CTS测试框架 -- 基础框架启动

来源:互联网 发布:网上购物系统数据库 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/05/22 06:58


  • 整体流程概览
  • Main
  • Console
  • 总结



1. main – 启动入口
2. Console – 处理命令
3. CommandScheduler – 命令调度
4. InvocationThrad – 执行命令



public static void main(final String[] mainArgs) throws InterruptedException,        ConfigurationException {    Console console = new Console();    startConsole(console, mainArgs);}


protected Console() {    this(getReader());}// 构造方法中初始化了一系列变量Console(ConsoleReader reader) {    super("TfConsole");    mConsoleStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis();    mConsoleReader = reader;    if (reader != null) {        mConsoleReader.addCompletor(                new ConfigCompletor(getConfigurationFactory().getConfigList()));    }    // HelpList初始化    List<String> genericHelp = new LinkedList<String>();    // helpString:放入每个command支持的使用方式    Map<String, String> commandHelp = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();    // 添加默认支持的命令,使用的就是前面介绍的RegexTrie    addDefaultCommands(mCommandTrie, genericHelp, commandHelp);    // 这个是个空方法,主要是为了方便子类复写添加自己的命令    setCustomCommands(mCommandTrie, genericHelp, commandHelp);    // 生成HelpList    generateHelpListings(mCommandTrie, genericHelp, commandHelp);}public static void startConsole(Console console, String[] args) throws InterruptedException,        ConfigurationException {    // 创建GlobalConfiguration    List<String> nonGlobalArgs = GlobalConfiguration.createGlobalConfiguration(args);    console.setArgs(nonGlobalArgs);    // 创建命令调度器    console.setCommandScheduler(GlobalConfiguration.getInstance().getCommandScheduler());    console.setKeyStoreFactory(GlobalConfiguration.getInstance().getKeyStoreFactory());    将console线程设为daemon线程    console.setDaemon(true);    // 启动console线程    console.start();    // Wait for the CommandScheduler to get started before we exit the main thread.  See full    // explanation near the top of #run()    // 等待CommandSchedler启动,然后退出    console.awaitScheduler();}


public static List<String> createGlobalConfiguration(String[] args)        throws ConfigurationException {    synchronized (sInstanceLock) {        if (sInstance != null) {            throw new IllegalStateException("GlobalConfiguration is already initialized!");        }        List<String> nonGlobalArgs = new ArrayList<String>(args.length);        // 初始化ConfigurationFactory的单例        // GlobalConfiguration以及后面的Congiguration共用        IConfigurationFactory configFactory = ConfigurationFactory.getInstance();        String globalConfigPath = getGlobalConfigPath();        // 重点是这个方法,从参数创建configuration        sInstance = configFactory.createGlobalConfigurationFromArgs(                ArrayUtil.buildArray(new String[] {globalConfigPath}, args), nonGlobalArgs);        //         if (!DEFAULT_EMPTY_CONFIG_NAME.equals(globalConfigPath)) {            // Only print when using different from default            System.out.format("Success!  Using global config \"%s\"\n", globalConfigPath);        }        // Validate that madatory options have been set        sInstance.validateOptions();        return nonGlobalArgs;    }}private static String getGlobalConfigPath() {    String path = System.getenv(GLOBAL_CONFIG_VARIABLE);    if (path != null) {        System.out.format(                "Attempting to use global config \"%s\" from variable $%s.\n",                path, GLOBAL_CONFIG_VARIABLE);        return path;    }    File file = new File(GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILENAME);    if (file.exists()) {        path = file.getPath();        System.out.format("Attempting to use autodetected global config \"%s\".\n", path);        return path;    }    return DEFAULT_EMPTY_CONFIG_NAME;}private static final String GLOBAL_CONFIG_VARIABLE = "TF_GLOBAL_CONFIG";private static final String GLOBAL_CONFIG_FILENAME = "tf_global_config.xml";// Empty embedded configuration available by defaultprivate static final String DEFAULT_EMPTY_CONFIG_NAME = "empty";// configurtionFactory中的重点方法,解析参数创建Iconfigurationpublic IGlobalConfiguration createGlobalConfigurationFromArgs(String[] arrayArgs,        List<String> remainingArgs) throws ConfigurationException {    List<String> listArgs = new ArrayList<String>(arrayArgs.length);    IGlobalConfiguration config = internalCreateGlobalConfigurationFromArgs(arrayArgs,            listArgs);    remainingArgs.addAll(config.setOptionsFromCommandLineArgs(listArgs));    return config;}private IGlobalConfiguration internalCreateGlobalConfigurationFromArgs(String[] arrayArgs,        List<String> optionArgsRef) throws ConfigurationException {    if (arrayArgs.length == 0) {        throw new ConfigurationException("Configuration to run was not specified");    }    optionArgsRef.addAll(Arrays.asList(arrayArgs));    // first arg is config name    final String configName = optionArgsRef.remove(0);    ConfigurationDef configDef = getConfigurationDef(configName, true, null);    return configDef.createGlobalConfiguration();}// 由于这里默认的为空,详细的解析逻辑这里不再过多介绍// 因为后面对配置文件创建configuration的时候也走这个逻辑// 会根据具体的xml文件详细介绍解析以及装载的流程// 目前只需要知道其实还是调用了GlobalConfiguration的构造方法IGlobalConfiguration createGlobalConfiguration() throws ConfigurationException {    IGlobalConfiguration config = new GlobalConfiguration(getName(), getDescription());    for (Map.Entry<String, List<ConfigObjectDef>> objClassEntry : mObjectClassMap.entrySet()) {        List<Object> objectList = new ArrayList<Object>(objClassEntry.getValue().size());        for (ConfigObjectDef configDef : objClassEntry.getValue()) {            Object configObject = createObject(objClassEntry.getKey(), configDef.mClassName);            objectList.add(configObject);        }        config.setConfigurationObjectList(objClassEntry.getKey(), objectList);    }    for (OptionDef optionEntry : mOptionList) {        config.injectOptionValue(optionEntry.name, optionEntry.key, optionEntry.value);    }    return config;}


