
来源:互联网 发布:手机绿色眼睛软件 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/21 19:39


#include<stdio.h>#include<stdlib.h>#define OK 1#define ERROR -1#define MAX_VEX 10//最大顶点数typedef int InfoType;typedef char VexType;//顶点的类型typedef int WeightType;//权值的类型


typedef enum{    DG = 1, AG, WDG, WAG//有向图  无向图  带权有向图  带权无向图}GraphKind;


typedef struct VexNode{    VexType data;//顶点的值    int indegree;//顶点的度    LinkNode *firstarc;//指向第一个表节点,有向图是入度或出度或没有}VexNode;//顶点节点类型定义


typedef struct LinkNode{    int adjvex;//邻接点在头结点数组中的位置(下标)    InfoType info;//节点信息   如权值    struct LinkNode *nextarc;//指向下一个表节点}LinkNode;


typedef struct{    GraphKind kind;    int vexnum;//顶点的个数    VexNode AdjList[MAX_VEX];//头结点的类型的数组}ALGraph;


//队列的结构体typedef struct SqQueue{    VexType array[MAX_VEX];    int front;    int rear;}SqQueue;//初始化一个空队列SqQueue Creat_SqQueue(){    SqQueue Q;    Q.front = 0;    Q.rear = 0;    return Q;}//入队列  若成功返回1  否则返回-1int InsertQueue(SqQueue *Q, VexType e){    if ((Q->rear+1)%MAX_VEX == Q->front)    {        printf("The queue is full.\n");        return ERROR;    }    else    {        Q->array[Q->rear] = e;        Q->rear = (Q->rear + 1) % MAX_VEX;        //printf("Insert success!\n\n");    }    return OK;}//出队列 若成功返回弹出的元素  若不成功返回-1VexType DeletaQueue(SqQueue *Q){    VexType e = 0;    if (Q->front == Q->rear)    {        printf("This queue is empty!\n");        return ERROR;    }    else    {        e = Q->array[Q->front];        Q->front = (Q->front + 1) % MAX_VEX;        //printf("Delete success!\n");    }    return e;}


ALGraph CreatGraph() {    ALGraph G;    int i;//循环变量    int a = 0;    printf("1.DG\n2.AG\n3.WDG\n4.WAG\n");    printf("please enter the type of graph(according to the code):\n");    scanf("%d", &a);//确定图的类型    switch (a)    {    case 1:        G.kind = DG;        break;    case 2:        G.kind = AG;        break;    case 3:        G.kind = WDG;        break;    case 4:        G.kind = WAG;        break;    default:        printf("The type of the graph is error\n");        break;    }    G.vexnum = 0;//结点个数置为0    for (i = 0; i < MAX_VEX; i++)//把所有节点的度置为0    {        G.AdjList[i].indegree = 0;        G.AdjList[i].firstarc = NULL;    }    return G;}


//定位节点  若存在返回1  若不存在返回-1int LocateVex(ALGraph *G, VexType v) {    int i = 0;    int a = 0;    printf("v = %c\n", v);    for (i = 0; i < G->vexnum; i++)    {        if (G->AdjList[i].data == v)        {            a++;            break;        }    }    if (a == 0)    {        return ERROR;    }    return OK;}


void InsertVex(ALGraph *G){    int res = 0;    if (G->vexnum + 1 == MAX_VEX)    {        printf("The graph is overflow!\n");    }    else    {        VexType u = '\0';        printf("please enter data:\n");        getchar();        scanf("%c", &u);        res = LocateVex(G, u);        if (res == -1)//没有节点   添加        {            G->AdjList[G->vexnum].data = u;            G->AdjList[G->vexnum].firstarc = NULL;            G->vexnum++;            //printf("insert vertex success\n");        }        else        {            printf("insert vertex fail\n");        }    }}


