Slim 框架学习,第十五天 _Router(六)

来源:互联网 发布:监控windows 资源命令 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/07 14:31


先看一下 dispatch 方法

/**     * 给http请求发送路由     * Dispatch router for HTTP request     *     * @param  ServerRequestInterface $request The current HTTP request object     *  返回的是一个数组     * @return array     *     * @link     */    public function dispatch(ServerRequestInterface $request)    {        $uri = '/' . ltrim($request->getUri()->getPath(), '/');        return $this->createDispatcher()->dispatch(            $request->getMethod(),            $uri        );    }

紧接着,我们看一下 createDispatcher 方法


 /**     * 这里返回了 \FastRoute\Dispatcher类     * @return \FastRoute\Dispatcher     */    protected function createDispatcher()    {        if ($this->dispatcher) {            return $this->dispatcher;        }        $routeDefinitionCallback = function (RouteCollector $r) {            foreach ($this->getRoutes() as $route) {                $r->addRoute($route->getMethods(), $route->getPattern(), $route->getIdentifier());            }        };        if ($this->cacheFile) {            $this->dispatcher = \FastRoute\cachedDispatcher($routeDefinitionCallback, [                'routeParser' => $this->routeParser,                'cacheFile' => $this->cacheFile,            ]);        } else {            $this->dispatcher = \FastRoute\simpleDispatcher($routeDefinitionCallback, [                'routeParser' => $this->routeParser,            ]);        }        return $this->dispatcher;    }vendor/nikic/fast-route/src/Dispatcher/RegexBasedAbstract.php该类实现了Dispatcher接口,并且实现了dispatch 方法,用来被调用

下面看下 relativePathFor 方法

 /**     * 为一个路由构建路径,除了基本的路径之外     * Build the path for a named route excluding the base path     *     * @param string $name        Route name     * @param array  $data        Named argument replacement data     * @param array  $queryParams Optional query string parameters     *     * @return string     *     * @throws RuntimeException         If named route does not exist     * @throws InvalidArgumentException If required data not provided     */    public function relativePathFor($name, array $data = [], array $queryParams = [])    {        $route = $this->getNamedRoute($name);        $pattern = $route->getPattern();        $routeDatas = $this->routeParser->parse($pattern);        // $routeDatas is an array of all possible routes that can be made. There is        // one routedata for each optional parameter plus one for no optional parameters.        //        // The most specific is last, so we look for that first.        $routeDatas = array_reverse($routeDatas);        $segments = [];        foreach ($routeDatas as $routeData) {            foreach ($routeData as $item) {                if (is_string($item)) {                    // this segment is a static string                    $segments[] = $item;                    continue;                }                // This segment has a parameter: first element is the name                if (!array_key_exists($item[0], $data)) {                    // we don't have a data element for this segment: cancel                    // testing this routeData item, so that we can try a less                    // specific routeData item.                    $segments = [];                    $segmentName = $item[0];                    break;                }                $segments[] = $data[$item[0]];            }            if (!empty($segments)) {                // we found all the parameters for this route data, no need to check                // less specific ones                break;            }        }        if (empty($segments)) {            throw new InvalidArgumentException('Missing data for URL segment: ' . $segmentName);        }        $url = implode('', $segments);        if ($queryParams) {            $url .= '?' . http_build_query($queryParams);        }        return $url;    }