GlobalConfiguration(String name, String description) {    mName = name;    mDescription = description;    // 配置map,key为全局配置的组件的string,value为组件    mConfigMap = new LinkedHashMap<String, List<Object>>();    // 配置map,key为支持的option    mOptionMap = new MultiMap<String, String>();    setHostOptions(new HostOptions());    setDeviceRequirements(new DeviceSelectionOptions());    // 设备管理    setDeviceManager(new DeviceManager());    // 初始化命令调度器    setCommandScheduler(new CommandScheduler());    setKeyStoreFactory(new StubKeyStoreFactory());    setShardingStrategy(new StrictShardHelper());}// 其中最重要的命令调度器的初始化public CommandScheduler() {    // Thread的子类,设置线程名称    super("CommandScheduler");  // set the thread name    // 已经解析完毕准备执行的command    mReadyCommands = new LinkedList<>();    // 正在执行的command,主要作用是输出警告    mUnscheduledWarning = new HashSet<>();    // 定时调度的command    mSleepingCommands = new HashSet<>();    // 正在执行的command    mExecutingCommands = new HashSet<>();    // 正在执行的命令的map    mInvocationThreadMap = new HashMap<IInvocationContext, InvocationThread>();    // use a ScheduledThreadPoolExecutorTimer as a single-threaded timer.    // 定时器    mCommandTimer = new ScheduledThreadPoolExecutor(1);    // CountDownLatch,main线程中等待    mRunLatch = new CountDownLatch(1);}





public void run() {    List<String> arrrgs = mMainArgs;    if (mScheduler == null) {        throw new IllegalStateException("command scheduler hasn't been set");    }    try {        // 判断控制台        if (!isConsoleFunctional()) {            if (arrrgs.isEmpty()) {                printLine("No commands for non-interactive mode; exiting.");                // FIXME: need to run the scheduler here so that the things blocking on it                // FIXME: will be released.                mScheduler.start();                mScheduler.await();                return;            } else {                printLine("Non-interactive mode: Running initial command then exiting.");                mShouldExit = true;            }        }        // 先把CommandScheduler启动起来,当CommandScheduler启动,main就会退出        mScheduler.start();        mScheduler.await();        String input = "";        CaptureList groups = new CaptureList();        String[] tokens;        do { // 循环            if (arrrgs.isEmpty()) {                // 读取控制台的输入                input = getConsoleInput();                if (input == null) {                    // Usually the result of getting EOF on the console                    printLine("");                    printLine("Received EOF; quitting...");                    mShouldExit = true;                    break;                }                tokens = null;                try {                    // 格式化输入的命令,用空格分割,装进一个数组                    tokens = QuotationAwareTokenizer.tokenizeLine(input);                } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {                    printLine(String.format("Invalid input: %s.", input));                    continue;                }                if (tokens == null || tokens.length == 0) {                    continue;                }            } else {                printLine(String.format("Using commandline arguments as starting command: %s",                        arrrgs));                if (mConsoleReader != null) {                    final String cmd = ArrayUtil.join(" ", arrrgs);                    mConsoleReader.getHistory().addToHistory(cmd);                }                tokens = arrrgs.toArray(new String[0]);                if (arrrgs.get(0).matches(HELP_PATTERN)) {                    // if started from command line for help, return to shell                    mShouldExit = true;                }                arrrgs = Collections.emptyList();            }            // 很重要的一步,从command的RegexTrie中根据命令取出一个Runnable            Runnable command = mCommandTrie.retrieve(groups, tokens);            if (command != null) {                // 执行这个Runnable的run方法                executeCmdRunnable(command, groups);            } else {                printLine(String.format(                        "Unable to handle command '%s'.  Enter 'help' for help.", tokens[0]));            }            RunUtil.getDefault().sleep(100);        } while (!mShouldExit);//当输入退出命令时,循环退出    } catch (Exception e) {        printLine("Console received an unexpected exception (shown below); shutting down TF.");        e.printStackTrace();    } finally {        mScheduler.shutdown();        // Make sure that we don't quit with messages still in the buffers        System.err.flush();        System.out.flush();    }}

后面我们就以run cts.xml这个为例,这里虽然我用到了cts.xml,这个是在CTS测试框架才会使用,而这里是基础框架,不过因为主要是用xml文件举例,不会涉及到具体cts相关的内容,只需要把cts.xml当做一个普通的配置文件即可。

// Run commandsArgRunnable<CaptureList> runRunCommand = new ArgRunnable<CaptureList>() {    @Override    public void run(CaptureList args) {        // The second argument "command" may also be missing, if the        // caller used the shortcut.        int startIdx = 1;        if (args.get(1).isEmpty()) {            // Empty array (that is, not even containing an empty string) means that            // we matched and skipped /(?:singleC|c)ommand/            startIdx = 2;        }        String[] flatArgs = new String[args.size() - startIdx];        for (int i = startIdx; i < args.size(); i++) {            flatArgs[i - startIdx] = args.get(i).get(0);        }        try {            // 将命令添加至CommandSchedler的命令队列,等待调度            mScheduler.addCommand(flatArgs);        } catch (ConfigurationException e) {            printLine("Failed to run command: " + e.toString());        }    }};




