cocos2dx zip资源内置apk

来源:互联网 发布:fc2域名用不了2017 编辑:程序博客网 时间:2024/04/27 10:18


//解压文件bool AssetsManagerEx::decompressPlaza(const std::string &zip){    // Find root path for zip file    size_t pos = zip.find_last_of("/\\");    if (pos == std::string::npos)    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : no root path specified for zip file %s\n", zip.c_str());        return false;    }//解压后资源路径    const std::string rootPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath()+"PlazaResources/";        // Open the zip file    unzFile zipfile = unzOpen(FileUtils::getInstance()->getSuitableFOpen(zip).c_str());    if (! zipfile)    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not open downloaded zip file %s\n", zip.c_str());        return false;    }        // Get info about the zip file    unz_global_info global_info;    if (unzGetGlobalInfo(zipfile, &global_info) != UNZ_OK)    {        CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not read file global info of %s\n", zip.c_str());        unzClose(zipfile);        return false;    }        // Buffer to hold data read from the zip file    char readBuffer[BUFFER_SIZE];    // Loop to extract all files.    uLong i;    for (i = 0; i < global_info.number_entry; ++i)    {        // Get info about current file.        unz_file_info fileInfo;        char fileName[MAX_FILENAME];        if (unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zipfile,                                  &fileInfo,                                  fileName,                                  MAX_FILENAME,                                  NULL,                                  0,                                  NULL,                                  0) != UNZ_OK)        {            CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not read compressed file info\n");            unzClose(zipfile);            return false;        }        std::string fullPath = rootPath+fileName;        // Check if this entry is a directory or a file.        const size_t filenameLength = strlen(fileName);        if (fileName[filenameLength-1] == '/')        {            //There are not directory entry in some case.            //So we need to create directory when decompressing file entry            if ( !_fileUtils->createDirectory(basename(fullPath)) )            {                // Failed to create directory                CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not create directory %s\n", fullPath.c_str());                unzClose(zipfile);                return false;            }        }        else        {            // Entry is a file, so extract it.            // Open current file.            if (unzOpenCurrentFile(zipfile) != UNZ_OK)            {                CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not extract file %s\n", fileName);                unzClose(zipfile);                return false;            }                        // Create a file to store current file.            FILE *out = fopen(FileUtils::getInstance()->getSuitableFOpen(fullPath).c_str(), "wb");            if (!out)            {                CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not create decompress destination file %s\n", fullPath.c_str());                unzCloseCurrentFile(zipfile);                unzClose(zipfile);                return false;            }                        // Write current file content to destinate file.            int error = UNZ_OK;            do            {                error = unzReadCurrentFile(zipfile, readBuffer, BUFFER_SIZE);                if (error < 0)                {                    CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not read zip file %s, error code is %d\n", fileName, error);                    fclose(out);                    unzCloseCurrentFile(zipfile);                    unzClose(zipfile);                    return false;                }                                if (error > 0)                {                    fwrite(readBuffer, error, 1, out);                }            } while(error > 0);                        fclose(out);        }                unzCloseCurrentFile(zipfile);                // Goto next entry listed in the zip file.        if ((i+1) < global_info.number_entry)        {            if (unzGoToNextFile(zipfile) != UNZ_OK)            {                CCLOG("AssetsManagerEx : can not read next file for decompressing\n");                unzClose(zipfile);                return false;            }        }    }        unzClose(zipfile);    return true;}//fileName .zip文件名void AssetsManagerEx::decodPlazaRes(std::string fileName){auto fileUtils = FileUtils::getInstance();std::string path = fileUtils->fullPathForFilename(fileName);if(path == "") return;//将安装包资源文件拷贝至沙盒路径下std::string dataFilePath = FileUtils::getInstance()->getWritablePath() +"PlazaResources/" + fileName;  int pos = path.find("PlazaResources");if(pos == string::npos){std::string strPath = FileUtils::getInstance()->fullPathForFilename(fileName);  ssize_t len = 0;  unsigned char *data = 0;  CCLOG("strPath:%s",strPath.c_str());  data = FileUtils::getInstance()->getFileData(strPath.c_str(), "r", &len);  CCLOG("file:%s, len:%zd", dataFilePath.c_str(), len);  FILE* fp = fopen(dataFilePath.c_str(), "wb");  if(!fp)  {  CCLOG("file not found!");  }  fwrite(data, sizeof(char), len, fp);  fclose(fp);  delete []data;  data = 0;  fileUtils->removeFile(path);}//执行解压    struct AsyncData    {        std::vector<std::string> compressedFiles;        std::string errorCompressedFile;    };    AsyncData* asyncData = new AsyncData;    asyncData->compressedFiles.push_back(dataFilePath);    _compressedFiles.clear();    std::function<void(void*)> mainThread = [this](void* param) {        AsyncData* asyncData = (AsyncData*)param;        if (asyncData->errorCompressedFile.empty())        {            // 5. Set update state            _updateState = State::UP_TO_DATE;            // 6. Notify finished event            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::UPDATE_FINISHED);        }        else        {            _updateState = State::FAIL_TO_UPDATE;            dispatchUpdateEvent(EventAssetsManagerEx::EventCode::ERROR_DECOMPRESS, "", "Unable to decompress file " + asyncData->errorCompressedFile);        }        delete asyncData;    };    AsyncTaskPool::getInstance()->enqueue(AsyncTaskPool::TaskType::TASK_OTHER, mainThread, (void*)asyncData, [this, asyncData]() {        // Decompress all compressed files        for (auto& zipFile : asyncData->compressedFiles) {            if (!decompressPlaza(zipFile))            {                asyncData->errorCompressedFile = zipFile;                break;            }            _fileUtils->removeFile(zipFile);        }    });}