Backbone.js 显示Collection里面的一个元素

来源:互联网 发布:mac如何装office 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/06/05 14:48
  • Router 代码
    var MyRouter = Backbone.Router.extend({         routes: {            // Other Routers            "muppets/:id": "getMuppet"           },        getMuppet: function (id) {                                                                                                     console.log("fetch muppet: " + id);                                                                                        var muppet = new MuppetModel({id: id});                                                                                    muppet.fetch().then(function () {                                                                                          console.log(muppet.get('name'));                                                                                       var muppetView = new MuppetsListItemView({model: muppet, el: $('#muppets-list')});                                                                                                 muppetView.render()                                                                                                });                                                                                                                }                                                                                                                  });
  • MuppetsListItemView代码
  var MuppetsListItemView = Backbone.View.extend({                                                                             tagName: 'li',                                                                                                             className: 'muppet',                                                                                                       template: _.template($('#muppet-item-tmpl').html()),                                                                       initialize: function() {                                                                                                     this.listenTo(this.model, 'destroy', this.remove)                                                                        },                                                                                                                         render: function() {                                                                                                         var html = this.template(this.model.toJSON());                                                                             console.log(html, 'html of the itemView');                                                                                 this.$el.html(html);                                                                                                       return this;                                                                                                             },                                                                                                                         events: {                                                                                                                    'click .remove': 'onRemove'                                                                                              },                                                                                                                         onRemove: function() {                this.model.destroy();                                                                                                    }                                                                                                                    });      
  • Template
    <script type="text/template" id="muppet-item-tmpl">                                                                    <p><a href="/#muppets/<%= id %>" class=".showSingle"><%= name %></a></p>                                             <p>Job: <i><%= occupation %></i></p>                                                                                 <button class="remove">x</button>                                                                                </script> 