void InsertArc(ALGraph *G) {    if (G->kind == DG)//有向图    {        LinkNode *p;        LinkNode *r;        int tail = 0;//弧尾(起点)        int head = 0;//弧头(终点)        p = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));        printf("please enter the tail:");        scanf("%d", &tail);        printf("please enter the head:");        scanf("%d", &head);        if (tail < G->vexnum && head < G->vexnum)        {            p->adjvex = head;            p->nextarc = NULL;            p->info = 0;            r = G->AdjList[tail].firstarc;            p->nextarc = r;            G->AdjList[tail].firstarc = p;            G->AdjList[tail].indegree++;            printf("insert arc success\n");        }        else        {            printf("vertex is not exit.");        }    }    else if(G->kind == AG)//无向图    {        LinkNode *p;        LinkNode *q;        LinkNode *r;        LinkNode *s;        int tail = 0;        int head = 0;        p = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));        q = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));        s = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));        printf("please enter the tail:");        scanf("%d", &tail);        printf("please enter the head:");        scanf("%d", &head);        if (tail < G->vexnum && head < G->vexnum)        {            p->adjvex = head;            p->info = 0;            p->nextarc = NULL;            r = G->AdjList[tail].firstarc;            p->nextarc = r;            G->AdjList[tail].firstarc = p;            s->adjvex = tail;            s->info = 0;            q = G->AdjList[head].firstarc;            s->nextarc = q;            G->AdjList[head].firstarc = s;            G->AdjList[tail].indegree++;            G->AdjList[head].indegree++;            printf("insert arc success\n");        }        else        {            printf("vertex is not exit.\n");        }    }    else if (G->kind == WDG)//加权有向图    {        LinkNode *p;        LinkNode *r;        int info = 0;        int tail = 0;//弧尾(起点)        int head = 0;//弧头(终点)        p = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));        printf("please enter the tail:");        scanf("%d", &tail);        printf("please enter the head:");        scanf("%d", &head);        printf("please enter the information:");        scanf("%d", &info);        if (tail < G->vexnum && head < G->vexnum)        {            p->adjvex = head;            p->nextarc = NULL;            p->info = info;            r = G->AdjList[tail].firstarc;            p->nextarc = r;            G->AdjList[tail].firstarc = p;            G->AdjList[tail].indegree++;            printf("insert arc success\n");        }        else        {            printf("vertex is not exit.\n");        }    }    else if(G->kind == WAG)//加权无向图    {        LinkNode *p;        LinkNode *q;        LinkNode *r;        LinkNode *s;        int info = 0;        int tail = 0;        int head = 0;        p = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));        q = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));        s = (LinkNode *)malloc(sizeof(LinkNode));        printf("please enter the tail:");        scanf("%d", &tail);        printf("please enter the head:");        scanf("%d", &head);        printf("please enter the information:");        scanf("%d", &info);        if (tail < G->vexnum && head < G->vexnum)        {            p->adjvex = head;            p->nextarc = NULL;            p->info = info;            r = G->AdjList[tail].firstarc;            p->nextarc = r;            G->AdjList[tail].firstarc = p;            s->adjvex = tail;            s->info = info;            q = G->AdjList[head].firstarc;            s->nextarc = q;            G->AdjList[head].firstarc = s;            G->AdjList[tail].indegree++;            G->AdjList[head].indegree++;            printf("insert arc success\n");        }        else        {            printf("vertex is not exit.\n");        }    }    else    {        printf("The type of the graph is error\n");    }}


void DFSTraverse(ALGraph *G, int v, int visit[]) {    LinkNode *p;    if (visit[v] == 0)    {        printf("%c\n", G->AdjList[v].data);        visit[v] = 1;        p = G->AdjList[v].firstarc;        while (p != NULL)        {            if (visit[p->adjvex] == 0)            {                DFSTraverse(G, p->adjvex, visit);            }            p = p->nextarc;        }    }}


void BFSTraverse(ALGraph *G){    int i = 0;//循环变量    int k = 0;//循环变量    SqQueue Q = Creat_SqQueue();    //visited为访问标志数组,为0则该节点没被访问过,为1则被访问过    int visited[MAX_VEX];    LinkNode *p;    for (i = 0; i < MAX_VEX; i++)//访问标志初始化    {        visited[i] = 0;    }    //广度优先遍历图    for (k = 0; k < G->vexnum; k++)    {        if (visited[k] == 0)//若该节点没有被访问过        {            InsertQueue(&Q, k);            visited[k] = 1;            if (G->AdjList[k].firstarc != NULL)            {                p = G->AdjList[k].firstarc;                while (p != NULL)                {                    if(visited[p->adjvex] == 0)                    {                        InsertQueue(&Q, p->adjvex);                        visited[p->adjvex] = 1;                    }                    p = p->nextarc;                }            }        }        else//若该节点被访问过        {            if (G->AdjList[k].firstarc != NULL)            {                p = G->AdjList[k].firstarc;                while (p != NULL)                {                    if(visited[p->adjvex] == 0)                    {                        InsertQueue(&Q, p->adjvex);                        visited[p->adjvex] = 1;                    }                    p = p->nextarc;                }            }        }    }    while (Q.front != Q.rear)//循环弹出队列中的元素    {        printf("%c\n", G->AdjList[DeletaQueue(&Q)].data);    }}


int DestroyGeaph(ALGraph *G) {    int i = 0;//循环变量    for (i = 0; i < G->vexnum; i++)    {        G->AdjList[i].data = 0;        G->AdjList[i].indegree = 0;        G->AdjList[i].firstarc = NULL;    }    G->vexnum = 0;    return OK;}


void OutPutGraph(ALGraph G){    int i = 0;//循环变量    printf("value\tindegree\tfirstarc\n");    for (i = 0; i < G.vexnum; i++)    {        printf("%c\t", G.AdjList[i].data);        printf("%d\t\t", G.AdjList[i].indegree);        LinkNode *p;        p = G.AdjList[i].firstarc;        while (p != NULL)        {            printf("->");            printf("%c \t", G.AdjList[p->adjvex].data);            p = p->nextarc;        }        printf("\n");        printf("----------------------\n");    }}

