_face = f_face[8:, :]        f_face = f_face.reshape((1, 39, 39))        f_landmark = landmarkGt.reshape((10))        F_imgs.append(f_face)        F_landmarks.append(f_landmark)        # EN        # en_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, -0.04, 0.84)        # en_face = img[en_bbox.top:en_bbox.bottom+1,en_bbox.left:en_bbox.right+1]        ## data argument        if argument and np.random.rand() > 0.5:            ### flip            face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(en_face, landmarkGt)            face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39))            landmark_flipped = landmark_flipped[:3, :].reshape((6))            EN_imgs.append(face_flipped)            EN_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped)        en_face = cv2.resize(en_face, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39))        en_landmark = landmarkGt[:3, :].reshape((6))        EN_imgs.append(en_face)        EN_landmarks.append(en_landmark)        # NM        # nm_bbox = bbox.subBBox(-0.05, 1.05, 0.18, 1.05)        # nm_face = img[nm_bbox.top:nm_bbox.bottom+1,nm_bbox.left:nm_bbox.right+1]        ## data argument        if argument and np.random.rand() > 0.5:            ### flip            face_flipped, landmark_flipped = flip(nm_face, landmarkGt)            face_flipped = cv2.resize(face_flipped, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39))            landmark_flipped = landmark_flipped[2:, :].reshape((6))            NM_imgs.append(face_flipped)            NM_landmarks.append(landmark_flipped)        nm_face = cv2.resize(nm_face, (31, 39)).reshape((1, 31, 39))        nm_landmark = landmarkGt[2:, :].reshape((6))        NM_imgs.append(nm_face)        NM_landmarks.append(nm_landmark)    #imgs, landmarks = process_images(ftxt, output)    F_imgs, F_landmarks = np.asarray(F_imgs), np.asarray(F_landmarks)    EN_imgs, EN_landmarks = np.asarray(EN_imgs), np.asarray(EN_landmarks)    NM_imgs, NM_landmarks = np.asarray(NM_imgs),np.asarray(NM_landmarks)    F_imgs = processImage(F_imgs)    shuffle_in_unison_scary(F_imgs, F_landmarks)    EN_imgs = processImage(EN_imgs)    shuffle_in_unison_scary(EN_imgs, EN_landmarks)    NM_imgs = processImage(NM_imgs)    shuffle_in_unison_scary(NM_imgs, NM_landmarks)    # full face    base = join(OUTPUT, '1_F')    createDir(base)    output = join(base, fname)    logger("generate %s" % output)    with h5py.File(output, 'w') as h5:        h5['data'] = F_imgs.astype(np.float32)        h5['landmark'] = F_landmarks.astype(np.float32)    # eye and nose    base = join(OUTPUT, '1_EN')    createDir(base)    output = join(base, fname)    logger("generate %s" % output)    with h5py.File(output, 'w') as h5:        h5['data'] = EN_imgs.astype(np.float32)        h5['landmark'] = EN_landmarks.astype(np.float32)    # nose and mouth    base = join(OUTPUT, '1_NM')    createDir(base)    output = join(base, fname)    logger("generate %s" % output)    with h5py.File(output, 'w') as h5:        h5['data'] = NM_imgs.astype(np.float32)        h5['landmark'] = NM_landmarks.astype(np.float32)if __name__ == '__main__':    # train data    h5_path = '/home/tom/PycharmProjects/pythonPro/deep_landmark/dataset1/'    train_txt = join(TRAIN, 'trainImageList.txt')    generate_hdf5(train_txt, OUTPUT, 'train.h5', argument=True)    test_txt = join(TRAIN, 'testImageList.txt')    generate_hdf5(test_txt, OUTPUT, 'test.h5')    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_F/train.txt'), 'w') as fd:        fd.write(h5_path+'train/1_F/train.h5')    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_EN/train.txt'), 'w') as fd:        fd.write(h5_path+'train/1_EN/train.h5')    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_NM/train.txt'), 'w') as fd:        fd.write(h5_path+'train/1_NM/train.h5')    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_F/test.txt'), 'w') as fd:        fd.write(h5_path+'train/1_F/test.h5')    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_EN/test.txt'), 'w') as fd:        fd.write(h5_path+'train/1_EN/test.h5')    with open(join(OUTPUT, '1_NM/test.txt'), 'w') as fd:        fd.write(h5_path+'train/1_NM/test.h5')    # Done


# coding: utf-8"""    functions"""import osimport cv2import numpy as npdef show_landmark(face, landmark):    """        view face with landmark for visualization    """    face_copied = face.copy().astype(np.uint8)    for (x, y) in landmark:        xx = int(face.shape[0]*x)        yy = int(face.shape[1]*y)        cv2.circle(face_copied, (xx, yy), 2, (0,0,0), -1)    cv2.imshow("face_rot", face_copied)    cv2.waitKey(0)def rotate(img, bbox, landmark, alpha):    """        given a face with bbox and landmark, rotate with alpha        and return rotated face with bbox, landmark (absolute position)    """    center = ((bbox.left+bbox.right)/2, (bbox.top+bbox.bottom)/2)    rot_mat = cv2.getRotationMatrix2D(center, alpha, 1)    img_rotated_by_alpha = cv2.warpAffine(img, rot_mat, img.shape)    landmark_ = np.asarray([(rot_mat[0][0]*x+rot_mat[0][1]*y+rot_mat[0][2],                 rot_mat[1][0]*x+rot_mat[1][1]*y+rot_mat[1][2]) for (x, y) in landmark])    face = img_rotated_by_alpha[bbox.top:bbox.bottom+1,bbox.left:bbox.right+1]    return (face, landmark_)def flip(face, landmark):    """        flip the face and         exchange the eyes