lintcode 20. 骰子求和 动态规划

来源:互联网 发布:淘宝网跑步机 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/29 02:26

扔 n 个骰子,向上面的数字之和为 S。给定 Given n,请列出所有可能的 S 值及其相应的概率。


You do not care about the accuracy of the result, we will help you to output results.


给定 n = 1,返回[ [1, 0.17], [2, 0.17], [3, 0.17], [4, 0.17], [5, 0.17], [6, 0.17]]

class Solution:    # @param {int} n an integer    # @return {tuple[]} a list of tuple(sum, probability)    def dicesSum(self, n):        # Write your code here        total= 6**n        result=[]        f=[0]*(n*6+1)        g=f[:]        for i in range(1,7):            f[i]=1        for k in range(2,n+1):            for i in range(1,6*k+1):                for j in range(1,7):                    if i-j > 0:                        g[i]+=f[i-j]                    else:                        break            f=g[:]            g=[0]*(n*6+1)        print f        for i in range(1*n,6*n+1):            arr=[i]            arr.append(float(f[i])/float(total))            result.append(arr)        return result