and mouths point        face_flipped_by_x = output array of the same size and type as src        landmark_ = changed landmark point    """    face_flipped_by_x = cv2.flip(face, 1)    landmark_ = np.asarray([(1-x, y) for (x, y) in landmark])    landmark_[[0, 1]] = landmark_[[1, 0]]    landmark_[[3, 4]] = landmark_[[4, 3]]    return (face_flipped_by_x, landmark_)def randomShift(landmarkGt, shift):    """        Random Shift one time    """    diff = np.random.rand(5, 2)    diff = (2*diff - 1) * shift    landmarkP = landmarkGt + diff    return landmarkPdef randomShiftWithArgument(landmarkGt, shift):    """        Random Shift more    """    N = 2    landmarkPs = np.zeros((N, 5, 2))    for i in range(N):        landmarkPs[i] = randomShift(landmarkGt, shift)    return landmarkPs


# coding: utf-8import osfrom os.path import join, existsimport timeimport cv2import numpy as npfrom cnns import getCNNsdef logger(msg):    """        log message    """    now = time.ctime()    print("[%s] %s" % (now, msg))def createDir(p):    if not os.path.exists(p):        os.mkdir(p)def shuffle_in_unison_scary(a, b):    rng_state = np.random.get_state()    np.random.shuffle(a)    np.random.set_state(rng_state)    np.random.shuffle(b)def drawLandmark(img, bbox, landmark):    cv2.rectangle(img, (bbox.left, bbox.top), (bbox.right, bbox.bottom), (0,0,255), 2)    for x, y in landmark:        cv2.circle(img, (int(x), int(y)), 2, (0,255,0), -1)    return imgdef getDataFromTxt(txt, with_landmark=True):    """        Generate data from txt file        return [(img_path, bbox, landmark)]            bbox: [left, right, top, bottom]            landmark: [(x1, y1), (x2, y2), ...]    """    dirname = os.path.dirname(txt)    with open(txt, 'r') as fd:        lines = fd.readlines()    result = []    for line in lines:        line = line.strip()        components = line.split(' ')        img_path = os.path.join(dirname, components[0].replace('\\', '/')) # file path        # bounding box, (left, right, top, bottom)        bbox = (components[1], components[2], components[3], components[4])        bbox = [int(_) for _ in bbox]        # landmark        if not with_landmark:            result.append((img_path, BBox(bbox)))            continue        landmark = np.zeros((5, 2))        for index in range(0, 5):            rv = (float(components[5+2*index]), float(components[5+2*index+1]))            landmark[index] = rv        for index, one in enumerate(landmark):            rv = ((one[0]-bbox[0])/(bbox[1]-bbox[0]), (one[1]-bbox[2])/(bbox[3]-bbox[2]))            landmark[index] = rv        result.append((img_path, BBox(bbox), landmark))    return resultdef getPatch(img, bbox, point, padding):    """        Get a patch iamge around the given point in bbox with padding        point: relative_point in [0, 1] in bbox    """    point_x = bbox.x + point[0] * bbox.w    point_y = bbox.y + point[1] * bbox.h    patch_left = point_x - bbox.w * padding    patch_right = point_x + bbox.w * padding    patch_top = point_y - bbox.h * padding    patch_bottom = point_y + bbox.h * padding    patch = img[int(round(patch_top)): int(round(patch_bottom+1)), int(round(patch_left)): int(round(patch_right+1))]    patch_bbox = BBox([patch_left, patch_right, patch_top, patch_bottom])    return patch, patch_bboxdef processImage(imgs):    """        process images before feeding to CNNs        imgs: N x 1 x W x H    """    imgs = imgs.astype(np.float32)    for i, img in enumerate(imgs):        m = img.mean()        s = img.std()        imgs[i] = (img - m) / s    return imgsdef dataArgument(data):    """        dataArguments        data:            imgs: N x 1 x W x H            bbox: N x BBox            landmarks: N x 10    """    passclass BBox(object):    """        Bounding Box of face    """    def __init__(self, bbox):        self.left = bbox[0]        self.right = bbox[1]        self.top = bbox[2]        self.bottom = bbox[3]        self.x = bbox[0]        self.y = bbox[2]        self.w = bbox[1] - bbox[0]        self.h = bbox[3] - bbox[2]    def expand(self, scale=0.05):        bbox = [self.left, self.right, self.top, self.bottom]        bbox[0] -= int(self.w * scale)        bbox[1] += int(self.w * scale)        bbox[2] -= int(self.h * scale)        bbox[3] += int(self.h * scale)        return BBox(bbox)    def project(self, point):        x = (point[0]-self.x) / self.w        y = (point[1]-self.y) / self.h        return np.asarray([x, y])    def reproject(self, point):        x = self.x + self.w*point[0]        y = self.y + self.h*point[1]        return np.asarray([x, y])    def reprojectLandmark(self, landmark):        p = np.zeros((len(landmark), 2))        for i in range(len(landmark)):            p[i] = self.reproject(landmark[i])        return p    def projectLandmark(self, landmark):        p = np.zeros((len(landmark), 2))        for i in range(len(landmark)):            p[i] = self.project(landmark[i])        return p    def subBBox(self, leftR, rightR, topR, bottomR):        leftDelta = self.w * leftR        rightDelta = self.w * rightR        topDelta = self.h * topR        bottomDelta = self.h * bottomR        left = self.left + leftDelta        right = self.left + rightDelta        top = self.top + topDelta        bottom = self.top + bottomDelta        return BBox([left, right, top, bottom])